Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

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  • themonk
    Getting Somewhere
    • Oct 2004
    • 121

    Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

    hi lopark,
    my comments about worst movie apply only to the phanton menace. i have not even seen part 3, so i have no idea what part 3 is like. it seems everybody thinks its vastly better than the first 2, which is a relief.

    for phanton menace, i'll tone down my words to: "the worst movie i've ever paid money to see in a theatre".

    the strange thing to me is how many people on this board seemed to like the first two movies. i'm removed from the states (live in japan) and i don't know ONE person here who liked episodes 1 and 2. but i do know one huge fanboy who saw the orginal star wars dozens of times. he said phanton menance was so painful for him to watch that he almost started to cry in the movie theatre!


    • sheryar
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jul 2004
      • 167

      Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

      OMG episode 3 is worse than BOTH the 1st and 2nd one. The acting is horrendous and the story of anakin turning to vader has been so GROSSLY put together that ive completely lost faith in all of it.

      Lucas should just make Star Wars creative commons material or something so that anybody can make a story/movie/comic/game in its universe.

      He's screwed it up pretty bad.

      - - - - - - - - - -


      • evangelion
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1999

        Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

        Originally posted by themonk
        the strange thing to me is how many people on this board seemed to like the first two movies. i'm removed from the states (live in japan) and i don't know ONE person here who liked episodes 1 and 2. but i do know one huge fanboy who saw the orginal star wars dozens of times. he said phanton menance was so painful for him to watch that he almost started to cry in the movie theatre!
        And what...being "in the States" has what to do with what is and isn't a good movie ??? We should all just fall in line and accept that what we think are good movies are complete shit because you and the people you know say so?? Take it from someone who grew up with Star Wars first hand, these movies live on their own in the Star Wars universe, they are not meant to be like or resemble the first trilogy what so ever. Accept it and move on with your life. I for one love them all, I'm a Star Wars fan, not a "critique every movie to death to the point were everything sucks" person. Live with it...


        • picklemonkey
          Double hoodie beer monster
          • Jun 2004
          • 15373

          Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

          someone should move this to Politics

          or Movies/TV, at least


          • remoh
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 2466

            Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

            Originally posted by themonk
            instead of calling people stupid, please just prove the claims of a defunct storyline.
            Nothing is consistent. For example, in the first Star Wars, R2D2 has to be lifted up into Luke's fighter by a fucking crane, for chrissakes. But in the clones, what is he? He's the goddamn chosen droid straight out of the Matrix. He can fly and is basically invincible. There is also no continuity between what CP30 experiences in these first movies and remembers in the old movies.

            Or how about the fact that in the original Obi Wan says he hid Luke on Tatoouin at a remote edge of the galaxy to hide him from Vader? But in Clones, we have Vader going to the exact same house Luke supposedly gets hidden in!! Now there's a good place to hide someone.

            I could go on for fucking hours, but the exercise is a pointless one. A story is something that grips your attention. The first movie was a long car chase and some silliness about embargos and conspiracies. There's simply nothing there but exposition.

            my friend made a good point on this E 4 R2 And C3PO are obsolete droids , nothing really works on them anymore....

            as far as saber colors only being red and green...anakin and ben had blue ones on E3...

            mithocndrians ..yes stupid

            the qua gon (sp) knowing inmortality.. WTF were did that come from.. sidious talks about another lord of sith knowing about imortality as well ... i think they are tying in E7 were supodsedly the emperor comes back to life...

            as far as O B ONE furthering his training with quai gon on tatooine... there is no mention of quai in E4 ..ben is suposed top be a hermit.....

            i didn't like that the ships were all incredible in EI II and in 3 they toned it down just to match the rest of the episodes, but again my friend made a good point ...the rebellion is that a rebellion..almost guerrilla style... not too much money and they get what they get ....

            the wooie war should have been longer..

            the love scenes were weak, but who goes to see star wars for the love scenes ?

            i thik the fight between anakin and dooku was made short so it would be shocking..i was

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            • minneec
              Getting warmed up
              • Dec 2004
              • 75

              Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

              Originally posted by lopark
              SPOILER ALERT

              The beginning Battle of Coruscant was great, but when Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine were in the elevator, it slowed down. At the same time, I thought R2 brought a bit too much comedic relief to the table with his fight with the battle droids.

