um hello peeps. long time no see :cry:
how is everyone hanging?
I must say I miss you guys. it has been a boring year not logging on 50 times a day to ms and dispensing some of my intelligence to you lame brain crack heads
how is everyone. I see some very familiar names still on the board: jibgolly, palmer, asdf, hos, psynce, tomtom, tiddles, crypt, mj, jenks, picklemonkey, chembevis,(good to see some of you cant be faded ) and some new ones that need a good dose of cowardly dj in their face to let the know how inferior they are to me :P
on a side note; the site is great guys. I love the work you have put into it. I remember when it was a year old and tiny. now look at it. It makes me feel good to be a part of such a successful site and to know that I was a part of its history. to see how much it has grown is amazing.
how is everyone hanging?
I must say I miss you guys. it has been a boring year not logging on 50 times a day to ms and dispensing some of my intelligence to you lame brain crack heads
how is everyone. I see some very familiar names still on the board: jibgolly, palmer, asdf, hos, psynce, tomtom, tiddles, crypt, mj, jenks, picklemonkey, chembevis,(good to see some of you cant be faded ) and some new ones that need a good dose of cowardly dj in their face to let the know how inferior they are to me :P
on a side note; the site is great guys. I love the work you have put into it. I remember when it was a year old and tiny. now look at it. It makes me feel good to be a part of such a successful site and to know that I was a part of its history. to see how much it has grown is amazing.