Effin Liberals

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  • asdf_admin
    i use to be important
    • Jun 2004
    • 12798

    kerry will do more for the war against terror because he'll use his brain not just his brawn.
    I just would like to add you can not fight these guys with books of power. You will only win this war by spilling their blood. It is disgusting I know. and do not UN me ...
    dead, yet alive.


    • Kobe
      I wish I had an interesting User title
      • Jun 2004
      • 2589

      Originally posted by cosmo

      My point is, is that just a cruise missle is not enough.

      What we are doing now is.
      I just don't agree with the notion that invading Iraq is doing anything to stop terrorism. If anything, I see it as helping the proliferation of terrorism.
      Beats are my crack.


      • Civic_Zen
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1116

        Originally posted by Kobe
        Originally posted by cosmo

        My point is, is that just a cruise missle is not enough.

        What we are doing now is.
        I just don't agree with the notion that invading Iraq is doing anything to stop terrorism. If anything, I see it as helping the proliferation of terrorism.
        Its absolutely not debatable that what we are doing in Iraq, and Afgahnastan is helping the war on terror. Don't forget we haven't stopped fighting in Afgahnastan just because we are also fighting in Iraq.

        Have you not been reading about what has been going on in Fallujia? Terrorists from many nations are there fighting us. Saudi terrorists, Syrian terrorists, just terrorists from all over. So if nothing else, they don't have time to plan attacks elsewhere in the world. They are too busy fighting us.

        Absolutely not debateble.
        "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
        "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
        - Thomas Jefferson


        • devon
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 362

          Originally posted by Kobe
          Originally posted by cosmo

          My point is, is that just a cruise missle is not enough.

          What we are doing now is.
          I just don't agree with the notion that invading Iraq is doing anything to stop terrorism. If anything, I see it as helping the proliferation of terrorism.
          more importantly it puts american influence in the region especially with iran. the youth of iran are already starting to break the mold of this militant islamic rule. by us being in iraq will slowly change the blueprint of the middle east.
          i really wish the floor would stop moving!


          • Jenks
            I'm kind of a big deal.
            • Jun 2004
            • 10250

            Originally posted by devon
            give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had.
            Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist Deacon.


            • devon
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 362

              Originally posted by Jenks
              Originally posted by devon
              give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had.
              Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist Deacon.
              Yeah but he wasn't as ideoligical as mr bush! fanatic being the key word in my statement.
              i really wish the floor would stop moving!


              • Civic_Zen
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1116

                Originally posted by devon
                Originally posted by Jenks
                Originally posted by devon
                give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had.
                Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist Deacon.
                Yeah but he wasn't as ideoligical as mr bush! fanatic being the key word in my statement.
                Obviously you know nothing about hardcore Southern Baptists, almost Mormon in some of their beliefs and much more cynical then any of the other Christian faiths. I should know, I have family that belong to the Southern Baptist church. Besides, Bush did coke at one time in his life, remember?

                I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Bush is either a Methodist or a Lutheran, neither of which preaches as much hard core christian beliefs. And are both much more understanding then the southern baptist or mormon branches of christianity.

                Carter was much more of a "fanatic" as you put it. Carter was just a little less open mouthed regarding his beliefs. But they no less dictated how he ran the country. Bush is more like Reagan in that regard.
                "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                - Thomas Jefferson


                • devon
                  Addiction started
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 362

                  Originally posted by Civic_Zen
                  Originally posted by devon
                  Originally posted by Jenks
                  Originally posted by devon
                  give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had.
                  Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist Deacon.
                  Yeah but he wasn't as ideoligical as mr bush! fanatic being the key word in my statement.
                  Obviously you know nothing about hardcore Southern Baptists, almost Mormon in some of their beliefs and much more cynical then any of the other Christian faiths. I should know, I have family that belong to the Southern Baptist church. Besides, Bush did coke at one time in his life, remember?

                  I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Bush is either a Methodist or a Lutheran, neither of which preaches as much hard core christian beliefs. And are both much more understanding then the southern baptist or mormon branches of christianity.

