John Kerry quotes

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  • evangelion
    Platinum Poster
    • Jun 2004
    • 1999

    Originally posted by delirious
    Originally posted by _evangelion_
    Originally posted by Galapidate
    The War On Terror's original intentions of getting rid of al Qaeda were ok, but the war in Iraq was not.
    Says Liberals? All of the brainwashed masses having just seen your buddy Moore's movie and all of sudden think they "know what's going on?"
    No, most of the world (see the Gallup poll in the "Is bush winning the WOT thread). The US couldn't even get the Security Council to pass a vote to "liberate" Iraq. More people protested this war around the war than nearly any other even in history...were all those people also brainwashed by Michael Moore's movie?
    And this means what? Bush should not do what he thinks is right because the world doesn't agree? Let's see...the two most outspoken opponents to this war: France and Germany. What kind of stature do they hold in the world opinion, especially when it comes to matters of war.

    Most people protest every war. I can not think of a war in history that had a 100% approval rating, so that agrument means nothing. So more people protested this world than any other? Guess what...the next big war that happens will be protested more than this one. As time passes the general populations of most countries are becoming less and less tolerant of war of any knind, for any reason. So that arguement means nothing.

    Your question about the people who protested this war being brainwashed by Moore shows just how thin your arguement is getting. These protests you're referring too happened last year. How could they have been brainwashed by a movie that wasn't even out yet. Yet, you made the statement anyway. Listen man, take a break, get some sleep.You must be exhausted from all of your chart, poll and quote finding missions. We'll pick this up again later.


    • delirious
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 288

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      And this means what? Bush should not do what he thinks is right because the world doesn't agree?
      No, if Bush is fighting a war on terrorism that requires allies and credibility. He shouldn't be allienating the world and diminishing the opinion of the US worldwide. That's called LOSING THE WAR ON TERRORISM. Less people trust the US. More Muslims are becoming extremist. There are more terrrorist attacks. According to the US's own stats.

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      Let's see...the two most outspoken opponents to this war: France and Germany. What kind of stature do they hold in the world opinion, especially when it comes to matters of war.
      There you go about France and Germany again. They weren't the only countries opposed to the war. They were merely the countries on the Security Council which opposed the war. For your information, the following countries also condemned the war:

      New Zealand
      The Czech Republic
      The Vatican City

      The Entire Arab League, with the exception of Kuwait:

      * Egypt
      * Iraq
      * Jordan
      * Lebanon
      * Saudi Arabia
      * Syria
      * Yemen
      * Libya
      * Sudan
      * Morocco
      * Tunisia
      * Algeria
      * United Arab Emirates
      * Bahrai
      * Qatar
      * Oman
      * Mauritania 3
      * Somalia
      * Palestine
      * Djibouti
      * Comoros

      As well as the African Union, consisting of 53 member states including:

      * People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
      * Republic of Angola
      * Republic of Benin
      * Republic of Botswana
      * Burkina Faso
      * Republic of Burundi
      * Republic of Cameroon
      * Republic of Cape Verde
      * Central African Republic
      * Republic of Chad
      * Union of Comoros
      * Republic of the Congo
      * Republic of C?te d'Ivoire
      * Democratic Republic of Congo
      * Republic of Djibouti
      * Arab Republic of Egypt
      * State of Eritrea
      * Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
      * Republic of Equatorial Guinea
      * Gabonese Republic
      * The Republic of The Gambia
      * Republic of Ghana
      * Republic of Guinea
      * Republic of Guinea Bissau
      * Republic of Kenya
      * Lesotho
      * Republic of Liberia
      * Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
      * Republic of Madagascar
      * Republic of Malawi
      * Republic of Mali
      * Islamic Republic of Mauritania
      * Republic of Mauritius
      * Republic of Mozambique
      * Republic of Namibia
      * Republic of Niger
      * Federal Republic of Nigeria
      * Republic of Rwanda
      * Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
      * Democratic Republic of S?o Tom? and Pr?ncipe
      * Republic of Senegal
      * Republic of Seychelles
      * Republic of Sierra Leone
      * Republic of Somalia
      * Republic of South Africa
      * Republic of Sudan
      * Swaziland
      * United Republic of Tanzania
      * Togolese Republic
      * Republic of Tunisia
      * Republic of Uganda
      * Republic of Zambia
      * Republic of Zimbabwe

      Just because the US media reported the France and Germany criticism the most, it doesn't mean they were the most outspoken. Read the comments by some of the other countries before you form such an opinion.

