Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

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  • arno999
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 155

    Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

    what's happen ? any recording in 2014 ? (BPM Festival, Lyon, USA Tour, etc...)
  • jay813
    Platinum Poster
    • May 2005
    • 1344

    Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

    supposedly he's been playing the same stuff from the last 5 months. so you probably arent missing anything. i imagine there will alot of sets coming out from the winter music conference, so hold on to your panties.


    • dannyboy
      Platinum Poster
      • Jun 2006
      • 1936

      Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

      If there was i am sure it would be posted here already.


      • model1974
        Getting Somewhere
        • Jul 2008
        • 231

        Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

        He's probably sulking from all the criticism he's had for being the master of repeats. Kiss his arse more and he'll release a few more sets/ repeats.


        • Beato
          Getting Somewhere
          • Jun 2004
          • 211

          Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

          maybe he should retire.


          • floridaorange
            I'm merely a humble butler
            • Dec 2005
            • 29116

            Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

            Maybe he should do whatever the fuck he wants

            It was fun while it lasted...


            • arno999
              Getting Somewhere
              • Jun 2004
              • 155

              Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

              any mixe for WMC 2014, any mixe since 3 months....what is sad !


              • isrefel collas
                Getting Somewhere
                • Jul 2007
                • 157

                Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                Anyone that mixes knows how hard it is to get a ready selection of tracks to work and make it sound like a journey.... of course if you hear a set from a sasha is jan, hes going to be playing alot of the same tunes in mar apr. In my opinion the digital age has made people want more and more... they expect djs to play a different set every single night they play. This is simply not possible. Sasha releases a set when there are a selection of tunes that he loves and works well together. Back in early 2000s you had to actually travel to hear djs... and im sure sasha and other djs played the same set on tour for maybe 3-4months adding different tunes in here and there or changing up there sets to suit the country they are in...

                In short if you want to hear a set from sasha then go and see him play... He always delivers... and the atmosphere in a club is electric even before he has started his first mix.

                this set is the last ive hear and it all you need to hear the man is a fucking genuis

                Sasha at Celebrities, Vancouver by Sashaofficial on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds
                Last edited by isrefel collas; April 13, 2014, 06:38:43 AM. Reason: dohh


                • superwave
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • May 2006
                  • 3302

                  Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?


                  Well Texted Bro.


                  • Beato
                    Getting Somewhere
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 211

                    Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                    very true. i love the vibe in the club on nights he is playing. always an amazing vibe in the air. i've only experienced that with him.


                    • arno999
                      Getting Somewhere
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 155

                      Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                      ok, I like the music of Sasha & his vibes too for a long time
                      but any mixe since the new years eve 2014 : what else ?
                      This is the first time we do not have the opportunity to listen to a recent mix for as long


                      • aston's vision
                        Fresh Peossy
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 20

                        Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                        I have to agree with isrefel collas.

                        Sasha did post a new remix on soundcloud recently:

                        Hey Now (Sasha Remix) by London Grammar on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds

                        It's impossible to have a new track list or set every week without compromising your sound or diverting the overall vibe of your sound. If that's what you need, there are weekly radio broadcasts. Like ASOT, I think that's weekly? But cultivating a particular sound, you can only work with what you have available to you. Trance is in abundance right now, Sasha-like house/trance/insert-genre is not.

                        Certainly you cannot write (I mean create new songs) a 2+ hour set every week and expect that it's all good. I believe Sasha is more selective these days, which is a good thing. The San Diego set from 3/2012 is stellar, and a lot of that feeling persisted to Involver3. For the better (I listen to both still).

                        I'm no apologist. I would love a fresh set every goddamn week if I could have it. But there is the online world where it's easy to consume shit quick, and then there is the club, which 95% of people hear instead of floating around these boards. We represent a very small target group, Maybe the most vocal, but still small.

                        I look forward to hearing and experiencing (and I think "experiencing" should be lifted above hearing) a new Sasha show soon.

                        Sorry, I realize some of that sounds like a dick or preachy, it's also how I come to terms with my same wish as yours! hahaha!


                        • djrion
                          Addiction started
                          • May 2009
                          • 287

                          Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                          i don't buy it. there's more music produced now then back in the day and easier access to it as well. if you ever dj'd, you know how tiresome it is to play the same songs/mixes as well. in fact, i'd argue that it gets rather boring playing the same song more then a couple of times. sure you find a track or two that become a favorite or crowd favorite, but that shit still wears thin. the appetite to play the new new is always more important (to me) then to repeat some track. add to that Sasha's resources (monetary and connections) and the guy should NEVER play the same track twice. IMO


                          • gizze
                            Gold Gabber
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 771

                            Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                            I agree, there is no end of new music.
                            Every Sunday night I go through the new releases from the labels and artists I follow, and with maybe 50 labels and 100 artists there is usually around 500 new tunes to spin through, from those I tend to find around 30 in my cart and then from that lot I choose my 15 favourites I tend to do a mix with those 15 and there is always 2 or 3 that I then don't like, but that is enough to do a mix with an hours worth of top tunes.

                            Now, someone like Sasha will be sent hundreds of new tunes each week, surely he could play new stuff every weekend if he wanted.
                            My Soundcloud page...
                            GuyMiddleton's sounds on SoundCloud - Hear the world’s sounds


                            • ichiban1920
                              Getting warmed up
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 64

                              Re: Any new mixe in 2014 from Sasha ?

                              Sasha has been playing the same tunes over sets spanning severals months apart from each other since the fucking 90s. Listen to his mixes from 1995 during his prime, EVERY set had the same BT songs, and other epic-house tracks you hear.

                              Even his best sets from 1999 ALL had the same tracks he would selectively play for the entire year.

                              What he's doing now is no different than during his prime.

                              I don't get the constant whining of him playing the same shit. It's fucking ludicrous and bullshit. If it was 1999 right now we'd be bitching about him playing Xpander over and over.

                              I saw him play last week. Only recognized 3 tracks that he played that night in 2 and a half hours compared to the last set he played.

