Militants (?) at it again!

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  • delirious
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 288

    Originally posted by dohturdima
    Originally posted by delirious
    IMHO War is barbaric. Killing people is barbaric. Dropping illegal cluster bombs is barbaric.
    Spin, spin and more spin. Tie completely unrelated, out of context statements and this is what we get. Brilliant as always. Goebbels would be proud.

    You wrote:
    Um, wiping out an army by minimizing civilian casualties is barbaric? Fighting an insurgency, which most of the population admittedly does NOT support (see Ayatollah Sistani) is barbaric?
    I replied by saying I think war itself is barbaric.

    I thought Iraq was part of the "war on terrorism". Are you now saying that fighting these insurgents is "unrelated" to war?


    • brakada
      Gold Gabber
      • Jun 2004
      • 622

      Originally posted by dohturdima
      That's why there is that thing in the cranium. You know, the one that thinks (hopefully), and is able to separate opinions from facts, spin from objective reporting, etc etc?
      With all the objective reporting we get these days, we're probably all (liberals, conservatives, socialists,...) a bunch of idiots (no offense intended), with statements based on our presumptions, rather than facts, fed to us by the media. But this is probably the best we can do, since we will probably never know everything or the absolute truth, nor will we be able to separate it from the flood of lies.

      Especially, it is hard to talk about facts when discussing politics. After all most of politics relies on lies about yourself and telling the "truth" about your political opponents, thus twisting facts becomes very easy for all sides involved... But, that's just my opinion...
      We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


      • rhipkin
        Getting warmed up
        • Jun 2004
        • 61

        Er...the war on Iraq was NOT a "war on terrorism". It was on war on WMD and Saddam's regime. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.


        • delirious
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 288

          Originally posted by rhipkin
          Er...the war on Iraq was NOT a "war on terrorism". It was on war on WMD and Saddam's regime. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
          Well, according to Bush, it is.
          We're fighting on many fronts, and Iraq is now the central front. Saddam holdouts and foreign terrorists are trying desperately to undermine Iraq's progress and to throw that country into chaos. The terrorists in Iraq believe their attacks on innocent people will weaken our resolve. That's what they believe. They believe that America will run from a challenge. They're mistaken. Americans are not the running kind.
          Bush talking about the War on Terror

          He and other terrorists know that Iraq is now the central front in the war on terror. And we must understand that, as well.
          The latest news and information from the Biden-Harris administration.

          Even if you don't believe what Bush said, it's a war alright. :cry:


          • brakada
            Gold Gabber
            • Jun 2004
            • 622

            Originally posted by rhipkin
            Er...the war on Iraq was NOT a "war on terrorism". It was on war on WMD and Saddam's regime. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
            Sadly, the Bush administration made sure that Iraq now is a part of the war on terrorism...
            We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


            • rhipkin
              Getting warmed up
              • Jun 2004
              • 61

              Yes they fighting terrorist in Iraq, Iraq is not the war on terrorism....anyway Bush will say anything to draw attention away from his failings

              <---Not a Bush fan


              • delirious
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 288

                Originally posted by rhipkin
                Yes they fighting terrorist in Iraq, Iraq is not the war on terrorism....anyway Bush will say anything to draw attention away from his failings
                Now I agree with that!

                I was arguing with a Bush-defender who was trying to argue that war is "unrelated" to fighting the insurgents. I was using his leader's own words against him.

                Anyway, even if you don't link Iraq to the war on terror, it's definately a war, which disproves his point.

                "It's low-intensity conflict in our doctrinal terms, but it's war however you describe it"
                John Abizaid, Head of US Central Command


                • rhipkin
                  Getting warmed up
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 61

                  Yes it is war no matter how you look at it. War IS barbaric, war is the complete degradation of human diginty, rights and morality. It is wrong in every sense of the word, we as Human Beings are the custodians of this planet, we meant to be looking after it and as a reward we can live off it - until some twat got too greedy.

                  I was totally opposed to the initial war in Iraq, purely because I could see the outcome before it happened. I argued on many boards about how a new war would be fought after the crushing of Saddam's army, I knew that terrorism and brutuality would raise it's ugly head - the middle east is know for it's militant's and fanatism but everyone argued back saying - no ways it's over Iraq is free!!!

                  I'm praying everyday, everyday that this senseless murder and brutal beheadings stop. I fought in a war. I was Special Forces South African Infantry - I fought in Angola and Mozambique I know first hand at the brutality of war, how quickly you lose respect for your foe, you see them as non human - you lose your morality......