              The duel with Count Dooku was too short. He whipped Anakin's and Obi's asses last time. I can buy the part about Anakin being more powerful this time, but I guess this one fell short in the editing room. Same thing for General Grievous. When he whipped out 4 lightsabers, I though it would be a good duel, but Obi trimmed him down a little too quickly.

              The "Order 66" scenes were awesome, but I wish the preceding battle scenes would have been longer. Chewbacca and the other Wookies on Kashyyyk were not much more than a cameo.

              Anakin's turn was a bit rushed, but again this was probably due to cut footage. I would have liked to see him attacking the Jedi Temple, not just march to it for a scene change.

              I read about a lot of character who were supposed to have cameos, but were missing. Where was Tarkin? Where was Lord Tion? Mon Mothma, etc?

              Why didn't we see a more detailed explaination of Qui-Gon Jinn's "immortality." And I just thought of this, if it were a technique that only Qui-Gon, Yoda, and Obi-Wan knew, how the hell does Anakin do it at the end of Jedi?

              However, the most disappointing was the lack of Vader. I like how Anakin became Darth Vader before his defeat by Obi-Wan and I liked the scene of Vader's rebirth, but I wish the "mostly machine" Vader had more screen time.

              Despite my criticism, I still liked the film. It wasn't perfect, but it is definitely worthly of being called "Star Wars."

              I gather most of the people who are crying over it are in fact the biggest fanboys of all. They have their own ideas about how Star Wars should be and when things differ, they cry "this sucks" and talk about boycotts and other pointless shit in the belief that it will somehow force Lucas to give in to their mostly un-named demands. Perhaps, they're really not fans at all.
              dude, i can't believe you just did that.... total spoiler!!!
              anyway, i liked the movie. i agree the acting sucked. esp natalie portman. actually given what there was of the script, i thought hayden christensen and ian mcgregor did a great job giving their characters some life. i left the theaters weeping for the fall of anikan. as for the action vs dialogue thing...i think by this movie, lucas knew he was weak in the dialogue department and cut those scenes short. true it didn't help the progression of the characters because, as was stated, anikan's turn to the dark side happened way too quickly. but he was trying to save us from having to watch more unbelieveable lines that would have never worked anyway right? the highlight of these movies were supposed to be the special effects. lucas didn't make these movies 30 years ago because he didn't think the technology then would have been able to portray what he had in mind. now that it has, he is taking full advantage of it. good for him. i liked it. i thought the story was great and finally fully told and i'm glad he made them.


              • CrackedSun
                Getting Somewhere
                • Sep 2004
                • 114

                Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

                Originally posted by devon
                Originally posted by the sun the sea
                Originally posted by Localizer
                and wtf at samuel having a purple lightsabre....retarded....
                are you serious? was he eating chicken wings and watermelon? was he washing it back with a Colt 45?
                the real reson he has a purple light saber is because he asked for it. he told george lucas he wanted a purple light saber because he likes the color and george gave it to him.

                i know im a geek
                i saw an interview where he said something along those lines and that he wanted to be able to pick himself out in the large fight scenes easily


                • MJDub
                  Are you Kidding me??
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2765

                  Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

                  Originally posted by minneec
                  Originally posted by lopark
                  SPOILER ALERT
                  dude, i can't believe you just did that.... total spoiler!!!
                  False teeth are not real.

                  You can't have manslaughter without laughter.

                  "Son," he said without preamble, "never trust a man who doesn't drink because he's probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They're the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They're usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they're a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can't trust a man who's afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It's damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he's heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl."


                  • Ibizan
                    Addiction started
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 428

                    Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

                    Star Wars rules, George Lucas is a genious, and Episode 3 rules...

                    LIVE WITH IT!!!


                    • evangelion
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1999

                      Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

                      What he said.


                      • sammwalk
                        Gold Gabber
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 769

                        Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

                        Originally posted by _evangelion_
                        Originally posted by themonk
                        Nothing is consistent. For example, in the first Star Wars, R2D2 has to be lifted up into Luke's fighter by a fucking crane, for chrissakes. But in the clones, what is he? He's the goddamn chosen droid straight out of the Matrix. He can fly and is basically invincible. There is also no continuity between what CP30 experiences in these first movies and remembers in the old movies.

