Still reeling from what happened yesterday to a friend of mine. She's 19 yrs old.
Her parents are divorced and both remarried and had other kids (all boys). They divorced when she was really young, like 16 years ago or so. Anyway, she stays at both her mom and dad's houses, changing from week to week. Yesterday, her mom gets an email from a tech site about the purchase of an item. She called them and asked what it was and they gave her the item #, date of purchased (in Feb), etc. It was bought by my friend's step-dad, her husband.
Turns out, it's a $150 digital alarm clock with a hidden camera in it. My friend has noticed it in the BATHROOM about 4 times, thought it was kind of odd, but assumed it was an alarm clock! She & her mom search the house for it and can't find it, but find the box for it hidden in his closet under a bunch of hats!
She tells me this and I'm freaking out. Her & her mom want to ask him about it but I told her to wait and next time it's in there try to get the SD card out of it. Anyway, he comes home and they ask him about it and he says "Oh it's for work. Someone's been stealing stuff out of offices." She says "Why was it the bathroom?" and he says "I was charging it; all the other plugs were full. You don't think I would................" I think it's BS because there are many outlets in the house.
And guess what else? The thing came with a remote control!!!!
She said "How come whenever I come into your office, you always black out your computer screen immediately, that makes me uncomfortable." and he acts all ashamed and admits he watches porn on there. (She's always telling us he's addicted to video games as well.) he never does the yard or anything normal dads do around the house.
My friend says she remembers seeing it on her mother's vanity (both have one in that bathroom) on the far edge, pointing towards to the shower each time, not near the outlet, but plugged in and stretched across the sink. okkkk????
I told her not to shower there ever again and to tell her dad. She doesn't want to tell her dad because she says he will fight her step dad (he's always been afraid of him), she doesn't want her mom & step dad to get a divorce for her little brother's sake, and she kind of believes her step dad, that it was all innocent. But, she stayed at our house last night!
Why did he hide the box under all his hats? Why wasn't he charging it at his own vanity? Why was it pointing towards the shower? To me, he is blatantly lying. Oh... he also purchased 2 sd cards with the alarm clock/camera. And he keeps taking it to/from work with him. ok WTF?????????? Her mom believes him!!! Her brother believes him!!! And she wants to believe him. I kept telling her "Hidden camera in bathroom pointed towards your shower cannot be explained in anyway that's normal!" Funny how her mom and little brothers never saw it in there, only my friend did.
Am I over-reacting?
Her parents are divorced and both remarried and had other kids (all boys). They divorced when she was really young, like 16 years ago or so. Anyway, she stays at both her mom and dad's houses, changing from week to week. Yesterday, her mom gets an email from a tech site about the purchase of an item. She called them and asked what it was and they gave her the item #, date of purchased (in Feb), etc. It was bought by my friend's step-dad, her husband.
Turns out, it's a $150 digital alarm clock with a hidden camera in it. My friend has noticed it in the BATHROOM about 4 times, thought it was kind of odd, but assumed it was an alarm clock! She & her mom search the house for it and can't find it, but find the box for it hidden in his closet under a bunch of hats!
She tells me this and I'm freaking out. Her & her mom want to ask him about it but I told her to wait and next time it's in there try to get the SD card out of it. Anyway, he comes home and they ask him about it and he says "Oh it's for work. Someone's been stealing stuff out of offices." She says "Why was it the bathroom?" and he says "I was charging it; all the other plugs were full. You don't think I would................" I think it's BS because there are many outlets in the house.
And guess what else? The thing came with a remote control!!!!
She said "How come whenever I come into your office, you always black out your computer screen immediately, that makes me uncomfortable." and he acts all ashamed and admits he watches porn on there. (She's always telling us he's addicted to video games as well.) he never does the yard or anything normal dads do around the house.
My friend says she remembers seeing it on her mother's vanity (both have one in that bathroom) on the far edge, pointing towards to the shower each time, not near the outlet, but plugged in and stretched across the sink. okkkk????
I told her not to shower there ever again and to tell her dad. She doesn't want to tell her dad because she says he will fight her step dad (he's always been afraid of him), she doesn't want her mom & step dad to get a divorce for her little brother's sake, and she kind of believes her step dad, that it was all innocent. But, she stayed at our house last night!
Why did he hide the box under all his hats? Why wasn't he charging it at his own vanity? Why was it pointing towards the shower? To me, he is blatantly lying. Oh... he also purchased 2 sd cards with the alarm clock/camera. And he keeps taking it to/from work with him. ok WTF?????????? Her mom believes him!!! Her brother believes him!!! And she wants to believe him. I kept telling her "Hidden camera in bathroom pointed towards your shower cannot be explained in anyway that's normal!" Funny how her mom and little brothers never saw it in there, only my friend did.

Am I over-reacting?