                  You are obviously misinformed regarding the different branches, or sect's as I like to refer to them, of chrisianity.
                  sorry that im not up to date on the different branches of christianity, thank you for the lesson, but fantaics are at all levels. especially those born agains, which applies to bush.
                  i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                  • Civic_Zen
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1116

                    Originally posted by devon
                    Originally posted by Civic_Zen
                    Originally posted by devon
                    Originally posted by Jenks
                    Originally posted by devon
                    give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had.
                    Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist Deacon.
                    Yeah but he wasn't as ideoligical as mr bush! fanatic being the key word in my statement.
                    Obviously you know nothing about hardcore Southern Baptists, almost Mormon in some of their beliefs and much more cynical then any of the other Christian faiths. I should know, I have family that belong to the Southern Baptist church. Besides, Bush did coke at one time in his life, remember?

                    I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Bush is either a Methodist or a Lutheran, neither of which preaches as much hard core christian beliefs. And are both much more understanding then the southern baptist or mormon branches of christianity.

                    You are obviously misinformed regarding the different branches, or sect's as I like to refer to them, of chrisianity.
                    sorry that im not up to date on the different branches of christianity, thank you for the lesson, but fantaics are at all levels. especially those born agains, which applies to bush.
                    Born again? The man was born and raised in Texas. He was christian from the day he was born, there is no "born again" regarding Bush.

                    I am not Christian, nor am I a religious man. I am agnostic, and will probably be so until the day I die. However, if at some point I embrace one religion or another, lets use christianity here, then I would become a "born again" christian. Meaning I went from being a non-Christian, and then was "born again" into an understanding of the Christian god. Bush was and will forever be a Christian.

                    Just some more education for yazz
                    "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                    "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                    - Thomas Jefferson


                    • devon
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 362

                      Originally posted by Civic_Zen
                      Originally posted by devon
                      Originally posted by Civic_Zen
                      Originally posted by devon
                      Originally posted by Jenks
                      Originally posted by devon
                      give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had.
                      Jimmy Carter was a Southern Baptist Deacon.
                      Yeah but he wasn't as ideoligical as mr bush! fanatic being the key word in my statement.
                      Obviously you know nothing about hardcore Southern Baptists, almost Mormon in some of their beliefs and much more cynical then any of the other Christian faiths. I should know, I have family that belong to the Southern Baptist church. Besides, Bush did coke at one time in his life, remember?

                      I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Bush is either a Methodist or a Lutheran, neither of which preaches as much hard core christian beliefs. And are both much more understanding then the southern baptist or mormon branches of christianity.

                      You are obviously misinformed regarding the different branches, or sect's as I like to refer to them, of chrisianity.
                      sorry that im not up to date on the different branches of christianity, thank you for the lesson, but fantaics are at all levels. especially those born agains, which applies to bush.
                      Born again? The man was born and raised in Texas. What do you expect? He was christian from the day he was born, there is no "born again" regarding Bush.

                      I am not Christian, nor am I a religious man. I am agnostic, and will probably be so until the day I die. However, if at some point I embrace one religion or another, lets use christianity here, then I would become a "born again" christian. Meaning I went from being a non-Christian, and then was "born again" into an understanding of the Christian god. Bush was and will forever be a Christian.

                      Just some more education for yazz
                      oh i forgot that the good christians drink and drive and bang out lines. this christianity sounds pretty interesting, if this shit is allowed where do i sign up?
                      i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                      • evangelion
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1999

                        Originally posted by Kobe
                        Originally posted by cosmo

                        My point is, is that just a cruise missle is not enough.

                        What we are doing now is.
                        I just don't agree with the notion that invading Iraq is doing anything to stop terrorism. If anything, I see it as helping the proliferation of terrorism.
                        Now this is the post of the year.

                        So all of those thousands of dead Al Sadr militiamen, that fuck who cut off Paul Johnson's head, Saddam's sons (or what was left of them), Saddam (from in prison, none the less) and anyone else who has been killed, imprisoned, or simply scared shitless by this invasion is going to resurrect from the dead, break out of jail or take back up their weapon and continue to carry out these pussy ass acts of terrorism? Did I understand you correctly? Yes, people that are any of the above are definetely going to do this, right? And not only that but they are going to incite others to do so?

                        Still following you?

                        What a joke.

                        Bottom line...the less terrorists, the less terrorism.


