Spookhouse - Terminal Illness Vol.3
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Spookhouse returns to the BRAWLcast with the third volume in his Terminal Illness series, in his own words “its only just under 40 mins long but there’s a lot goin’ on in it”.
If you’re so inclined you can check out the first two volumes here and here.
There will be a new Spookhouse EP soon on Digital Distortions as well as a remix for Mad-Tek so look out for those in the next couple of months. In the meantime check out his previous release Break Yoself Fool!!! which is now available as a free download. Also head over to Soundcloud to hear more unreleased and in progress tracks.
Tipper – Spunion [Tippermusic]
Velapene Screen – My Beat [The Centrifuge]
Clouds – Conciousness (Randomer remix) [Turbo]
Patscan – Swoosh [Digital Distortions]
Circit Bent vs Mr Bill vs Tom Cosm – Caviar & Coke
Justin Maxwell – Join [Anti-Social Network]
Hosmoz – Zarnica (feat. Spazmic Systems) [Bedroom Research]
Patscan – Stum Futter [Digital Distortions]
Akira Kiteshi – Ming the merciless (Kid 606 remix)
Spookhouse – Nightmares on Cross Avenue
Velapene Screen – Breathe Again (SENSE Remix) [The Centrifuge]
An electronic music podcast brought to you by Digital Distortions, Limetree and Horror Brawl. Featuring DJ's and producers from a whole range of electronic genres. It's not only about the sounds of now, it's also about influences, old and new.
Digital Distortions
Limetree Projects
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