Re: Guy J - August from Romania with love mix
^^^I could live with that , but what would make me really happy would probably be a two hour monthly show. And what i would really love is if he put out some of his live music on Cds to buy like John Digweed has, but in better quality. I can dream !! It's just so bloody hard only seeing him once a year. In Europe he is doing an event and announcing the next one at that location. I'm already missing him before he has even been here.
I wish I was rich
I know I shouldn't complain but it's been an awful year here for any music and time goes so fast.
^^^I could live with that , but what would make me really happy would probably be a two hour monthly show. And what i would really love is if he put out some of his live music on Cds to buy like John Digweed has, but in better quality. I can dream !! It's just so bloody hard only seeing him once a year. In Europe he is doing an event and announcing the next one at that location. I'm already missing him before he has even been here.