                        • mylexicon
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 339

                          Originally posted by devon
                          sorry that im not up to date on the different branches of christianity, thank you for the lesson, but fantaics are at all levels. especially those born agains, which applies to bush.
                          Try reading the Bible....its not about "religion" it is a very complex and ambiguous
                          moral code with one central universal message. People who believe are not
                          fanatics, and Christianity is and always has been about people coming together
                          to solve the world's problems without using force or legislation. Its like
                          government, with no army and without the power to put people in prison;
                          aka a charity.

                          An anti-war protestor stands on the street corner harassing the shit out of
                          everyone who passes by. A Muslim busts his prayer mat out on the sidewalk
                          faces east and people walk around him. A preacher busts out the Bible on
                          a street corner and the cops show up: we're sorry but public property is not
                          to be used for religious purposes.

                          No media uproar, no ACLU case, no justice.......i hate hearing evangelists
                          tell me to repent or burn in hell, but the fact of the matter is if i have to listen
                          to a bunch doves screaming at me for supporting the murder of Iraqi civilians,
                          then they are going to have to listen to fire and brimstone
                          condemnation from the Good-Book. Both sides have to be heard, whether
                          one is religious or not. Beside good liberals like you delirious, are never
                          close-minded or exclusive. And if you are, you may as well just put on your
                          KKK robe and pledge alligeance to McCarthy and join the Republican party
                          before Hillary, Moore, and their liberal cohorts smell a rat.

                          If government and religion are made to be kept separate, then throwing
                          people of off public property for religious reasons (i.e Boy Scouts in California)
                          means that public land belongs exclusively the government and not to the

                          Sorry off on a tangent, just read the Boy Scouts and California thing again,
                          it infuriates me to know that free land is not actually free to everyone or
                          every institution they way it used to be. The right to peacefully assemble on
                          public grounds has been abandoned.
                          Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


                          • Kobe
                            I wish I had an interesting User title
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 2589

                            Several responses disagreeing with my comment that the war in Iraq is helping the proliferation of terrorism.

                            My Lexicon, I never said Afghanistan, I said Iraq. No, we didn't stop our campaign, but we sure aren't pushing forward with it. We don't even have enough forces in Iraq to maintain what we've started, do you really think Afghanistan is getting the full attention it deserves? Fucking bin Laden is still out there right now but we?re too busy trying to keep those Haliburten rigs pumping.

                            As for the micro-groups fighting us in Iraq. Sorry, perhaps I missed how them targeting civilians in Iraq is stopping terrorism, perhaps you?d like to explain. These groups (al-Qaida not included) were a non-issue before the invasion- they never touched us, probably never would have. New enemies we've created because of the war on Iraq don't really count towards fighting terrorism in my book, it count's as creating new enemies, thus, DING! you guessed it, more terrorism.

                            Iraq was an isolated nation that was a minor threat to their immediate neighbors and had only incidental ties with terrorist. Compared with terrorist hot spots like Saudi Arabia, Jersey City, and Montreal, it was actually a very minor player because of these group?s differences with Saddam. Along comes Bush, topples Saddam, and now we have the new wild wild west were ever fanatical crackpot in the entire middle east is popping out of the woodwork and now for the first time ever working together against a common enemy, us.

                            Meanwhile whatever insidious things we sold to Iraq have clearly left the nice safe places they were kept for 2 decades and are now in the hands of god only knows who, god only knows where. I really feel safe thanks to the Iraq invasion.
                            Beats are my crack.


                            • mylexicon
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 339

                              Originally posted by Kobe
                              Fucking bin Laden is still out there right now but we?re too busy trying to keep those Haliburten rigs pumping.
                              Damn straight we are. The Afghan people need money to pull themselves
                              out of poverty and make sure that another Taliban doesn't come to power.
                              When we leave.....so just excuse our boys over there if they are focusing
                              more on economics than on revenge.

                              Originally posted by Kobe
                              As for the micro-groups fighting us in Iraq. Sorry, perhaps I missed how them targeting civilians in Iraq is stopping terrorism, perhaps you?d like to explain.
                              Sure. How do you know these people are civilians, because the muckrackers
                              who have little or no access to military intell take things and blow them out
                              of proportion. According to the media a terrorist who is unlucky enough to
                              be killed without his gun at his side = civilian. Women are never terrorists and
                              kids under 18 aren't either. Naive.

                              Originally posted by Kobe
                              These groups (al-Qaida not included) were a non-issue before the invasion- they never touched us, probably never would have.
                              September 11, 2001 taught us we can't make that assumption anymore. Those
                              who live by the sword, die by the sword. Our military action there is simply
                              the fulfillment of that prophecy.

