Carl Cox @ Ultra WMC 2013 Day 1 3-15-2013

Carl Cox @ Ultra WMC 2013 Day 2 3-16-2013

I downloaded these and a bunch of other sets from Ultra this year and i have to say these two absolutely destroy anything else I've heard. I think their both around 2 hrs 30 mins, of pure nasty house / tech.
I (kinda) wish i was there to listen to this live but Ultra looks like its become all commercial. But Damn these are some epic sets. Reminds me of the Days when we used to go to the DC Armory (Washington DC) the Saturday after thanksgiving.
I've got them both if anyone is interested.
But i'd like to get anyone else feedback if they've listened to them.

Carl Cox @ Ultra WMC 2013 Day 2 3-16-2013

I downloaded these and a bunch of other sets from Ultra this year and i have to say these two absolutely destroy anything else I've heard. I think their both around 2 hrs 30 mins, of pure nasty house / tech.
I (kinda) wish i was there to listen to this live but Ultra looks like its become all commercial. But Damn these are some epic sets. Reminds me of the Days when we used to go to the DC Armory (Washington DC) the Saturday after thanksgiving.
I've got them both if anyone is interested.
But i'd like to get anyone else feedback if they've listened to them.