All though both posses some incredible skill, Sasha is by far the better DJ of the two. He has master the decks well beyond Zabiela. This isn't to downplay J.Z. who definetly plays with asignificant amount of skill but really there just is no comparing the two Sasha is on a whole diffrent level.
I can not stand James Z. It is all the fucking worthless scratching. Kills it. If I want scratching ... I listen to Q-bert, Dj Shadow, or Dj Craze. Those are fucking gods. I can respect for his skillz, but I can not stand the fucking noise that comes from EDM.dead, yet alive.Comment
Originally posted by asdf_adminI can not stand James Z. It is all the fucking worthless scratching. Kills it. If I want scratching ... I listen to Q-bert, Dj Shadow, or Dj Craze. Those are fucking gods. I can respect for his skillz, but I can not stand the fucking noise that comes from EDM."The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
- Thomas JeffersonComment
james Zabiela plays alot more breaks, the times i have seen him he's been wicked, and sasha can really work a crowd...and his tune selection is better, so it has to be sasha for always being able to play that track that you always wanna know the name of, weeks later.....Comment
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Jehov? es testigo de Francella.Comment
I'd have to say Sasha just because I like more of his style in terms of dancing and plays more "housey" but JZ is definitely a dj in a league of his own. Plus, like mistergk said, he plays more breaks, which is cool but something I'm not crazy about. But JZ is great technically and he's still young.Comment
Code:Wrote: ecpolonyc Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:58 pm Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd have to say Sasha just because I like more of his style in terms of dancing and plays more "housey" but JZ is definitely a dj in a league of his own. Plus, like mistergk said, he plays more breaks, which is cool but something I'm not crazy about. But JZ is great technically and he's still young. I agree with u!!! :RockOn:
Let's keep it progressive!!!!Comment