                              Then of course the average idiotic liberal rebutt to that is "Then why don't Bush
                              and his evil warlords die by the sword?"

                              The simple answer: because despite what the TV tells you, they don't live by
                              the sword.

                              Originally posted by Kobe
                              Iraq was an isolated nation that was a minor threat to their immediate neighbors and had only incidental ties with terrorist. Compared with terrorist hot spots like Saudi Arabia, Jersey City, and Montreal, it was actually a very minor player because of these group?s differences with Saddam. Along comes Bush, topples Saddam, and now we have the new wild wild west were ever fanatical crackpot in the entire middle east is popping out of the woodwork and now for the first time ever working together against a common enemy, us.
                              That is why we cannot fail. Pulling out will only condemn us to this fate. Staying
                              the course, and rebuilding the middle east will stop terrorism. I don't know if
                              you are aware of this or not, but their is an enormously strong correlation
                              between terrorism and income in Islamic countries. Read about Tunisia, the
                              story of the country is the lesson plan we are trying to follow.

                              Originally posted by Kobe
                              Meanwhile whatever insidious things we sold to Iraq have clearly left the nice safe places they were kept for 2 decades and are now in the hands of god only knows who, god only knows where. I really feel safe thanks to the Iraq invasion.
                              We didn't sell them chemical warfare equipment we only sold them
                              conventional military stuff. Every super weapon America makes can be
                              destroyed by America. I don't know what the hell you are referring to, or why
                              you have allowed the media to whip you into a fearful frezy.
                              Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


                              • Kobe
                                I wish I had an interesting User title
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 2589

                                Originally posted by mylexicon
                                Damn straight we are. The Afghan people need money to pull themselves
                                out of poverty and make sure that another Taliban doesn't come to power.
                                When we leave.....so just excuse our boys over there if they are focusing
                                more on economics than on revenge.
                                But none of that oil money is making into Haliburton's pocket? Worse yet, it was such a poorly devised plan that it is you and I who will foot the bill for some Iraqi to have a new life since Bush is now asking congress for billions to rebuild. Brilliant, and I love how much they appreciate that... blowing up my peers and living off my tax dollars.

                                Originally posted by mylexicon
                                Sure. How do you know these people are civilians, because the muckrackers
                                who have little or no access to military intell take things and blow them out
                                of proportion. According to the media a terrorist who is unlucky enough to
                                be killed without his gun at his side = civilian. Women are never terrorists and
                                kids under 18 aren't either. Naive.
                                The Iraqi resistance has clearly shifted its focus to soft targets. Hinding behind the "media lies" defense is to ignore what is going on.

                                Originally posted by mylexicon
                                September 11, 2001 taught us we can't make that assumption anymore. Those
                                who live by the sword, die by the sword. Our military action there is simply
                                the fulfillment of that prophecy.
                                We'll never know, but it would take a pretty big car bomb for these guys to take over the world. It takes a well financed and organized group to hit us like AQ did. It's not as if we didn't know about AQ before 9-11, they had hit us before and even said they'd do it again.

                                That is why we cannot fail. Pulling out will only condemn us to this fate. Staying
                                the course, and rebuilding the middle east will stop terrorism. I don't know if
                                you are aware of this or not, but their is an enormously strong correlation
                                between terrorism and income in Islamic countries. Read about Tunisia, the
                                story of the country is the lesson plan we are trying to follow.
                                Agreed, we are in for the long haul now. The better move would have been to focus our efforts where they would address the specific problem, instead of opening new cans of worms.

                                We didn't sell them chemical warfare equipment we only sold them
                                conventional military stuff. Every super weapon America makes can be
                                destroyed by America. I don't know what the hell you are referring to, or why
                                you have allowed the media to whip you into a fearful frezy.
                                The point is threw a stick at the hornets nest. Instead of having a potential threat in check, we now have a million variables. We can't even track terrorists cells right under our nose, spearding this shit around the globe doesn't make it easier. In part I'm basing this on http://www.mercuryserver.com/viewtopic.php?t=142. Am I scared? Not really, but then again I don't think we've made the world any safer. Any progress that has been made, and there definitely been some, is offset by the damage done though this war in Iraq. (reference my above points)
                                Beats are my crack.

