This is an attempt to dismantle everything which Michael Moore stands for. In this thread, I will be giving you reasons why you too, should discredit this man. Or at the very least, understand him. That doesn't sound like a lot, but most people have no clue as to what this man actually stands for. This is even more important if you are an American.
Michael Moore is Not Telling You the Whole truth
This is not to say that he always blatantly lies. Its more about twisting the facts, and giving the viewer half truths, or manipulating the context of each issue so that it comes accross entiretly different then what it would if you were given the whole story. Just remember one important thing as you read this, there are TWO sides to every story, that is a very important rule and one which will serve you very well throughout your life.
Michael Moore is a masterful film maker, yes that is a compliment. He is very good at what he does, which is pretty much what I described in the paragraph above. But Michael Moore is a documentarian, he makes documentaries. And contrary to whatever you may think, the majority of his viewers go into the films he makes thinking it is all true because of this, or at least mostly true. Those that are into his idea's, or politics in general, often times go do more research on the issues and realize this about him, whether they are fans of his or wish death upon him. But they are the minority, most will never research the other side of things.
So the main point that I'm trying to bring accross with all this is: Before you accept what you see in his latest film F9/11, or any of his works, I urge you to just go out and do some research yourself. See if what you find matches what you were told in his movie, and go into this with an open mind. Whether you are liberal or conservative, or neither, you owe it to yourself and you country to learn about his agenda and his beliefs a lot of which I will go into here, but don't take this as gospel, remember, explore the issues.
Michael Moore Manipulates Victims
Moore held a screening of Bowling for Columbine in Littleton, Colorado for the families of Columbine victims, where he charged admission.
- Columbine mother Anne Hetcher "Its laughable that Michael Moore attempts to portray himself as an anti-astablishment liberal who is the voice of the common man, when in fact he is no better then the greedy capitalists he shuns. Maybe now that he has made millions of dollars off the blood of our children, he could toss a DVD or two our way to view."
- Mark Taylor, one of the victims that Moore took to K-Mart for the film, describing Moore. "I am completely against him, he screwed me over. I had no idea what Moore's adenda was. And he had an agenda, he had it all planned out. I believe that every American has the right to own a gun. We should have the right to protect ourselves."
I, for one, may have a little better understanding then most regarding what happened at Columbine. I live in Denver, Colorado, and attended High School no more then 2 miles away from Columbine. I had many friends that knew people who were involved one way or another, and knew one of the victims myself. She was a great person, and lost her life tragically. However, I had a chance to speak with her mother some years after the incident. And she told me she felt the exact same way as the two people I quoted above. Columbine was a tragedy, and Moore was only in it for the money.
Michael Moore thinks American's are Stupid
Moore has two personalities. In America, he plays the role of "hero for the common American". But when he is in other countries, he criticizes and insults the very same group of American's he claims to be the role model for. The common man.
- To the German fans, Moore asked "Should such an ignorant people (American's) rule the world."
- When a Japanese interviewer remarked that Moore did not appear to like America very much, he said "I like America to some extent."
- In England, regarding American intelligence, "They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet."
- When in Canada. "Just for my own mental health, I need to go sit in a room with 600 canadians and watch my movie."
And you think this is a man that respects you enough, as American common men and women, to tell you the unbridled truth??
Is Fahrenheit 9/11 Factually Accurate
Two points that have already been discussed, but I will post again here.
- Moore states that the Bush administration arranged for special flights (at a time when all flights were grounded) for the bin Laden family to get out of America right after 9/11. The whole truth is that only one man was responsible, Richard Clark who was indeed part of the Bush administration, but has since been decommissioned. And prior to that, was a huge Bush supporter, but since has actually written books criticizing him and his former co-workers. The point is that he ALONE was responsible for what happened, and was probably part of the reason behind his dismissal.
- Moore states that Bush attacked Afgahnastan for the main reason of building an oil pipeline through the country. This is one of the most downright retarded statements in the whole film, as we all know that bin Laden and al Quada were responsible for 9/11 and that this is where they call home. As of today, there has been no such pipeline built. Nor is there any plan and/or contract that suggest that one will ever be built. Its actually one of the few statements in this film that can be entirely dismissed.
I'm sure there will be more things to learn, and facts that he twisted once the film comes out and more political people see it. For now, this is reason enough to know that Moore is exactly what most people see him for.
Last but not least.
Moore hates Small Business America
Do you own a small business? Have plans to start one? Or work for one maybe?
- Moore on small businesses in Flint, Michigan "You know in my town, the small businesses that everyone wanted to protect? They were the people who supported all the right-wing groups. They wee the Rupublicans in the town, they were the Kiwanas, the chamber of commerce - People that kep the talk all white. The small hardware salesman, the small clothing store salesman. F`ck all these small businesses, f`ck em all. Bring in the chains. The small business people are the rednecks that run the towns and suppress the people. F`ck them all. Thats how I feel."
And yet I thought the modern day liberal was against big business, and for the little man. The little man is the small business owner there Michael. You are so ass backwards and hypocritical on all your statements.
Find Out the Truth
Chances are you have never heard any of the quotes listed here. This is because the vast majority of the major media agree with Moore's viewpoints, and will do nothing to challenge them. There are however various online resourrces at your disposal.
I said this was the most important part, so if you take nothing else out of this, just do the research yourself. You will notice what I'm talking about. You will also notice that nothing written here was taken out of context, or twisted like Moore loves to do.