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      Most people protest every war.
      They do?

      Where do you get the figure that over 5 billion people protested the war?

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      I can not think of a war in history that had a 100% approval rating, so that agrument means nothing. So more people protested this world than any other? Guess what...the next big war that happens will be protested more than this one. As time passes the general populations of most countries are becoming less and less tolerant of war of any knind, for any reason. So that arguement means nothing.
      That's absolute rubbish. People were against THIS war specifically. If you don't see that, you've been living in some sort of shell. How many people protested the Afghan war? Show me some reports of "millions" protesting it.

      Why was there such a difference?

      Originally posted by _evangelion_
      Your question about the people who protested this war being brainwashed by Moore shows just how thin your arguement is getting. These protests you're referring too happened last year. How could they have been brainwashed by a movie that wasn't even out yet. Yet, you made the statement anyway. Listen man, take a break, get some sleep.You must be exhausted from all of your chart, poll and quote finding missions. We'll pick this up again later.
      Read your previous comment. You implied that Moore's movie had just made the liberals think they know what's going on. You just proved my point by showing that the movie was out way before all the worldwide protests

      Again, why did millions and millions of people around the world protest the Iraq war but not the Afghan war?

      Get some sleep? It's the middle of the day! :?


      • Jenks
        I'm kind of a big deal.
        • Jun 2004
        • 10250

        ^More than half of those countries are laughable.

        My city's street budget is more than the gdp of a lot of them combined.


        • cosmo
          Gold Gabber
          • Jun 2004
          • 583

          John Kerry classic:

          "I actually DID vote for the 87 billion dollar military bill, before I voted against it"..


          • cosmo
            Gold Gabber
            • Jun 2004
            • 583

            No, if Bush is fighting a war on terrorism that requires allies and credibility. He shouldn't be allienating the world and diminishing the opinion of the US worldwide. That's called LOSING THE WAR ON TERRORISM. Less people trust the US. More Muslims are becoming extremist. There are more terrrorist attacks. According to the US's own stats.
            Do you really think we should go with polls in other countries before we fight our enemies? Where is the logic in that accusation?

            Look, plain and simple, it's hard to get countries involved in a war that is against you. Especially if they don't give a shit about YOUR future.

            You claim more people are becoming extremists, WHO CARES. That is a part of fighting a war. Do you expect us to not retaliate? Let's do what Clinton did for 8 years and talk about a peaceful solution to all of this.

            You have to wage a battle on their battlefield to end this.

            If you do not agree, give me a solution to this.


            • brakada
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 622

              Originally posted by Jenks
              ^More than half of those countries are laughable.

              My city's street budget is more than the gdp of a lot of them combined.
              But, they're still countries. Just because you're lucky enough to be born in the States it doesn't mean, you have to disrespect others. I am going to report your post! :wink:

              And you know what I find laughable? Countries whose leadership decided to support the American campaign in Iraq, inspite the contradicting public opinion. So much for your "allies", a bunch of :KissMuhAzz: s.
              We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


              • evangelion
                Platinum Poster
                • Jun 2004
                • 1999

                Originally posted by cosmo
                John Kerry classic:

                "I actually DID vote for the 87 billion dollar military bill, before I voted against it"..
                Probably the best.

                Just imagine..."I did mean to hit the Launch button, before I didn't."

                As for delirous' rather lengthy response: when will people come to the realization that just because some pissant country (no matter how many) opposes what we do because they are either a. not involved b. stand to gain nothing or c. just blindly oppose anything the U.S. does is not going to affect the way things play out. And don't even try to say that these countries don't exist and don't ask me to back up my statement with one of your famous page long quotes or list of links because we all know they exist (see France and Germany...OOPS...there they go again).


                • cosmo
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 583

                  Originally posted by brakada
                  Originally posted by Jenks
                  ^More than half of those countries are laughable.

                  My city's street budget is more than the gdp of a lot of them combined.
                  But, they're still countries. Just because you're lucky enough to be born in the States it doesn't mean, you have to disrespect others. I am going to report your post! :wink:

                  And you know what I find laughable? Countries whose leadership decided to support the American campaign in Iraq, inspite the contradicting public opinion. So much for your "allies", a bunch of :KissMuhAzz: s.

                  Why didn't people like this bitch when we bombed Serbia?

                  We have allies because the leaders believe in what we are doing, despite public opinion.

                  Let me ask you something. If you have a football team, what would be the implications of not having a head coach, a leader to lead you in the right direction?


