1.-Espen - Hedgehog (Alfonso Muchacho Remix)
2.-JJ Grant - Signs & wonders (Robert R. Hardy Remix)
3.-Robert R. Hardy - Feathers & scales (Original Mix)
4.-Diego Poblets - Waves (Anthony Yarranton 'Underwater' Remix)
5.-Mindshield - Parana (Alex Villanueva & Kaban Remix)
6.-M.Jane and David Garcet-Amma (Marc Poppcke Remix)
7.-Alejandro Arroyo - Ignite (Muui Paranoid Remix)
8.-Genius Spark - Under your skin (Pete McCarthey Remix)
9.-Alex Ganti & Dio S - Ursa Major (Antrim Remix)
10.-Tvardovsky - Colours (Stas Drive Remix)
11.-Cut Knob - The Dumb Raver (Beat Maniacs Rework)