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  • delirious
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 288


    "We just came back from the ARCLIGHT in Hollywood and the reception was fantastic! I even got my republican father a ticket to see the movie in Orange County. Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."--R.S.

    "We were thrilled when Rave Motion Pictures in Montgomery advertised that they would be showing it 6 times a day. My friends and I rushed to the theater to find crowds, camera crews and some disgruntled onlookers. The theater was packed, and the filmed received an uninterrupted 5-minute standing ovation at its conclusion. What a phenomenal piece of work--Michael Moore is a genius who might finally save this country from itself."--E.G.

    "Turnout was phenomenal. They were showing the film every hour on the hour in two different theaters, and were still selling out. Right before the movie the ushers came in and explained to everyone that the show would likely sell out and requested that everyone give up any unsaved seats. The place went absolutely nuts when they announced the show was going to sell out. After the announcement, everyone sort of got up in unison and consoldiated themselves into the center seats, leaving the edge seats open for latecomers. It was the sort of courtesy I'm not accustomed to seeing in theaters. The film closed to a standing ovation. While I'm certain it didn't last as long as the ovation at cannes, the fact remains that I've NEVER seen a movie received like that."--S.D.

    Fahrenheit sold out in advance with people lining up an hour and a half in advance to get good seats. Nearby theaters were apparantly also all sold out. "The applause during the film and afterwards warranted the 95 minute wait to get in the door. Bravo. This is the most patriotic film I have ever seen." --A.G.

    "I'm in the middle of studying for the bar exam but there was no way in hell I was missing opening day. I went to a 4pm show at one theater only to find a line wrapped about the the building and into the parking lot. Hauled ass all the way across town and made it to another showing - full house, standing ovation. Fresno, CA is LOVING this film!"--P.C.

    "Luckily I was on business in Tampa this week to catch the opening. I went to the first show. Let me tell you...the theater brought in extra police in case of trouble, I thought that was odd...but a good indicator of the power of the film. Everyone was laughing outloud and cheering, it was the most interactive film experience I have ever seen. A standing ovation at a movie theater...not at all what I was expecting !!"--B.G., USMC

    "I woke up early to catch the first viewing here in Melbourne, FL at 11am. The packed theater cheered and clapped throughout the movie. So much of this I never knew or barely new anything about, thank you again. I personally was overwhelmed with emotions and moved by this that on my way out I stopped and bought three more tickets for the 4pm viewing and went home and called my parents and tried to talk them into going to see it with me at 4pm. My mother agreed to go (who yesterday the 24th told me she wasn't sure who she was voting for anymore) ... she came out of saying there was no way she would ever vote for Bush in November."--D.T.

    "There was tremendous positive response not only at the end but throughout the picture. There was even a prolonged standing ovation that continued to the end of the credits. Also I dont think there was a a dry eye in the house."--C.D.

    "I have been to other movies on their first night showings in Evansville, Indiana before, but I have NEVER seen it PACK a theater before! There were NO seats empty at the 6:50 showing, and the line for the 10:00 show was outside the theater. You would have been proud. The crowd cheered at the end of the MOVIE! I did not believe my ears." --W.E.

    "I sat in a packed theater that was packed with wealthy people from all over the eastside of Rochester, NY. This rich, conservative, white audience broke into applause several times during the screening. Thunderous applause rose up at the end. I WAS AMAZED. We walked out, quietly, but excited about what to do next. We were greeted by lines of people crushing in to see the next show. Something wonderful in happening here."--C.C.

    "I went to AMC Easton in Columbus, OH, and after getting in the movie i saw a thing that i never, but never saw before in my entire life, and belive me, i go to movies a lot, i mean a lot, almost every week. Police officers were inside the room where the movie was going to be shown, i don't really know the reason why. Almost all the seats where taken and i never saw such a commotion with a movie, it was more like a follow through, applause were given at almost every sentence spoken, and sometimes scenes just made your hair stand up."--G.L.

    "Living in Houston, heart of "BUSH Country", my whole family, including in-laws piled into 3 cars and went to the opening to support Fahrenheit 911. We were surprised to find the showing sold out at the first theatre, but managed to find seats at the second we tried. We LOVED the movie, which gave us real hope that freedom and democracy will return to this Great Country in November. The audience gave a long ovation at the end."--J.P.
  • Galapidate
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 366

    Shit, I'm scared of what the lines will be like when I go see it tonight :P


    • Mauricio
      Getting warmed up
      • Jun 2004
      • 52

      hmm, from those reactions it seems there is no critism, what about that? I cant wait till it shows in Holland


      • cosmo
        Gold Gabber
        • Jun 2004
        • 583

        @ the captions.....

