Essential Mix 15/07/2001 - King Unique by King Unique on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
^Note Mixmag's EM cassette cover.
take your mind back to july 2001; dark tribal prog rules britain's superclubs & britain's sound rules the world. berlin is not yet officially cool, cigarettes are smoked on dancefloors, dance music slower than 125 bpm is punishable by death & deadmau5 has not yet been born; it is a time of great joy.the scene is a room full of samplers, synthesizers & class c narcotics - it is chong's palace studio (mark II), lair of king unique & sweating over a remix are two young men called matthew.
ring ring!... ring ring!...ring r-
KU: "hello?"
BBC: "hello it's the bbc here, can i speak to someone from king unique please"
KU: "oh, right - um hello"
BBC: "right - you know how we asked if you'd do a king unique essential mix in the autumn for us?"
KU: "err, yes"
BBC: "well, would you like to do it a bit sooner than we discussed? quite a lot sooner in fact?"
KU: "um... maybe?"
BBC: "great! the thing is (NAME REMOVED AT BBC LAWYER'S INSISTENCE) promised us a mix months ago & they've just told us it won't be ready after all. so you'd be doing us a huge favour if you stepped in"
KU: "right. just out of interest did ali & sharam say why they couldn't do it?"
BBC: "i couldn't possibly comment"
KU: "i see. well, we are insanely busy but we'd obviously like to help.... how soon were you thinking? this month or next?"
BBC: "oh definitely this month. in fact, um, more like, you know, er, this week actually"
KU: "this week!!!!????"
BBC: "...................... yes. by friday night in fact."
KU: "& you're aware that today is wednesday????!!"
BBC: "............................................ yes."
KU: "!"
so there you have it, the behind the scenes story of how we came to turn round our first essential mix in under 72 hours from a standing start, armed only with a mountain of vinyl, several samplers & a huge computer struggling to run 4 channels of pro-tools with less than half the power of a current iphone. this is King Unique Broadcast 0 if you like, the first time we hit the airwaves & not a bad way to start
to add to the nostalgia i've included the handy cassette case with tracklisting that Mixmag used to print each month for all the home-tapers out there - if you'd told us about Soundcloud back then we'd have burnt you as a witch.
enjoy the flashback
Release date: Jul 15, 2001
ring ring!... ring ring!...ring r-
KU: "hello?"
BBC: "hello it's the bbc here, can i speak to someone from king unique please"
KU: "oh, right - um hello"
BBC: "right - you know how we asked if you'd do a king unique essential mix in the autumn for us?"
KU: "err, yes"
BBC: "well, would you like to do it a bit sooner than we discussed? quite a lot sooner in fact?"
KU: "um... maybe?"
BBC: "great! the thing is (NAME REMOVED AT BBC LAWYER'S INSISTENCE) promised us a mix months ago & they've just told us it won't be ready after all. so you'd be doing us a huge favour if you stepped in"
KU: "right. just out of interest did ali & sharam say why they couldn't do it?"
BBC: "i couldn't possibly comment"
KU: "i see. well, we are insanely busy but we'd obviously like to help.... how soon were you thinking? this month or next?"
BBC: "oh definitely this month. in fact, um, more like, you know, er, this week actually"
KU: "this week!!!!????"
BBC: "...................... yes. by friday night in fact."
KU: "& you're aware that today is wednesday????!!"
BBC: "............................................ yes."
KU: "!"
so there you have it, the behind the scenes story of how we came to turn round our first essential mix in under 72 hours from a standing start, armed only with a mountain of vinyl, several samplers & a huge computer struggling to run 4 channels of pro-tools with less than half the power of a current iphone. this is King Unique Broadcast 0 if you like, the first time we hit the airwaves & not a bad way to start

to add to the nostalgia i've included the handy cassette case with tracklisting that Mixmag used to print each month for all the home-tapers out there - if you'd told us about Soundcloud back then we'd have burnt you as a witch.
enjoy the flashback

Release date: Jul 15, 2001
^Note Mixmag's EM cassette cover.