Effin Liberals

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  • Civic_Zen
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1116

    Originally posted by devon
    you do know that bush had is daddy bail him out of going to vietnam and then avoided his reserve duties. kerry went and fought. who's the bigger pussy?

    also bush's stance on terroism was a reaction. pre 9/11 his administration did very little in the war on terror. clinton was way ahead of him prior to any major attack in the united states. he funded homeland security way before there was tom ridge. so now that 9/11 happened bush can stand tall and look like a bad ass american but his ignorance is part to blame.
    I'm not concerned with the past. Yes, Bush was a pussy back then. But people change. Bush is the one doing something about it now, where as Kerry wants to tear down our military "in hopes" of making our enemies do the same.

    Kerry may have been a good person back then, and he probably is today as well. But he is changing his stance constantly, he was FOR the war in Iraq, and backed Bush on everything he did. Now he is changing his mind, ONLY because he wants to win. And of course he wants to win, however I can't trust someone like that. Nothing he says is the same as what he said even a week prior.

    As for Bush not doing anything until after 9/11, first he only had 8-9 months. Granted, he didn't do anything, that among other things I completely disagree with. Just like I said in my post, there are many things he did or has done that I don't agree with, all I'm concerned about is the NOW. He is fighting terrorism, and will continue to do so if he is elected for another term.

    BTW, you do know how to use the quote button right? Your just jumbling everything I said into your post, it makes it much more legible if you use it. Try it out.
    "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
    "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
    - Thomas Jefferson


    • cosmo
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 583

      also bush's stance on terroism was a reaction. pre 9/11 his administration did very little in the war on terror.he funded homeland security way before there was tom ridge
      That's because his budget wasn't going into effect until October of 2000.

      Condi Rice said before the 9/11 attacks in several interviews that the intelligence agencies aren't working well together and it would take something huge to wake up America.

      As for Clinton paying attention to al-qaeda, he ignored the threat. He paid no attention after the 93 bombing on the WTC, and he did nothing when our embassies were bombed and our destroyer was attacked in 2000.

      He sent the FBI to yemen. Big deal.

      There are videos(I have seen and heard) of Clinton claiming that he had no real hard evidence to capture Bin Laden 3 times in Sudan in 98 when they(the Sudanese) offered to take him into custody, as if attacking us numerous times wasn't enough.


      • devon
        Addiction started
        • Jun 2004
        • 362

        Originally posted by cosmo
        also bush's stance on terroism was a reaction. pre 9/11 his administration did very little in the war on terror.he funded homeland security way before there was tom ridge
        That's because his budget wasn't going into effect until October of 2000.

        Condi Rice said before the 9/11 attacks in several interviews that the intelligence agencies aren't working well together and it would take something huge to wake up America.

        As for Clinton paying attention to al-qaeda, he ignored the threat. He paid no attention after the 93 bombing on the WTC, and he did nothing when our embassies were bombed and our destroyer was attacked in 2000.

        He sent the FBI to yemen. Big deal.

        There are videos(I have seen and heard) of Clinton claiming that he had no real hard evidence to capture Bin Laden 3 times in Sudan in 98 when they(the Sudanese) offered to take him into custody, as if attacking us numerous times wasn't enough.
        to say our country didn't have a budget for terroism during the transition of adminsitrations is a joke. the money was there.

        clinton authorized "snatches" inside sudan, yemen, afghanistan etc where they aprehended some of the top leaders of terroists organizations. this is when they got yousef who was responsible for the 93 WTC attacks, so for you to say he did nothing is completely wrong. he only arrested the man responsible. just because it didn't make fox news doesn't mean he didn't do anything. also he did destroy a training camp and weapons plant in response to the embassy bombings. granted it wasn;t the shock and all but it was a response.

        thanks for the quote tip. this thing is great!
        i really wish the floor would stop moving!


        • cosmo
          Gold Gabber
          • Jun 2004
          • 583

          o say our country didn't have a budget for terroism during the transition of adminsitrations is a joke. the money was there.

          clinton authorized "snatches" inside sudan, yemen, afghanistan etc where they aprehended some of the top leaders of terroists organizations. this is when they got yousef who was responsible for the 93 WTC attacks, so for you to say he did nothing is completely wrong. he only arrested the man responsible. just because it didn't make fox news doesn't mean he didn't do anything. also he did destroy a training camp and weapons plant in response to the embassy bombings. granted it wasn;t the shock and all but it was a response.

          thanks for the quote tip. this thing is great!

          We arrested Ramzi Yousef in the Phillipines by the way. And going after just who's responsible is no way to fight our enemy. It's an army of terrorists, something Clinton knew was out there but turned the other cheek. Look at what Bush has done compared to Clintons response. We are still cleaning out 50-60 Taliban a day in the border region, and Pakistan is doing the same. Do you really think after all of those attacks in the 90's against us Bush would have done the same as Clinton?