        Give me a break.....

        Is this supposed to change the fact that it's a twisted propoganda piece?


        • Galapidate
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 366

          Actually it is a very moving film, much better than Bowling For Columbine IMHO. Some of the most convincing moments were NOT from things Moore said. Cosmo, your comments hold no worth since you haven't seen the movie yet to prove what you say. Moore doesn't need to make a film to show how Bush's administration is corrupt, but obviously you have kept a blind eye and deaf ear to that.


          • FM
            • Jun 2004
            • 5361

            I'm sure it's worth a view...I'll hopefully go sometime soon to see it.

            At the bare minimum, it'll actually wake up some people like it did in some of the above examples.

            Furthermore, I know it's been debated about how twisted some of the movie may be propaganda-wise, but my hope is that when people get awakened by this film, they actually go out and start doing a little more R&R...and keep themselves a bit more informed as to what's going on these days.

            "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

            What record did you loose your virginity to?
            "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

            Download/Listen To My Mixes
            A Journey Into Sound On MCast

            Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


            • Galapidate
              Addiction started
              • Jun 2004
              • 366

              I think the irony of it is that the people who think he's twisting facts are the ones who haven't seen the movie to prove it...


              • evangelion
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1999

                Ok, now post some negative reviews. I noticed those were mysteriously missing.

                "Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."

                "... she came out of saying there was no way she would ever vote for Bush in November."

                I think these remarks are especially sad. Mothers and fathers (most likely grandmothers and fathers) letting one person's slanted view affect their decision on who they want to run their country. This country is definetely in a sorry state when one person's agenda overrides anothers ability to think for themselves.

                Mission accomplished Mr. Moore.


                • Civic_Zen
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1116

                  You can go over to the other thread, the one I started about Moore, and see that I disagree with Bush on more things then I agree with him on.

                  And to be honest, I would vote against Bush too, but look at the other choice we have.

                  I'm willing to give Bush another 4 years to continue what he started and hopefully do something as a whole against terrorism. Besdies, I can't let someone like Kerry take his place if I honestly feel he would screw things up worse then they already are.

                  Maybe I should vote for Nader. :ROFLMAO:

                  I agree with what _evangelion_ said. Its sad that Moore can get people to vote for Kerry, even if Bush isn't the greatest choice. Kerry has no ideals people, he has no stance, he can't even walk.

                  I'm still not going to vote, and Bush is still going to win. So.....

                  PS - yes I have seen this movie, no I did not pay to see it. The picture of people standing in a line for it just crack me up. Star Wars maybe. Moore, Those people are frickin insane.

                  PPS - Lesser of two evils people, thats what this is. Lesser of two evils.
                  "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus (55-117 A.D.)
                  "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves."
                  - Thomas Jefferson


                  • FM
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 5361

                    Originally posted by _evangelion_
                    Ok, now post some negative reviews. I noticed those were mysteriously missing.

                    "Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."

                    "... she came out of saying there was no way she would ever vote for Bush in November."

                    I think these remarks are especially sad. Mothers and fathers (most likely grandmothers and fathers) letting one person's slanted view affect their decision on who they want to run their country. This country is definetely in a sorry state when one person's agenda overrides anothers ability to think for themselves.

                    Mission accomplished Mr. Moore.
                    Lead and the herd will follow.

                    Welcome to America.

                    "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                    What record did you loose your virginity to?
                    "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                    Download/Listen To My Mixes
                    A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                    Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


                    • Galapidate
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 366

                      Originally posted by _evangelion_
                      Ok, now post some negative reviews. I noticed those were mysteriously missing.

                      "Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."

                      "... she came out of saying there was no way she would ever vote for Bush in November."

                      I think these remarks are especially sad. Mothers and fathers (most likely grandmothers and fathers) letting one person's slanted view affect their decision on who they want to run their country. This country is definetely in a sorry state when one person's agenda overrides anothers ability to think for themselves.

                      Mission accomplished Mr. Moore.
                      One thing this movie did even moreso than an attack on Bush was a criticism of how Americans do not see what really happens in Iraq. All we hear from the media each day is that x number of American soldiers/marines/whatever died. What about Iraqi civilians? This movie showed how and why Iraqis want us out of there now. And it did not take any of Moore's slanted views to show it because it is the truth that we are hurting them although it appears we are trying to help them.

                      The same goes with the woman who, ironically, was interviewed both before her son was sent to Iraq and after she found out that he was killed. You can't make stuff up like that or denounce that it ever occurred. Once again Moore couldn't twist that story because that is truth. However, with the media today, we don't see personal reactions to the deaths of troops in Iraq, so most people don't take it with such emotion.

