
Over 15 years ago up in Sweden, two young men started experimenting with deep, melody infused techno music. Not looking for fame or glory, but totally focussed on achieving altered stages of consciousness together with their audience, the duo was quickly recognised for their unique style and attitude. First touring the world as Son Kite, later as the well known Minilogue, it's hard find two artists who are more attuned to themselves, each other and their crowd as Marcus and Sebastian.
After touring and working together for so many years, being taken all over the world and having been part of so many special journeys and experiences, they thought it was time to explore new territories: their inner selves. This journey is one that someone has to make for themselves. As a result, Marcus and Sebastian have decided to put their cooperation as Minilogue on hold, indefinitely, for the time being. Both will be exploring their own inner selves, spiritually and musically. Both still being full on artists, they will be inviting their audiences along on the ride, exploring the depths of the psyche through trance inducing music, but from now on separately, Sebastian performing under his full name Sebastian Mullaert and Marcus choosing for his Nobody Home moniker.Minilogue has been a big inspiration for years for everyone at SEKOIA, and the talk we had for our interview (also in DJMag NL) with them surpassed all our expectations of them having both feet on the ground but their heads up the clouds. These are artists that go beyond fame, beyond materialism. It's an honour to be able to host one of their last recordings as a duo, performed on new years day at Drift in Nijmegen.
“Things don’t tend to change from one moment to the next. It’s a slow and evolving process. You always need a starting point, or a certain frame. Within such a frame, one has total freedom to create whatever they want and you can also pick whatever frame you want (depending on the matters you get in touch with in daily life). Many people are inclined to praise a chosen frame when achieving something beautiful, but to me it’s all about the freedom a certain frame provides me with. And if such a frame is coloured in in its entirety, I don’t want to hold on to it. I’d rather start colouring within a new frame, to gain inspiration for newer and different frames. At this point in time, the frame that is called Minilogue is completely full, which allows me to release it. I might very well return to it at a later moment.” - Sebastian Mullaert
After touring and working together for so many years, being taken all over the world and having been part of so many special journeys and experiences, they thought it was time to explore new territories: their inner selves. This journey is one that someone has to make for themselves. As a result, Marcus and Sebastian have decided to put their cooperation as Minilogue on hold, indefinitely, for the time being. Both will be exploring their own inner selves, spiritually and musically. Both still being full on artists, they will be inviting their audiences along on the ride, exploring the depths of the psyche through trance inducing music, but from now on separately, Sebastian performing under his full name Sebastian Mullaert and Marcus choosing for his Nobody Home moniker.Minilogue has been a big inspiration for years for everyone at SEKOIA, and the talk we had for our interview (also in DJMag NL) with them surpassed all our expectations of them having both feet on the ground but their heads up the clouds. These are artists that go beyond fame, beyond materialism. It's an honour to be able to host one of their last recordings as a duo, performed on new years day at Drift in Nijmegen.
“Things don’t tend to change from one moment to the next. It’s a slow and evolving process. You always need a starting point, or a certain frame. Within such a frame, one has total freedom to create whatever they want and you can also pick whatever frame you want (depending on the matters you get in touch with in daily life). Many people are inclined to praise a chosen frame when achieving something beautiful, but to me it’s all about the freedom a certain frame provides me with. And if such a frame is coloured in in its entirety, I don’t want to hold on to it. I’d rather start colouring within a new frame, to gain inspiration for newer and different frames. At this point in time, the frame that is called Minilogue is completely full, which allows me to release it. I might very well return to it at a later moment.” - Sebastian Mullaert
