"We just came back from the ARCLIGHT in Hollywood and the reception was fantastic! I even got my republican father a ticket to see the movie in Orange County. Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."--R.S.
"We were thrilled when Rave Motion Pictures in Montgomery advertised that they would be showing it 6 times a day. My friends and I rushed to the theater to find crowds, camera crews and some disgruntled onlookers. The theater was packed, and the filmed received an uninterrupted 5-minute standing ovation at its conclusion. What a phenomenal piece of work--Michael Moore is a genius who might finally save this country from itself."--E.G.
"Turnout was phenomenal. They were showing the film every hour on the hour in two different theaters, and were still selling out. Right before the movie the ushers came in and explained to everyone that the show would likely sell out and requested that everyone give up any unsaved seats. The place went absolutely nuts when they announced the show was going to sell out. After the announcement, everyone sort of got up in unison and consoldiated themselves into the center seats, leaving the edge seats open for latecomers. It was the sort of courtesy I'm not accustomed to seeing in theaters. The film closed to a standing ovation. While I'm certain it didn't last as long as the ovation at cannes, the fact remains that I've NEVER seen a movie received like that."--S.D.
Fahrenheit sold out in advance with people lining up an hour and a half in advance to get good seats. Nearby theaters were apparantly also all sold out. "The applause during the film and afterwards warranted the 95 minute wait to get in the door. Bravo. This is the most patriotic film I have ever seen." --A.G.
"I'm in the middle of studying for the bar exam but there was no way in hell I was missing opening day. I went to a 4pm show at one theater only to find a line wrapped about the the building and into the parking lot. Hauled ass all the way across town and made it to another showing - full house, standing ovation. Fresno, CA is LOVING this film!"--P.C.
"Luckily I was on business in Tampa this week to catch the opening. I went to the first show. Let me tell you...the theater brought in extra police in case of trouble, I thought that was odd...but a good indicator of the power of the film. Everyone was laughing outloud and cheering, it was the most interactive film experience I have ever seen. A standing ovation at a movie theater...not at all what I was expecting !!"--B.G., USMC
"I woke up early to catch the first viewing here in Melbourne, FL at 11am. The packed theater cheered and clapped throughout the movie. So much of this I never knew or barely new anything about, thank you again. I personally was overwhelmed with emotions and moved by this that on my way out I stopped and bought three more tickets for the 4pm viewing and went home and called my parents and tried to talk them into going to see it with me at 4pm. My mother agreed to go (who yesterday the 24th told me she wasn't sure who she was voting for anymore) ... she came out of saying there was no way she would ever vote for Bush in November."--D.T.
"There was tremendous positive response not only at the end but throughout the picture. There was even a prolonged standing ovation that continued to the end of the credits. Also I dont think there was a a dry eye in the house."--C.D.
"I have been to other movies on their first night showings in Evansville, Indiana before, but I have NEVER seen it PACK a theater before! There were NO seats empty at the 6:50 showing, and the line for the 10:00 show was outside the theater. You would have been proud. The crowd cheered at the end of the MOVIE! I did not believe my ears." --W.E.
"I sat in a packed theater that was packed with wealthy people from all over the eastside of Rochester, NY. This rich, conservative, white audience broke into applause several times during the screening. Thunderous applause rose up at the end. I WAS AMAZED. We walked out, quietly, but excited about what to do next. We were greeted by lines of people crushing in to see the next show. Something wonderful in happening here."--C.C.
"I went to AMC Easton in Columbus, OH, and after getting in the movie i saw a thing that i never, but never saw before in my entire life, and belive me, i go to movies a lot, i mean a lot, almost every week. Police officers were inside the room where the movie was going to be shown, i don't really know the reason why. Almost all the seats where taken and i never saw such a commotion with a movie, it was more like a follow through, applause were given at almost every sentence spoken, and sometimes scenes just made your hair stand up."--G.L.
"Living in Houston, heart of "BUSH Country", my whole family, including in-laws piled into 3 cars and went to the opening to support Fahrenheit 911. We were surprised to find the showing sold out at the first theatre, but managed to find seats at the second we tried. We LOVED the movie, which gave us real hope that freedom and democracy will return to this Great Country in November. The audience gave a long ovation at the end."--J.P.