                      Oh, and about your comment about one person's agenda taking preference to others: Isn't that what Bush is doing? Isn't he trying to make us afraid with his stupid color spectrum of terrorism alerts just to keep us on our feet and stick behind him this whole time? Bush obviously had an "agenda," but unlike Moore's it didn't kill thousands of people.


                      • evangelion
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1999

                        Originally posted by Galapidate
                        Originally posted by _evangelion_
                        Ok, now post some negative reviews. I noticed those were mysteriously missing.

                        "Needless to say after he saw the movie he now plans to vote against the Bush. He has voted Republican since Nixon."

                        "... she came out of saying there was no way she would ever vote for Bush in November."

                        I think these remarks are especially sad. Mothers and fathers (most likely grandmothers and fathers) letting one person's slanted view affect their decision on who they want to run their country. This country is definetely in a sorry state when one person's agenda overrides anothers ability to think for themselves.

                        Mission accomplished Mr. Moore.

                        One thing this movie did even moreso than an attack on Bush was a criticism of how Americans do not see what really happens in Iraq. All we hear from the media each day is that x number of American soldiers/marines/whatever died. What about Iraqi civilians? This movie showed how and why Iraqis want us out of there now. And it did not take any of Moore's slanted views to show it because it is the truth that we are hurting them although it appears we are trying to help them.

                        The same goes with the woman who, ironically, was interviewed both before her son was sent to Iraq and after she found out that he was killed. You can't make stuff up like that or denounce that it ever occurred. Once again Moore couldn't twist that story because that is truth. However, with the media today, we don't see personal reactions to the deaths of troops in Iraq, so most people don't take it with such emotion.

                        Oh, and about your comment about one person's agenda taking preference to others: Isn't that what Bush is doing? Isn't he trying to make us afraid with his stupid color spectrum of terrorism alerts just to keep us on our feet and stick behind him this whole time? Bush obviously had an "agenda," but unlike Moore's it didn't kill thousands of people.
                        Millions dead in WWII alone, including women and children. Most people think ending that was a just cause. Freedom is not free, it may sound clique or whatever but it is true. My grandfather took a bullet trying to further freedom. If it was so simple it wouldn't mean so much.

                        So many people these days want to act like its something new that Americans and others are dying in a war. Its what we have been doing for thousands of years. Its an integral part of humanity and it will never go away. This is just the newest version. All you can hope for is that something good comes from it.

                        Does Michael Moore really think he is going to change the course of things. Kerry gets elected, Iraq is still a mess and everything is just like it was. Nice job. Like Tyler Durden said "polishing the brass on the Titanic."


                        • mylexicon
                          Addiction started
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 339

                          Originally posted by Galapidate
                          What about Iraqi civilians? This movie showed how and why Iraqis want us out of there now. And it did not take any of Moore's slanted views to show it because it is the truth that we are hurting them although it appears we are trying to help them.

                          The same goes with the woman who, ironically, was interviewed both before her son was sent to Iraq and after she found out that he was killed. You can't make stuff up like that or denounce that it ever occurred. Once again Moore couldn't twist that story because that is truth. However, with the media today, we don't see personal reactions to the deaths of troops in Iraq, so most people don't take it with such emotion.
                          You have made a complete clown out of yourself over the course of
                          the last week or so. I told you straight up on Mercuryserver 1 that Moore
                          was going to make the war on terror look like a bad thing and i even restated on MS2
                          how he was going to do it too......and you still fell for it. The people who were
                          once in danger are now safe (people in torture chambers, Kurds, Shiites) and
                          the people who were once safe are now in danger because the terrorists and
                          Baathists that left them alone for so long are still living amongst them and
                          must be eliminated. Things are not better or worse, they are different, the
                          people who are now suffering are throwing fits and the people who are free
                          are minding their own business. We waged this war in order to change the
                          balance of power and eventually free all Iraqis......of course things look
                          bad now. Terrorists are running around blowing everyone up.....its
                          war....what do you want? Before the war the voices of the suffering
                          were kept silent and out of view, but now that the media is there everyone
                          with a toothache or worse makes the news if it has to do with the U.S. military.

                          Secondly, emotional mood swings don't equal truth......a mother who is
                          supportive before the war then changes her mind after her sons death is
                          natural. Why do you think they made sure they found a woman.......cuz more
                          likely than not a man ain't gonna bawl for an hour during the interview. Secondly,
                          there are just as many people or more who are willing to accept that family
                          members died in the conflict while trying to keep America safe and change
                          the political tyranny of the Middle East. No doubt, their voices weren't heard.
                          What Michael Moore did was show you one small side of an issue by telling
                          a story.....thats called anecdotal is exalted primarily by idiots
                          or by people trying to persuade them. Try using anecdotal evidence in a
                          court room, unless its the closing argument, you'll get laughed right out of
                          court. Proof?! HAH!