                        Or how about the fact that in the original Obi Wan says he hid Luke on Tatoouin at a remote edge of the galaxy to hide him from Vader? But in Clones, we have Vader going to the exact same house Luke supposedly gets hidden in!! Now there's a good place to hide someone.

                        I could go on for fucking hours, but the exercise is a pointless one. A story is something that grips your attention. The first movie was a long car chase and some silliness about embargos and conspiracies. There's simply nothing there but exposition.
                        Boy oh boy...where to start. Ok, it's like this man, there is more that happens in between these movies than could be conveyed in months of film. To put it in the most understandable terms possible, and not get you lost in a bunch of geeky side story, I'll tell you this...R2...are you ready...had his rockets....brace yourself....removed. There wasn't that simple. Before you get on the Internet and start slamming the man who's mind this all sprung from, do a little research first. There are no less than 50 books that fill in the back story between, and up to 100 years after, both trilogies.

                        As for Obi-Won hiding Luke in the same place he was in, are you forgetting that young Anakin lived not 20 parsecs (I KILL myself ) from that very place. Why would he think to look on his home planet for a son he doesn't even know exists yet??? Plus, I think you are vastly underestimating the effect that the Dark Side has on somone. He probably remembers very little of his life before converting. Remember this is his step brother and his wife that they leave baby Luke with, the only time he met them was when he was completely consumed in grief over the death of his mother. Come on man, you gotta give a little.

                        With all of that said, can you still say some bullshit about the storyline??? Sounds like a story to me...a pretty damn good one. George Lucas cannot be held responsible for your lack of knowledge about his don't take it out in him. Realize that this story could never be conveyed in 3, 6 or 600 movies.

                        Thank you, good night.
                        But the fact that Artoo's jets were removed is never explained in any movie; hence, that fact doesn't exist to one faced with the only true representation of the Star Wars universe, the movies. Most if not all of the books you mention are not considered "canon" by Lucas, so they don't play into his version of the story.

                        I think the whole reason that the newer trilogy is such a touchy subject is that it is replacing pre-conceived notions about the earlier movies we all had at one time. While some folks watch/remember the movies for the special effects, others liked them for the entire package that was presented. Not only were the special effects state of the art in the old films, the music was grade A, the cast was directed properly, the stories were novel and fun. All in all, the originals just has this synergistic magic to them. To some (or many), the new films lack this energy., This could be for a number of reasons, probably a little bit of all of them:

                        1. We're older now, so whiz-bang just doesn't cut it in place of good dialogue, direction, plot twists, etc.
                        2. The newer movies are not quite so expertly crafted as the originals, partly because of limiting factors that guided Lucas and his team serendipitously onto the right track. Because of computing technology and money?and thus infinite choices?such guiding forces are eliminated and we are left with Lucas's true "vision" which we were not really seeing before.
                        3. Several other movies, like the previously mentioned Matrix or the recent Lord of the Rings films, have replaced Star Wars as the premiere science fiction/fantasy movies of this generation. Star Wars did not orginally have other movies that compared to it; it was alone in its genre. Now it's up against other worthy frachises that heighten public expectation.
                        4. No Harrison Ford.

                        The above are some big reasons that most reasonable people should agree with. Here are some of my own observations about the newer movies. This is purely opinion; a lot of this is how my pre-conceived ideas of how these movies would turn out, based on what is in the first three, are different from what we actually got:

