Re: Ecstasy and anti-depressant drugs can block cancer growt
undrgrndwmn- The studies you speak of were done in the 90's and were not the cause for making Ecstasy illegal. The DEA was attempting to get it scheduled but even the judge didn't feel that they had proven the drug to have a high abuse potential and no medical uses. The judge also stated that it should have been scheduled either a 3 or 4. The DEA didn't want to wait and then placed it on an "emergency ban".
I'm really surprised at the reaction by most here. Amazing how some are so willing the disregard the information because it suggests a positive use for an illicit drug. The article also mentions SSRI's like Prozac but most probably chose to ignore that as well. To me this makes perfect sense as increased levels of seratonin have been shown to be have a natural healing effect (your more likely to be healthy if your happy).
undrgrndwmn- The studies you speak of were done in the 90's and were not the cause for making Ecstasy illegal. The DEA was attempting to get it scheduled but even the judge didn't feel that they had proven the drug to have a high abuse potential and no medical uses. The judge also stated that it should have been scheduled either a 3 or 4. The DEA didn't want to wait and then placed it on an "emergency ban".
I'm really surprised at the reaction by most here. Amazing how some are so willing the disregard the information because it suggests a positive use for an illicit drug. The article also mentions SSRI's like Prozac but most probably chose to ignore that as well. To me this makes perfect sense as increased levels of seratonin have been shown to be have a natural healing effect (your more likely to be healthy if your happy).