Currently, there are 40 active users.
2 of them are the owner and the coder
1 is the global mod who's now more interested in the trackers he admins, and rightly so
1 is the former resident DJ with nothing to reside at anymore
5-6 are the old-timers with 10'000+ posts, who are 100% aware that it's all been gone for years
1 is me ( a damaged human and an Internet pornorlord by his trade)
2 are Evil/Bloodstream
1 is Did-e
1 is Gus
15 beautifully useless contributors.
That equals to 25 "normal" users.
2 of them are the owner and the coder
1 is the global mod who's now more interested in the trackers he admins, and rightly so
1 is the former resident DJ with nothing to reside at anymore
5-6 are the old-timers with 10'000+ posts, who are 100% aware that it's all been gone for years
1 is me ( a damaged human and an Internet pornorlord by his trade)
2 are Evil/Bloodstream
1 is Did-e
1 is Gus
15 beautifully useless contributors.
That equals to 25 "normal" users.