                        -Feel of entire trilogy not late 70s/early 80s enough!
                        -Special effects too clean; they don't match the original, so they don't suggest continuity with it.
                        -Special effects design doesn't match original. Space ships, weapons do not fit with established milieu. Too much differece to chalk up to 20 years in a thousand-year-old republic. Should have used X-wings and TIEs from the beginning.
                        -Space battles too dense; no focus to shots.
                        -"Clone Wars" should have been about much more interesting subject of cloning Jedi, others, as opposed to soldiers. As is, clones reduced to a deus ex machina.
                        -"Trade Fedration" sounds too much like Star Trek. Too difficult to understand/not explained well enough. Wouldn't smugglers be able to circumvent??
                        -Jar Jar Binks, other CG characters don't move like masks/puppets, need to eliminated. Masks that are used look fake due to over-reliance on CGI.
                        -Plot of first movie just not engaging. Should not have gone back to Tatooine, which is already a focal point of two other movies.
                        -Battle droids not challenging as enemies, so not scary, so no drama. Droids look and sound not Star Wars-like. Should have been soldiers, or should have been more cruel and heartless.
                        -Jke Lloyd terrible actor, too young. Should have cast Skywalker as a teenager from the get-go.
                        -C3PO wasn't made by Anakin Skywalker. I just don't buy it!
                        -Actually, C3PO and R2D2 should not have been in prequels at all; their appearance in the prequels makes the universe too small.
                        -Sam Jackson just doesn't fit as a Jedi. Try an unknown, preferably ten years older. And purple lightsaber my ass.
                        -Revelation of Yoda in ESB spoiled by Yoda's appearance in prequels; should have alluded to Yoda, not shown him.
                        -Midichlorians take mystery out of mystic Force. Stupid!
                        -Darth Maul not scary inasmuchas he's too obviously a bad guy whose supposed to look evil. Devil-like paint dumb. Wasted character obviously in place simply to give the Jedi somone to fight with their lightsabers; no loss/gain by his death, because of no significance to his character.
                        -Lightsaber duel in PM staged-looking, doesn't have suspense of a real and random fight. Lighting on sets wrong, looks immature. Should be no music during lightsaber battle until battle becomes pivotal. "Duel of the Fates" music extraordinarily commercial sounding; does not match other Williams music.
                        -Jedis always in jedi robes, never in other clothes? Why? Why not flight suits, formal clothes, etc. Unrealistic.
                        -Anakin whiny brat instead of generally good kid with strong ambitions.
                        -Anakin and Obi-Wan not shown developing brotherly bond, but only alluded too. Crucial dramatic exposition glossed over.
                        -Giant "I am your father" balloon popped by foreknowledge that Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader; should have "killed off" Anakin and made it look like he and Darth Vader were two different people.
                        -Jedi "younglings" look moronic. Idiotic decision to have Jedi "padawan" all have same look. The word "padawan" cringe-worthy. Jedi training should have started at something like 13 or 14, not 6.
                        -Multi-culti Jedi looks forced; too much of a rainbow.
                        -Boba Fett's mysterious edge wiped out by background in AOTC. Cool character turned into just another face. No connection between Boba and Darth established even though one suggested in ESB, "no disintegrations" not explained.
                        -Precursors to the imperial navy officers not shown until the very end of the third movie. Should have seen same costumes being used in context of republic navy.
                        -Battle in the end of AOTC between Jedi and droids looks terrible; lightsaber loses significance when given to too many characters at once. Again droids not formidable opponent. Technology shown in ground assault afterwards (and throughout entire prequel trilogy) more advanced than that of later movies; continuity violated, should be lower tech.
                        -Yoda, who already should not appear in the prequels, should not fight with a lightsaber; violation of character. The same goes for the emperor.
                        -Force-lightning should be exclusive to the emperor; force lightning cheapened by Dooku, spoils surprise of emperor's power in RotJ.
                        -Darth Vader should have been in the suit and established by the end of the second movie. The destruction of the Jedi should have taken longer. Here would be a good place to create a connection between Boba and Darth.

                        I can't think of any others right now, but there are more...


                        • remoh
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 2466

                          Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

                          good points!

                          hey but the conection between bobba and darth is stablished ..all the clones are modeled after bobbas father... jango..that's a strong conection if you ask me....

                          but yes technology should have been lowered...
                          as far as r2 and c3po, they do mention that they are obsolete droids, but yes they added stuff to r2 to make him apealing.. i know some didn't like r2's fight scene because it was too comedic, but i thought it was great!

                          yoda and the emperor using light sabers..we'll they should be the masters of light saber battle, so i say let them use them
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                          | |


                          • picklemonkey
                            Double hoodie beer monster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 15373

                            Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

                            Originally posted by sammwalk
                            Originally posted by _evangelion_
                            Originally posted by themonk
                            Nothing is consistent. For example, in the first Star Wars, R2D2 has to be lifted up into Luke's fighter by a fucking crane, for chrissakes. But in the clones, what is he? He's the goddamn chosen droid straight out of the Matrix. He can fly and is basically invincible. There is also no continuity between what CP30 experiences in these first movies and remembers in the old movies.

