Re: I'm beginning to lose faith in humanity...
^ I've been told that more times than I can count though I know you're kidding.
I know it sounds hokey, but I can read people's aura or energy or something. I think everyone can, but for some reason I've honed in on it more than most, maybe? My kids do it too. I can feel someone's energy without any contact with them from hundreds of miles away. It's sometimes frustrating. Also, I can be somewhere and feel so much negative energy around the people, I have to leave the place or endure feeling physically ill from it. I try not to take it in, but it just happens. They used to tell me I was extra sensitive or too sensitive, but now I see it's really a gift of knowing. I dream things before they happen too.
When my kids were really young (2 or 3), I'd have a spiritual question of some kind I'd be just thinking about, not vocalizing, and my child would blurt out the answer to me without any idea why they said it. Other times, I'll be pondering a question and a song will come on the radio indicating the answer. I have lots of music synchronicities happen very regularly & lately they've been amusing me. Do any other people have that happen? Maybe I'll make a thread. lol
I believe Alejandro is going to be ok or I'm destined to meet him in person someday & make sure he's ok.
^ I've been told that more times than I can count though I know you're kidding.
I know it sounds hokey, but I can read people's aura or energy or something. I think everyone can, but for some reason I've honed in on it more than most, maybe? My kids do it too. I can feel someone's energy without any contact with them from hundreds of miles away. It's sometimes frustrating. Also, I can be somewhere and feel so much negative energy around the people, I have to leave the place or endure feeling physically ill from it. I try not to take it in, but it just happens. They used to tell me I was extra sensitive or too sensitive, but now I see it's really a gift of knowing. I dream things before they happen too.
When my kids were really young (2 or 3), I'd have a spiritual question of some kind I'd be just thinking about, not vocalizing, and my child would blurt out the answer to me without any idea why they said it. Other times, I'll be pondering a question and a song will come on the radio indicating the answer. I have lots of music synchronicities happen very regularly & lately they've been amusing me. Do any other people have that happen? Maybe I'll make a thread. lol
I believe Alejandro is going to be ok or I'm destined to meet him in person someday & make sure he's ok.
