Life After Deaf...when you become music.
nasty horrible people who hurt or kill - they come
back as one hit wonders.
nice normal people who have just lived their lives
going through the motions - they come back as chart
happy dreamers come back as trance.
mad, up for it nutters come back as techno.
and deep dark people who have pushed the boundries and
explored their lives come back as prog or really good
the more you have achieved and pushed yourself and
left an impression relates to how long your particular
reincarnation is remembered and played.
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nasty horrible people who hurt or kill - they come
back as one hit wonders.
nice normal people who have just lived their lives
going through the motions - they come back as chart
happy dreamers come back as trance.
mad, up for it nutters come back as techno.
and deep dark people who have pushed the boundries and
explored their lives come back as prog or really good
the more you have achieved and pushed yourself and
left an impression relates to how long your particular
reincarnation is remembered and played.

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