                            Or how about the fact that in the original Obi Wan says he hid Luke on Tatoouin at a remote edge of the galaxy to hide him from Vader? But in Clones, we have Vader going to the exact same house Luke supposedly gets hidden in!! Now there's a good place to hide someone.

                            I could go on for fucking hours, but the exercise is a pointless one. A story is something that grips your attention. The first movie was a long car chase and some silliness about embargos and conspiracies. There's simply nothing there but exposition.
                            Boy oh boy...where to start. Ok, it's like this man, there is more that happens in between these movies than could be conveyed in months of film. To put it in the most understandable terms possible, and not get you lost in a bunch of geeky side story, I'll tell you this...R2...are you ready...had his rockets....brace yourself....removed. There wasn't that simple. Before you get on the Internet and start slamming the man who's mind this all sprung from, do a little research first. There are no less than 50 books that fill in the back story between, and up to 100 years after, both trilogies.

                            As for Obi-Won hiding Luke in the same place he was in, are you forgetting that young Anakin lived not 20 parsecs (I KILL myself ) from that very place. Why would he think to look on his home planet for a son he doesn't even know exists yet??? Plus, I think you are vastly underestimating the effect that the Dark Side has on somone. He probably remembers very little of his life before converting. Remember this is his step brother and his wife that they leave baby Luke with, the only time he met them was when he was completely consumed in grief over the death of his mother. Come on man, you gotta give a little.

                            With all of that said, can you still say some bullshit about the storyline??? Sounds like a story to me...a pretty damn good one. George Lucas cannot be held responsible for your lack of knowledge about his don't take it out in him. Realize that this story could never be conveyed in 3, 6 or 600 movies.

                            Thank you, good night.
                            But the fact that Artoo's jets were removed is never explained in any movie; hence, that fact doesn't exist to one faced with the only true representation of the Star Wars universe, the movies. Most if not all of the books you mention are not considered "canon" by Lucas, so they don't play into his version of the story.

                            I think the whole reason that the newer trilogy is such a touchy subject is that it is replacing pre-conceived notions about the earlier movies we all had at one time. While some folks watch/remember the movies for the special effects, others liked them for the entire package that was presented. Not only were the special effects state of the art in the old films, the music was grade A, the cast was directed properly, the stories were novel and fun. All in all, the originals just has this synergistic magic to them. To some (or many), the new films lack this energy., This could be for a number of reasons, probably a little bit of all of them:

                            1. We're older now, so whiz-bang just doesn't cut it in place of good dialogue, direction, plot twists, etc.
                            2. The newer movies are not quite so expertly crafted as the originals, partly because of limiting factors that guided Lucas and his team serendipitously onto the right track. Because of computing technology and money?and thus infinite choices?such guiding forces are eliminated and we are left with Lucas's true "vision" which we were not really seeing before.
                            3. Several other movies, like the previously mentioned Matrix or the recent Lord of the Rings films, have replaced Star Wars as the premiere science fiction/fantasy movies of this generation. Star Wars did not orginally have other movies that compared to it; it was alone in its genre. Now it's up against other worthy frachises that heighten public expectation.
                            4. No Harrison Ford.

                            The above are some big reasons that most reasonable people should agree with. Here are some of my own observations about the newer movies. This is purely opinion; a lot of this is how my pre-conceived ideas of how these movies would turn out, based on what is in the first three, are different from what we actually got:

