Not sure if this was posted but this is hilarious. (Work Safe)
"The Ring" in Japan lol
Re: "The Ring" in Japan lol
annoying!Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.Comment
Re: "The Ring" in Japan lol
Originally posted by picklemonkeythey look 14, act 14, and sound fucking annoying
those girls are the members of this girl-band called morning musume. been around for awhile. i believe the show is one of the tunnel's shows, probably "minasan no okagedeshita".(tunnels or ton-neruzu as pronounced in japanese is a 2 guy comedic act that's been around forever).Comment
Re: "The Ring" in Japan lol
OH MY GOD!!!! That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Those chicks straight booked out of that room even before the surprise ending. Screaming, crying, holding onto each other...over a movie??? Goes to show they are the same wherever you go.
Isn't the concept of The Ring from Japan in the first place??Comment