          As for the CIA, the funding was not there. CIA headquarters in Europe and throughout the world was gutted under the Clinton administration. There wasn't one CIA case officer in Europe that knew how to speak arabic. Instead of the FBI doing it's job they were too busy playing politics by snooping into the CIA. There is sworn testimony in books by CIA officers in the past claiming that Clinton intentionally called off plans to kill or capture our enemy for the fear of backlash.

          It's evident that the views of the 2 presidents are stark in their comparison. Bush is heavily involved in his foreign policy, Clinton went around for 8 years kissing ass while our threat grew greater.

          We can agree that the Clinton's were, and still are 'peace-niks'. They hated the Military in the 60's, and they hate it now. Isn't that obvious to you?

          Could you imagine what Gore would do after 9/11? He would pull out a prayer rug to understand our enemy. Their ideologies are the same.


          • Kobe
            I wish I had an interesting User title
            • Jun 2004
            • 2589

            Clinton tried a cruise missile attack on bin Laden while you were all trying to nail him for getting a blow job. Yes, they missed, which I'd have to blame on the military, but the point is he WAS trying. Pre 9/11, the only thing Bush was thinking about was cutting taxes for his rich cronies.

            Back to the original topic, to single out liberals as the sole proprietors of scandal witch hunts is completely hypocritical. That was all the conservatives/extreme right did for the 8 years Clinton was president. Even to the extent of entrapments and stings operations (remember Linda Tripp?)

            Those not concerned with the past will be certain to repeat the mistakes of the past, me thinks.
            Beats are my crack.


            • cosmo
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 583

              Originally posted by Kobe
              Clinton tried a cruise missile attack on bin Laden while you were all trying to nail him for getting a blow job. Yes, they missed, which I'd have to blame on the military, but the point is he WAS trying. Pre 9/11, the only thing Bush was thinking about was cutting taxes for his rich cronies.

              Back to the original topic, to single out liberals as the sole proprietors of scandal witch hunts is completely hypocritical. That was all the conservatives/extreme right did for the 8 years Clinton was president. Even to the extent of entrapments and stings operations (remember Linda Tripp?)

              Those not concerned with the past will be certain to repeat the mistakes of the past, me thinks.

              My point is, is that just a cruise missle is not enough.

              What we are doing now is.


              • devon
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 362

                Originally posted by cosmo

                Could you imagine what Gore would do after 9/11? He would pull out a prayer rug to understand our enemy. Their ideologies are the same.
                give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had. he blurs the line between religion and politics all the time. if they don't believe in what bush believes in, they're wrong. how's that not the same as bin laden.

                i love this forum
                i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                • cosmo
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 583

                  Originally posted by devon
                  Originally posted by cosmo

                  Could you imagine what Gore would do after 9/11? He would pull out a prayer rug to understand our enemy. Their ideologies are the same.
                  give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had. he blurs the line between religion and politics all the time. if they don't believe in what bush believes in, they're wrong. how's that not the same as bin laden.

                  i love this forum

                  Are you kidding me? When I say 'their' ideologies, I mean Bill and Gore.

                  And please, tell me how Bush and Bin laden are the same.


                  • devon
                    Addiction started
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 362

                    Originally posted by cosmo
                    Originally posted by devon
                    Originally posted by cosmo

                    Could you imagine what Gore would do after 9/11? He would pull out a prayer rug to understand our enemy. Their ideologies are the same.
                    give me a fucking break. george bush is the most religious fanatic president we have ever had. he blurs the line between religion and politics all the time. if they don't believe in what bush believes in, they're wrong. how's that not the same as bin laden.

                    i love this forum

                    Are you kidding me? When I say 'their' ideologies, I mean Bill and Gore.

                    And please, tell me how Bush and Bin laden are the same.
                    because bush sees the world in his own eyes and his eyes only. he's wearing blinders and can't see the big picture. if he doesn't agree with something it must be wrong. bin laden is the same. narrow minded and ignorant.

                    don't get me wrong i like how bush has gone balls to the wall with these wars. i even support the iraq war. and im not a huge kerry fan but kerry will do more for the war against terror because he'll use his brain not just his brawn.
                    i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                    • Civic_Zen
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1116

                      Originally posted by devon
                      and im not a huge kerry fan but kerry will do more for the war against terror because he'll use his brain not just his brawn.
                      This statement is one of the most misinformed I've read today, and with your buddies brakada and delirious on the loose, that is really saying something.

                      Have you read nothing about what Kerry wants to do with our military funding? He wants to cut it by 3.7 Billion dollars, and steadily tear down our military force piece by piece. His reasoning behind this? He 'hopes' that our enemies will see it as an example which they will then follow.

                      Of course, this is what he said last month, sure he probably changed it this month to something else. I mean this guys flip flops on all the issues. No matter how small or how large. In fact, in March during a speach at George Washington Univ. he said he was only going to "re-structure" the military, which would, and I quote "Not cost the taxpayers any more money." Ya buddy, it better not cost us more tax dollars if your cutting the funding by 3.7 billion.
                      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                      "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                      - Thomas Jefferson


                      • cosmo
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 583

                        because bush sees the world in his own eyes and his eyes only. he's wearing blinders and can't see the big picture. if he doesn't agree with something it must be wrong. bin laden is the same. narrow minded and ignorant.
                        Wow, I thought you would base this on emperical evidence. Your case is based on assumptions.