                            -Feel of entire trilogy not late 70s/early 80s enough!
                            -Special effects too clean; they don't match the original, so they don't suggest continuity with it.
                            -Special effects design doesn't match original. Space ships, weapons do not fit with established milieu. Too much differece to chalk up to 20 years in a thousand-year-old republic. Should have used X-wings and TIEs from the beginning.
                            -Space battles too dense; no focus to shots.
                            -"Clone Wars" should have been about much more interesting subject of cloning Jedi, others, as opposed to soldiers. As is, clones reduced to a deus ex machina.
                            -"Trade Fedration" sounds too much like Star Trek. Too difficult to understand/not explained well enough. Wouldn't smugglers be able to circumvent??
                            -Jar Jar Binks, other CG characters don't move like masks/puppets, need to eliminated. Masks that are used look fake due to over-reliance on CGI.
                            -Plot of first movie just not engaging. Should not have gone back to Tatooine, which is already a focal point of two other movies.
                            -Battle droids not challenging as enemies, so not scary, so no drama. Droids look and sound not Star Wars-like. Should have been soldiers, or should have been more cruel and heartless.
                            -Jke Lloyd terrible actor, too young. Should have cast Skywalker as a teenager from the get-go.
                            -C3PO wasn't made by Anakin Skywalker. I just don't buy it!
                            -Actually, C3PO and R2D2 should not have been in prequels at all; their appearance in the prequels makes the universe too small.
                            -Sam Jackson just doesn't fit as a Jedi. Try an unknown, preferably ten years older. And purple lightsaber my ass.
                            -Revelation of Yoda in ESB spoiled by Yoda's appearance in prequels; should have alluded to Yoda, not shown him.
                            -Midichlorians take mystery out of mystic Force. Stupid!
                            -Darth Maul not scary inasmuchas he's too obviously a bad guy whose supposed to look evil. Devil-like paint dumb. Wasted character obviously in place simply to give the Jedi somone to fight with their lightsabers; no loss/gain by his death, because of no significance to his character.
                            -Lightsaber duel in PM staged-looking, doesn't have suspense of a real and random fight. Lighting on sets wrong, looks immature. Should be no music during lightsaber battle until battle becomes pivotal. "Duel of the Fates" music extraordinarily commercial sounding; does not match other Williams music.
                            -Jedis always in jedi robes, never in other clothes? Why? Why not flight suits, formal clothes, etc. Unrealistic.
                            -Anakin whiny brat instead of generally good kid with strong ambitions.
                            -Anakin and Obi-Wan not shown developing brotherly bond, but only alluded too. Crucial dramatic exposition glossed over.
                            -Giant "I am your father" balloon popped by foreknowledge that Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader; should have "killed off" Anakin and made it look like he and Darth Vader were two different people.
                            -Jedi "younglings" look moronic. Idiotic decision to have Jedi "padawan" all have same look. The word "padawan" cringe-worthy. Jedi training should have started at something like 13 or 14, not 6.
                            -Multi-culti Jedi looks forced; too much of a rainbow.
                            -Boba Fett's mysterious edge wiped out by background in AOTC. Cool character turned into just another face. No connection between Boba and Darth established even though one suggested in ESB, "no disintegrations" not explained.
                            -Precursors to the imperial navy officers not shown until the very end of the third movie. Should have seen same costumes being used in context of republic navy.
                            -Battle in the end of AOTC between Jedi and droids looks terrible; lightsaber loses significance when given to too many characters at once. Again droids not formidable opponent. Technology shown in ground assault afterwards (and throughout entire prequel trilogy) more advanced than that of later movies; continuity violated, should be lower tech.
                            -Yoda, who already should not appear in the prequels, should not fight with a lightsaber; violation of character. The same goes for the emperor.
                            -Force-lightning should be exclusive to the emperor; force lightning cheapened by Dooku, spoils surprise of emperor's power in RotJ.
                            -Darth Vader should have been in the suit and established by the end of the second movie. The destruction of the Jedi should have taken longer. Here would be a good place to create a connection between Boba and Darth.

                            I can't think of any others right now, but there are more...
                            jeeeesus christ, you broken records. I haven't read one word of this thread and you guys are still putting me to sleep!

                            "YOU ARE THE BALL-LICKERS!"


                            • evangelion
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 1999

                              Re: FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS!!!

                              Originally posted by sammwalk
                              But the fact that Artoo's jets were removed is never explained in any movie; hence, that fact doesn't exist to one faced with the only true representation of the Star Wars universe, the movies. Most if not all of the books you mention are not considered "canon" by Lucas, so they don't play into his version of the story.

