Steve Gerrard Interview

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  • triggerb
    Getting Somewhere
    • Jun 2004
    • 230

    Steve Gerrard Interview


    Since his Bedroom Bedlam mixtape success, Steve Gerrard?s career has been on the up and up. More recently he?s had some top class remixes, his very own mix album, a packed international DJ schedule and regular appearances at John Digweeds Bedrock events and tours. He?s coming to Dublin this weekend to play at Junefest and I caught up with him for a chat?

    Hi Steve, and thanks for taking the time for doing this, as I know you?re just back from the States. First off, how did the trip go?

    The trip itself was great. It?s always good being over there and seeing friends etc, however the gigs got messed around. One was cancelled and the other got moved venues so that was a little annoying.

    You?ve done a few trips over stateside. What kind of reception do you get from US clubbers?
    Nearly every gig I do over in the US these days is fantastic. Whether it?s a small bar or a huge club the crowd tend to be really into the music and people are always very friendly too. I?ve been 3 times this year already.

    So Boston or Berlin! Do you prefer playing in the US or in Europe?
    I?ve never played Berlin but I never prefer one continent over another particularly. It?s all about the individual club and the people in it. That?s what makes the party happen, not where they live. Some of the best gigs I?ve played have been in places I?ve never even heard of before.

    You?re originally from Chester. Ever get to do homecoming gigs?
    Nope. Chester?s a great city but not when it comes to clubbing. It?d be great to play there some time. I could fill a small club just with my family.

    Is it feasible do something regular there?
    I think it?s too small to do a regular prog night. Maybe a one-off would work though so you never know..

    You?re based in Birmingham now. Do you get to play there much?
    A fair bit but not as much as I?d like. I do some small parties of my own and then I get to play Godskitchen every now and then. I?d love to have my own little night where I could play regularly and build up a following. It?s something I?d do if I could get the right venue.

    You can get to Birmingham from Dublin in an hour for the price of two taxis. Is it a city worth checking out? What could clubbers expect if they went over?

    Birmingham has been transformed in the last few years and it?s a great place to visit now. There?s plenty of cool bars and restaurants down by the canals and the clubbing is gradually getting better with places like The Custard Factory and Godskitchen bringing in some quality guests rather than relying on the same big names.

    Now that the regular residencies in London and Brighton have stopped, have you any news or gossip on future Bedrock gigs?

    Bedrock returns very soon but not quite in the same form.

    After last years success, Is there?s plans for another Bedrock University tour? Do you think you could put in a word to get the tour over here?
    The Uni tour was brilliant and we had some fantastic gigs. The DJ workshops were a great experience too and I still get emails from people who attended them. It?s really up to John as to whether or not it?s something we?d repeat, but it?d certainly make sense to take it to Ireland next time. I?m up for it but it?s not my decision so keep your fingers crossed.

    I?m sorry to say I don?t remember you ever playing in Dublin. Have you been here before?
    I played Red Box a few years ago but that?s it so far, so I?m looking forward to coming back.

    You played Godskitchen a few weeks back with Desyn. How do you find playing with him?
    I warmed up for him there and at one point it looked like he wasn?t going to make it but we had a great night. He?s a great DJ and certainly got the crowd all hot n sweaty that night. Unfortunately I couldn?t stay for his whole set as I had another party to get to.

    I?m not trying to pigeon hole you, because your sets are pretty diverse. But you generally play more of a progressive and breaks style than Desyn. How do you prepare yourself when you?re warming up for him?
    My style maybe quite different but I think the element of funkiness is apparent in both our styles. I?ll just get a good groove going which should then allow him to go and do his thing. I think it?ll work well.

    Have you ever or could you see yourself playing back to back with him?? What are the chances or a tag team battle between you & him and Nic Fanciulli & Paolo Mojo?!!
    Yeah we could certainly do that. Funky, progressive, housey and melodic. That would work for all of us I reckon. Count me in!

    Could you also me tell me two or three tunes that have doing the business at your gigs this year?
    There?s some fantastic tunes around at the moment and I have my secret weapons too. Stuff like Dousk, Stewart Keenan and the new Terry Grant tune on Bedrock are big for me every time.

    Your ?Thinking Out Loud? album cam out on Nascent last year. Are you happy with how it went?

    Yeah I am. I was eager to get my own mix CD out to show what I was all about and I?m very grateful to Nascent for making it possible. The album sold well and the reviews were really great so I?m very happy.

    Were there any tracks you would liked to have had on there, but didn?t get clearance?
    None. Everything I asked for, I got. My only problem was not having space for everything.

    Are you keen to do another compilation now with that one under your belt?

    Of course, I?d love to do another one.

    Anything you?d do differently?

    Not really. But I?d probably use my new Allen & Heath 92 mixer rather than the V6 I used before.

    What are the chances of you doing an Original Series mix for Bedrock? Surely you must be a candidate?
    In my dreams!!! Stranger things have happened but I?m not getting my hopes up just yet. But John, if you?re reading this, the cheque?s in the mail..

