And the November session went like that:
Pt1: As a token of appreciation to Forestronika, The Electronik Music Festival, “Rebirth” 2012: (also on soundcloud)

A 70min genuine reproduction set of my live session performed during the festival on Sat 4th Nov 2012 – Lebanon
Set Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?p=10803
Pt2: PTE is visiting Hungary for this session with amazing artists:
AYA MAVRA, performing live! Thank you guys for joining PTE:

Set Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?p=10808
Pt3: “Euphoria” We have been in silence this Nov. due to maintenance, so this session is for the making up. When there is a will, there is a way…

Set Link: http://www.mcast.mercuryserver.com/?p=10820