                              I think the whole reason that the newer trilogy is such a touchy subject is that it is replacing pre-conceived notions about the earlier movies we all had at one time. While some folks watch/remember the movies for the special effects, others liked them for the entire package that was presented. Not only were the special effects state of the art in the old films, the music was grade A, the cast was directed properly, the stories were novel and fun. All in all, the originals just has this synergistic magic to them. To some (or many), the new films lack this energy., This could be for a number of reasons, probably a little bit of all of them:

                              1. We're older now, so whiz-bang just doesn't cut it in place of good dialogue, direction, plot twists, etc.
                              2. The newer movies are not quite so expertly crafted as the originals, partly because of limiting factors that guided Lucas and his team serendipitously onto the right track. Because of computing technology and money?and thus infinite choices?such guiding forces are eliminated and we are left with Lucas's true "vision" which we were not really seeing before.
                              3. Several other movies, like the previously mentioned Matrix or the recent Lord of the Rings films, have replaced Star Wars as the premiere science fiction/fantasy movies of this generation. Star Wars did not orginally have other movies that compared to it; it was alone in its genre. Now it's up against other worthy frachises that heighten public expectation.
                              4. No Harrison Ford.

                              The above are some big reasons that most reasonable people should agree with. Here are some of my own observations about the newer movies. This is purely opinion; a lot of this is how my pre-conceived ideas of how these movies would turn out, based on what is in the first three, are different from what we actually got:

                              -Feel of entire trilogy not late 70s/early 80s enough!
                              -Special effects too clean; they don't match the original, so they don't suggest continuity with it.
                              -Special effects design doesn't match original. Space ships, weapons do not fit with established milieu. Too much differece to chalk up to 20 years in a thousand-year-old republic. Should have used X-wings and TIEs from the beginning.
                              -Space battles too dense; no focus to shots.
                              -"Clone Wars" should have been about much more interesting subject of cloning Jedi, others, as opposed to soldiers. As is, clones reduced to a deus ex machina.
                              -"Trade Fedration" sounds too much like Star Trek. Too difficult to understand/not explained well enough. Wouldn't smugglers be able to circumvent??
                              -Jar Jar Binks, other CG characters don't move like masks/puppets, need to eliminated. Masks that are used look fake due to over-reliance on CGI.
                              -Plot of first movie just not engaging. Should not have gone back to Tatooine, which is already a focal point of two other movies.
                              -Battle droids not challenging as enemies, so not scary, so no drama. Droids look and sound not Star Wars-like. Should have been soldiers, or should have been more cruel and heartless.
                              -Jke Lloyd terrible actor, too young. Should have cast Skywalker as a teenager from the get-go.
                              -C3PO wasn't made by Anakin Skywalker. I just don't buy it!
                              -Actually, C3PO and R2D2 should not have been in prequels at all; their appearance in the prequels makes the universe too small.
                              -Sam Jackson just doesn't fit as a Jedi. Try an unknown, preferably ten years older. And purple lightsaber my ass.
                              -Revelation of Yoda in ESB spoiled by Yoda's appearance in prequels; should have alluded to Yoda, not shown him.
                              -Midichlorians take mystery out of mystic Force. Stupid!
                              -Darth Maul not scary inasmuchas he's too obviously a bad guy whose supposed to look evil. Devil-like paint dumb. Wasted character obviously in place simply to give the Jedi somone to fight with their lightsabers; no loss/gain by his death, because of no significance to his character.
                              -Lightsaber duel in PM staged-looking, doesn't have suspense of a real and random fight. Lighting on sets wrong, looks immature. Should be no music during lightsaber battle until battle becomes pivotal. "Duel of the Fates" music extraordinarily commercial sounding; does not match other Williams music.
                              -Jedis always in jedi robes, never in other clothes? Why? Why not flight suits, formal clothes, etc. Unrealistic.
                              -Anakin whiny brat instead of generally good kid with strong ambitions.
                              -Anakin and Obi-Wan not shown developing brotherly bond, but only alluded too. Crucial dramatic exposition glossed over.
                              -Giant "I am your father" balloon popped by foreknowledge that Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader; should have "killed off" Anakin and made it look like he and Darth Vader were two different people.
                              -Jedi "younglings" look moronic. Idiotic decision to have Jedi "padawan" all have same look. The word "padawan" cringe-worthy. Jedi training should have started at something like 13 or 14, not 6.
                              -Multi-culti Jedi looks forced; too much of a rainbow.
                              -Boba Fett's mysterious edge wiped out by background in AOTC. Cool character turned into just another face. No connection between Boba and Darth established even though one suggested in ESB, "no disintegrations" not explained.
                              -Precursors to the imperial navy officers not shown until the very end of the third movie. Should have seen same costumes being used in context of republic navy.
                              -Battle in the end of AOTC between Jedi and droids looks terrible; lightsaber loses significance when given to too many characters at once. Again droids not formidable opponent. Technology shown in ground assault afterwards (and throughout entire prequel trilogy) more advanced than that of later movies; continuity violated, should be lower tech.
                              -Yoda, who already should not appear in the prequels, should not fight with a lightsaber; violation of character. The same goes for the emperor.
                              -Force-lightning should be exclusive to the emperor; force lightning cheapened by Dooku, spoils surprise of emperor's power in RotJ.
                              -Darth Vader should have been in the suit and established by the end of the second movie. The destruction of the Jedi should have taken longer. Here would be a good place to create a connection between Boba and Darth.