    You mixed the ?Thinking Out Loud? album totally live. Have you a thing about using computers when Djing?
    Each to their own. I have nothing against computers and in some circumstances they work best for a mix CD. I just felt that for my first CD I wanted to really show people how I sound as a DJ. It?s obviously recorded live and you can hear me tweaking the sound in the mix. I?m happy with the way it turned out.

    Do you request certain equipment for your gigs?

    I do now. Last week in Germany they had crappy CD players that were jumping all the time, often mid-mix. It was a nightmare. I?ve now started to insist on Pioneer CDJ1000s cos I use CDs 99% of the time. I?d prefer an Allen & Heath 92 mixer which is what I use at home but I?m a little more flexible with that.

    I love your Wrecked Angle work; particularly Back to Babylon and the remix of Syntax ? Bliss. Any other tracks or mixes in the pipeline?
    Unfortunately I haven?t been in the studio for a year. Hopefully I?ll be back on the case soon though if I can find the time.

    Having remixed Age of Love and Chakra, are there any other classics that you?re planning to or would like to remix?
    There was a bit of a fad for remixing classics with breaks there for a while so I?ve avoided it since Age Of Love. I?m more interested in doing new stuff now but never say never..

    Never say Never? Even Leftfields ?Song of Life?, one of your favourite tunes?
    No way! Some things should absolutely be left alone and that?s one. I could never improve on it so there?s really no point.

    Can you tell me about your photography skills? Is it something you?d like to develop? How on earth did you get that picture of Desyn with the Godskitchen logo projected onto his arm?

    In the past year I?ve become a bit of an obsessive photographer which I?m sure is annoying everybody around me at times! I?m mainly photographing bands and have just launched my website It?s still a new thing for me and I?m learning constantly but I?m positive it?s something I?ll continue with, maybe even professionally one day.

    The photo of Desyn, which is also on my website, was taken using a flash and a slow shutter-speed. I focused on Desyn, took the picture and then span the camera round to where the Godskitchen logo was on the wall behind him. The result is pretty cool eh?

    It?s wicked. (Note: I have not included the photo, rather you should check it out for yourselves) Who takes photos of you when you?re playing? Or do you use a tripod and a timer!
    No, it?s never me in that situation. Various people have taken photos and some allow me to use those for promotion purposes.

    I?ve just a couple of brief questions to round up?

    What?s are the plans for the summer?

    Hopefully I?ll be playing Ibiza in August but before that I?m off to Brazil for the first time and also places like the Czech Republic. I?ll also be playing at Glastonbury I hope. We?re still waiting for confirmation. I?m also coming over to Ireland again for the Oxegen Festival but only as a punter. I?m a big fan of many Irish acts such as The Frames, so it makes sense to try out an Irish festival for a change.

    Who for you, is the DJ?s DJ?
    Still Sasha for me.

    You said you mostly use cds. How long has vinyl got left?

    I?m still seeing plenty of DJs spinning 100% vinyl so I think it?s got a bit of life left in it yet. For me though, apart from taking up half the space in my house, it?s almost had it?s day.

    What has the been the highlight of your career so far?
    It?s hard to pinpoint one moment but the Bedrock tour, Exit Festival in Serbia and playing with Oasis at Wembley Stadium are certainly fantastic memories.

    What would you like to have done or achieved twelve months from now?
    In a perfect world, I?d like to be playing amazing music to packed out crowds every weekend in places across the globe. I?d also like to start work on another mix CD on a more established label and get back in the studio to work on more Wrecked Angle productions. I?m having a lot of fun at the moment and as long as that continues I really have little to complain about.

    I know you?re a U2 fan and you?re going to see them but if you didn?t have a ticket, how much would you pay to see them in Manchester?

    I saw them last week in Philadelphia and they were incredible. Easily the best live band on the planet. I?m seeing them again a few times in June too. On the last tour I paid ?400 to see them at Earls Court thanks to eBay. I guess I?d pay that again if I had to.

    And finally for anyone who?s not seen you before, could you give them a one liner of what to expect?
    Funky, progressive house with groove and melody played by a short balding Englishman with a Jack & coke in his hand.

    Thanks again for taking the time and we will see you this Sunday at Junefest.

    Steve Gerrard will be appearing this Sunday at Collective Music?s Junefest in the Vaults. He?ll be playing alongside Desyn Masiello and Brian Cody, while Marco Bailey, Fran Harnett and Eddie Brennan are in room 1, while Podje, Christian Boshell and Efim will be in Room 3.

    Steve?s ?Thinking Out Loud? mix album is available on Nascent Recordings.
    For more info check out his artist wesbite
    His photography website is

  • Pataky P
    • Jun 2004
    • 1966

    Re: Steve Gerrard Interview

    Thanks the many info brother!!I like you!!
    And i love his music!!!


    • djstevegerrard
      Getting warmed up
      • Jun 2004
      • 57

      Re: Steve Gerrard Interview

      Thanks guys