                  • brakada
                    Gold Gabber
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 622

                    Originally posted by _evangelion_
                    As for delirous' rather lengthy response: when will people come to the realization that just because some pissant country (no matter how many) opposes what we do because they are either a. not involved b. stand to gain nothing or c. just blindly oppose anything the U.S. does is not going to affect the way things play out. And don't even try to say that these countries don't exist and don't ask me to back up my statement with one of your famous page long quotes or list of links because we all know they exist (see France and Germany...OOPS...there they go again).
                    Yes, I'm sure that countries like Sweden, Norway and a lot of other countries do NOT oppose American campaign because of the formentioned reasons. And while I could agree that France is contradicting the US because they are no involved and blindly oppose anything that Bush does (not the US; they were never opposing Clinton that much), I think this is not the case with Germany. If any country in the world learned that going to war and invading souvereign countries is wrong, this would definitely be Germany and they were probably the only ones who learned something.
                    We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


                    • brakada
                      Gold Gabber
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 622

                      Originally posted by cosmo
                      Why didn't people like this bitch when we bombed Serbia?
                      I bitched, although Serbia was a bit different than Iraq and the intervention was a "bit" more justified. There was a war going on there at the time. There was NOTHING going on in Iraq before the "allies" invaded it, in fact Sadam was kinder than ever...

                      Originally posted by cosmo
                      We have allies because the leaders believe in what we are doing, despite public opinion.
                      So, why don't they enroll the US army and go fight there. They are wasting their taxpayers money and they send their taxpayers to war. For what? If we were sending any troops to Iraq, I would definitely rant why we are spending money for an ill and carelessly planned campaign. I'm surprised that none of the Americans ever bitch about the huge amount of your money spent.

                      Originally posted by cosmo
                      Let me ask you something. If you have a football team, what would be the implications of not having a head coach, a leader to lead you in the right direction?
                      If it's a coach with a great ability to screw everything up, I'd rather choose: "NO coach".
                      We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


                      • mylexicon
                        Addiction started
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 339

                        Originally posted by brakada
                        I bitched, although Serbia was a bit different than Iraq and the intervention was a "bit" more justified.
                        Negative. The only thing that made it a "bit" more justified is that genocide
                        was happening in Europe. And all the Europeans were saying "OMG we must
                        mobilize against this new Hitler". Believe it or not, Pres. Clinton didn't really
                        want in on the deal, especially when he found out the rules of engagement.
                        But he helped fulfilled our duty anyway because we said in NATO we would
                        help eliminate potential threats to the Western European way of life. Thats
                        why we are world leaders.....we actually make good on our promises to our
                        allies, instead of coming up with lame excuses to cop out and then leading
                        and global opposition movement. As if copping out wasn't disgraceful enough.

                        Anyways, there were still people getting tortured/detained when we arrived in Iraq. And
                        Saddam had been ethnically cleansing the Kurds and Shiites for over ten
                        years. In fact, he actually used them to test his chemical weapons. That's
                        right, in the West, where we have stiff opposition to people testing shampoo
                        on dogs and cats, we sat back and watched a man test chemical weapons
                        on women and children.
                        Be a freedom fries..


                        • brakada
                          Gold Gabber
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 622

                          Originally posted by mylexicon
                          Negative. The only thing that made it a "bit" more justified is that genocide
                          was happening in Europe.

                          And all the Europeans were saying "OMG we must mobilize against this new Hitler". Believe it or not, Pres. Clinton didn't really want in on the deal, especially when he found out the rules of engagement. But he helped fulfilled our duty anyway because we said in NATO we would help eliminate potential threats to the Western European way of life. Thats why we are world leaders.....we actually make good on our promises to our allies, instead of coming up with lame excuses to cop out and then leading and global opposition movement. As if copping out wasn't disgraceful enough.
                          As I said I disapproved the bombing of Serbia...

                          But yes, the genocide was happening in Europe and Milosevic was rejecting any peace offers. Also (IMO again) the bombing was more justified because Milosevic inflicted directly or inderectly a lot of conflicts in a very unstable region. There were 4 wars in less than 10 years and thus he deserved to be punished.

                          How many wars did Sadam start in the last 10 years? I am not saying he wasn't a threat to security of the local region, but his power was slowly fading. He did a lot of horrible things during his reign, but he was starting to co-operate. At least regarding WMDs. I would understand if Iraq was conquered after Desert Storm, but now the attack wasn't that justified.
                          We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."