Fahrenheit 9/11 ends with Moore telling you to "Do Something." I couldn't agree more.
Michael Moore is Not Telling You the Whole truth
This is not to say that he always blatantly lies. Its more about twisting the facts, and giving the viewer half truths, or manipulating the context of each issue so that it comes accross entiretly different then what it would if you were given the whole story. Just remember one important thing as you read this, there are TWO sides to every story, that is a very important rule and one which will serve you very well throughout your life.
Michael Moore is a masterful film maker, yes that is a compliment. He is very good at what he does, which is pretty much what I described in the paragraph above. But Michael Moore is a documentarian, he makes documentaries. And contrary to whatever you may think, the majority of his viewers go into the films he makes thinking it is all true because of this, or at least mostly true. Those that are into his idea's, or politics in general, often times go do more research on the issues and realize this about him, whether they are fans of his or wish death upon him. But they are the minority, most will never research the other side of things.
So the main point that I'm trying to bring accross with all this is: Before you accept what you see in his latest film F9/11, or any of his works, I urge you to just go out and do some research yourself. See if what you find matches what you were told in his movie, and go into this with an open mind. Whether you are liberal or conservative, or neither, you owe it to yourself and you country to learn about his agenda and his beliefs a lot of which I will go into here, but don't take this as gospel, remember, explore the issues.
Michael Moore Manipulates Victims
Moore held a screening of Bowling for Columbine in Littleton, Colorado for the families of Columbine victims, where he charged admission.
- Columbine mother Anne Hetcher "Its laughable that Michael Moore attempts to portray himself as an anti-astablishment liberal who is the voice of the common man, when in fact he is no better then the greedy capitalists he shuns. Maybe now that he has made millions of dollars off the blood of our children, he could toss a DVD or two our way to view."
- Mark Taylor, one of the victims that Moore took to K-Mart for the film, describing Moore. "I am completely against him, he screwed me over. I had no idea what Moore's adenda was. And he had an agenda, he had it all planned out. I believe that every American has the right to own a gun. We should have the right to protect ourselves."
I, for one, may have a little better understanding then most regarding what happened at Columbine. I live in Denver, Colorado, and attended High School no more then 2 miles away from Columbine. I had many friends that knew people who were involved one way or another, and knew one of the victims myself. She was a great person, and lost her life tragically. However, I had a chance to speak with her mother some years after the incident. And she told me she felt the exact same way as the two people I quoted above. Columbine was a tragedy, and Moore was only in it for the money.
Michael Moore thinks American's are Stupid
Moore has two personalities. In America, he plays the role of "hero for the common American". But when he is in other countries, he criticizes and insults the very same group of American's he claims to be the role model for. The common man.
- To the German fans, Moore asked "Should such an ignorant people (American's) rule the world."
- When a Japanese interviewer remarked that Moore did not appear to like America very much, he said "I like America to some extent."
- In England, regarding American intelligence, "They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet."
- When in Canada. "Just for my own mental health, I need to go sit in a room with 600 canadians and watch my movie."
And you think this is a man that respects you enough, as American common men and women, to tell you the unbridled truth??
Is Fahrenheit 9/11 Factually Accurate
Two points that have already been discussed, but I will post again here.
- Moore states that the Bush administration arranged for special flights (at a time when all flights were grounded) for the bin Laden family to get out of America right after 9/11. The whole truth is that only one man was responsible, Richard Clark who was indeed part of the Bush administration, but has since been decommissioned. And prior to that, was a huge Bush supporter, but since has actually written books criticizing him and his former co-workers. The point is that he ALONE was responsible for what happened, and was probably part of the reason behind his dismissal.
- Moore states that Bush attacked Afgahnastan for the main reason of building an oil pipeline through the country. This is one of the most downright retarded statements in the whole film, as we all know that bin Laden and al Quada were responsible for 9/11 and that this is where they call home. As of today, there has been no such pipeline built. Nor is there any plan and/or contract that suggest that one will ever be built. Its actually one of the few statements in this film that can be entirely dismissed.
I'm sure there will be more things to learn, and facts that he twisted once the film comes out and more political people see it. For now, this is reason enough to know that Moore is exactly what most people see him for.
Last but not least.
Moore hates Small Business America
Do you own a small business? Have plans to start one? Or work for one maybe?
- Moore on small businesses in Flint, Michigan "You know in my town, the small businesses that everyone wanted to protect? They were the people who supported all the right-wing groups. They wee the Rupublicans in the town, they were the Kiwanas, the chamber of commerce - People that kep the talk all white. The small hardware salesman, the small clothing store salesman. F`ck all these small businesses, f`ck em all. Bring in the chains. The small business people are the rednecks that run the towns and suppress the people. F`ck them all. Thats how I feel."
And yet I thought the modern day liberal was against big business, and for the little man. The little man is the small business owner there Michael. You are so ass backwards and hypocritical on all your statements.
Find Out the Truth
Chances are you have never heard any of the quotes listed here. This is because the vast majority of the major media agree with Moore's viewpoints, and will do nothing to challenge them. There are however various online resourrces at your disposal.
I said this was the most important part, so if you take nothing else out of this, just do the research yourself. You will notice what I'm talking about. You will also notice that nothing written here was taken out of context, or twisted like Moore loves to do.
Fahrenheit 9/11 ends with Moore telling you to "Do Something." I couldn't agree more.
