I am wanting to buil my own web page but i have heard there are many really good easy ways to do this. has anybody used a web page that they think is really good that you might reccommend to somone that is computer stupid?
Building your own web page
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Re: Building your own web page
I think [Angelfire] has an online web page template... just fill in the information you want and you have a simple web page. If you want to get more detailed you may want to try using a program like Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe PageMaker, Dreamweaver, or some other equivalent. Most of those programs cost a lot of money, so it's just a matter of searching on google for a free web page developing software and finding one that you think is easy to use.
You may want to try [Nvu] for a free alternative to the named above... it's a comparable compliment, is 100% open source (FREE), and is built on the same engine that Firefox or Mozilla is based on. Note that if you use this, you'll still need to find a web host to hold your web pages, such as [Geocities], [Tripod], [Angelfire], etc. Hope this helps.
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