                              I can't think of any others right now, but there are more...
                              Trust me, I'm not being a dick when I say this but...did you write the story?? Did you think it all up in your head?? So how can you say how things "should" be??? These are a completely different set of movies, telling a completely different story, and all you have done it compare them to the first trilogy. There is ALOT that is not explained in the movies, important secondary characters names, how certain things happened, that phenomenon is not exclusive to this new trilogy. If one does not care enough to find this information out (not only through the books) that's too damn bad, and give no one the right to post some stupid shit on the Internet saying "FUCK YOU, THE MAN WHO WITHOUT NONE OF THIS WOULD EXSIST!!!!"

                              Everyone keeps going off on the horrible acting of this trilogy...Ok, how many best acting Oscars were won for the first?? As far as I remember, none. How many awards did it win for the special effects, many. But this trilogy is "all about the effects at the expense of the acting???" Ok, Star Wars doesn't have the ground breaking appeal that it did when it came out, I understand that, but I also don't see that as the problem. To me it's the "nothing's as good as the original" mentality. I love the originals, I grew up with them, collected the toys, comic books, you name it. That does not stop me from seeing these movies on their own. I think "Revenge of the Sith" is the best one...period. I can seperate myself from the nostalgia of the Star Wars of my youth and see it for what it is...a kick ass movie.

                              Some of your points are so off the wall I don't know how to respond. Not '70s enough?? So George should have used some of that CGI to make Obi-Wan and Anakin's hair grow over their ears??? Special effects are too "clean??" So he should have purposely used cameras mounted on hand carts again?? Even though the ENTIRE reason this new trilogy was made was so he could show everyone what the first 3 were supposed to look like. The Clone Wars was never about cloning Jedis...what sense would it make to have thousannds of clone Jedis running around and then in the new series be like "Well....they're all gone. They were wiped themselves." C3PO was made by Anakin, but aside from that, since it's HIS story, if he wants to make it true...doesn't that make it true?? Sam Jackson doesn't "fit" as a Jedi??? And Harrison Ford, who at the time was know for American Graffiti, "fits" as an intergalactic pirate and Mark Hamill, who was best known for "Corvette Summer" does "fit" as a Jedi??? Robes are a Jedi's "normal" clothes, they were like monks or priests....why would they have any use for "regular' clothes. Could you see a Christian priest in a flight suit?? Yoda was always a part of the Jedi council, that has been known since the first time he was seen onscreen. So now we have movies that show the Jedi council and he should be...what...on vacation??? Midichlorians I'm neutral on, it doesn't add to the story or take away from it, just another part to me. "Multi-culti Jedi looks forced; too much of a rainbow." So they should all have been human just keep it more uniform, even though there were Jedi from across the universe?? The lightning could be used by anyone who reached a certain level of power within the Dark Side, it was never exclusive to the Emperor. That tells you how much of a badass Dooku was, and how much more of a badass Anakin had become by beating him so easily the second time around. Like I said, you gotta look deeper.

                              I mean seriously...we could go on for days. But those are some very interesting reason why a different set of movies, telling a different story are different from the ones that came before them.


                                Fresh Peossy
                                • Apr 2005
                                • 7

                                Re: Please suck less Mr. George Lucas , sir.

                                its good that the films have been produced as the story is now complete, shit acting and ja ja binks aside the films are perfectly enjoyable to watch