                        Most people put him in the same class as Bin laden for 2 reasons:

                        1) He's not a secular president & he has a moral relationship with God; a relationship with God that Bin laden does not.

                        2) We are at war.

                        Does Bush preach the intolerance of keeping women from having their rights?

                        Does Bush declare to women that they should wear veils on their heads?

                        Does Bush preach racism towards other ethnicities?

                        Your comparisons between the two individuals are weak at best.


                        • devon
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 362

                          Originally posted by Civic_Zen
                          Originally posted by devon
                          and im not a huge kerry fan but kerry will do more for the war against terror because he'll use his brain not just his brawn.
                          This statement is one of the most misinformed I've read today, and with your buddies brakada and delirious on the loose, that is really saying something.

                          Have you read nothing about what Kerry wants to do with our military funding? He wants to cut it by 3.7 Billion dollars, and steadily tear down our military force piece by piece. His reasoning behind this? He 'hopes' that our enemies will see it as an example which they will then follow.

                          Of course, this is what he said last month, sure he probably changed it this month to something else. I mean this guys flip flops on all the issues. No matter how small or how large. In fact, in March during a speach at George Washington Univ. he said he was only going to "re-structure" the military, which would, and I quote "Not cost the taxpayers any more money." Ya buddy, it better not cost us more tax dollars if your cutting the funding by 3.7 billion.
                          is this what fox news is telling you? kerry wants to get rid of the star wars program that bush re-funded. the project is a waste of time and has been since the beginning. terrorist are not going to use tactical nukes launching through space.

                          all i hear his that demorcrats want to cut military spending. this is crap. they want to redirect money where it is better put to use. not just awarding big business buddies with defense contracts. not just spend blindly.

                          by the way bush did cut soldier's pensions and salaries that are defending our country.
                          i really wish the floor would stop moving!


                          • mylexicon
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 339

                            Originally posted by devon
                            because bush sees the world in his own eyes and his eyes only. he's wearing blinders and can't see the big picture. if he doesn't agree with something it must be wrong.
                            You don't agree with cosmo, and you believe his thoughts are wrong. Are
                            you like George Dubya? Indicators point to "yes". We are all human and we
                            all believe in some sort of absolute truths and values. Just because your
                            morality code changes more rapidly than other moral codes, doesn't mean
                            you are more open minded.......it just means you are more fickle.

                            Give yourself a nice big pat on the back.
                            Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


                            • Civic_Zen
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1116

                              Originally posted by cosmo
                              because bush sees the world in his own eyes and his eyes only. he's wearing blinders and can't see the big picture. if he doesn't agree with something it must be wrong. bin laden is the same. narrow minded and ignorant.
                              Wow, I thought you would base this on emperical evidence. Your case is based on assumptions.

                              Most people put him in the same class as Bin laden for 2 reasons:

                              1) He's not a secular president & he has a moral relationship with God; a relationship with God that Bin laden does not.

                              2) We are at war.

                              Does Bush preach the intolerance of keeping women from having their rights?

                              Does Bush declare to women that they should wear veils on their heads?

                              Does Bush preach racism towards other ethnicities?

                              Your comparisons between the two individuals are weak at best.
                              Don't forget that bin Laden also disallows any muslim associated with him to take part in anything dealing with the western world. This means listening to John Digweed's kiss mix would get your head cut off. Of course most Muslims feel this way, not just the radicals.

                              And if you were stupid enough to try listening to Moshic or something, you would suffer the most painfull of tortures your imagination could concieve. Why is that? Because Moshic is an Israeli. And as we all know, Israeli's are the epitomy of all evil. Or say you wanted to check out one of there psy-trance artists, which they have many. Maybe some Idan Gutman.

                              Perhaps you wanted to watch that Fahrenheit 9/11 film, which in some ways, supports their cause. Nope, can't even do that. The way they treat their women is just the tip of the iceberg.
                              "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                              "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                              - Thomas Jefferson


                              • devon
                                Addiction started
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 362

                                Originally posted by mylexicon
                                Originally posted by devon
                                because bush sees the world in his own eyes and his eyes only. he's wearing blinders and can't see the big picture. if he doesn't agree with something it must be wrong.
                                You don't agree with cosmo, and you believe his thoughts are wrong. Are
                                you like George Dubya? Indicators point to "yes". We are all human and we
                                all believe in some sort of absolute truths and values. Just because your
                                morality code changes more rapidly than other moral codes, doesn't mean
                                you are more open minded.......it just means you are more fickle.

                                Give yourself a nice big pat on the back.
                                actually i don't think cosmo is wrong or right. i think that this is what make american politics, american politics. it's the beauty of the debate.

                                at least cosmo doesn't just post links to other websites with no original thought.
                                i really wish the floor would stop moving!

