The XLR8R podcast series is nearly seven years old. During that time, the entire concept of podcasts has become ubiquitous; at times, it feels like just about everyone on the planet with an internet connection has one. Still, we've held fast to a simple concept: each week, we ask a DJ put together an exclusive mix, which we then post on XLR8R for our readers to stream and/or download. There's nothing overly complex about it, and the podcast doesn't come with many bells and whistles, yet the series has nevertheless become one of the cornerstones of our website, something that thousands of people flock to week in and week out. Last month, we featured a special series of mixes in celebration of XLR8R's 20th anniversary, and today we've arrived at another milestone: podcast number 300. We couldn't let the moment go by without celebrating, so we've enlisted none other than Maya Jane Coles to lead the festivities.
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