                          Politics is a battle for the heart and mind of the average idiot. Both parties
                          have intelligent constituencies with differences in ideology (the people who
                          agree to disagree). Politicians don't argue to prove or disprove one another......
                          they are smart enought to know that is impossible in a world of many ideals.
                          Politicians argue to swing the rest of America--a nation of 80% open
                          minded swing voters aka idiots. They have no opinon on anything which is
                          why politicians have found it so easy to sway them with stupid little stories
                          called anecdotes. I can't remeber the last time i heard a state of the union
                          address without one. Michael Moore is the king of anecdotes, and he tells
                          them with TV, which makes them even more powerful.

                          So now after seeing fahrenheit 911 you believe that leaving terrorists alone
                          so they can ravage entire regions.....while organizing the occasional hit on
                          our shores is acceptable, but your fear and anger towards terrorists has now
                          been redirected to another man/ institution that has never meant you any harm.

                          So now that i have blown the cover off this stupid conspiracy for my own political
                          purposes, you can't trust me.....and consequently you can't trust Moore either.
                          Soooooo who are you going to turn to? How about looking inside for
                          a change? Use the rational brain you were given (the only thing that
                          differentiates us from animals) and go find some answers in other places
                          than your local AMC.
                          Be a freedom fries..


                          • Galapidate
                            Addiction started
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 366

                            I am not "falling" for Moore's stuff, in fact I am still a bit skeptical about the whole Bush/Saudi royal family relation segment of the film. However, you can't deny that war is a terrible thing and that we killed thousands of Iraqi civilians needlessly and nobody seems to give a shit. Our original goal after 9/11 was to attack the people who plotted 9/11 and killed 3000 of our citizens, and we knew that al Qaeda did it. Bush got support with going into Afghanistan, but when it came to Iraq the rest of the world would not help at all. The rest of the world saw through the bullshit with the terror alerts used to keep us on our toes for the past couple years. I don't know if it's that Americans are naturally belligerent or stupid that they agreed to back Bush when he wanted to go to Iraq. Saddam posed NO threat to us and fighting in Iraq is NOT for our freedom, but rather for the Iraqis. I don't see anything wrong with going to free a group of people, but under the weak justification (WMDs) we had and the lack of world support it was not a good idea in the first place. And now, after a little over a year of guerrilla attacks and three days until we turn over sovereignty, there is little hope in stability ever arriving in Iraq. I'm sorry, but I think Iraq was much more stable with Saddam. Although he did commit many atrocities to his people, the whole country was not in anarchy like it is now and we weren't losing troops almost every day.


                            • mylexicon
                              Addiction started
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 339

                              Originally posted by Galapidate
                              I'm sorry, but I think Iraq was much more stable with Saddam. Although he did commit many atrocities to his people, the whole country was not in anarchy like it is now and we weren't losing troops almost every day.
                              I know exactly why you think that and i'm not willing to respect it. Saddam
                              posed less of a threat to America as long as U.N. sanctions were choking his
                              already tortured subjects.
                              U.N. sanctions crippled Iraqi commerce and limited
                              their only source of wealth (oil). Before we started maiming the Iraqi people
                              to avoid having to kill Saddam, Saddam ran around unchecked in the region.
                              He started a war with Iran, he built WMD to destroy Israel and Middle Eastern
                              nations that might be friendly to the U.S. (Jordan), and he attacked Kuwait
                              unprovoked thus sentencing tens/hundreds of thousands of his troops to
                              death simply so he could have more Texas Tea. And when he sent his troops
                              into Kuwait we were more than happy to kill them and to leave Saddam alone.
                              Imagine if during WWII the Allies had defeated the Wehrmacht and then
                              just left Hitler to chill out in his chalet because we didn't want to fight and we
                              were afraid that a new leader would be worse. That's pretty much what happened
                              in GWI.

                              A lot of the Middle East is happy to have him gone because he was powerful
                              and fickle. Iran hated him, Saudi Arabia hated him, Kuwait hated him, and
                              so did Jordan. There has only been condemnation for the U.S. entering the region
                              because many Arab governments know their citizens believe we will never
                              leave, even after the conflict is over......they truly do believe, as some liberals
                              believe, that President Bush's only ambition is to take over the world.
                              Be a freedom fries..

