Geez, by the way you guys were gushing over it, I thought it was going to pack a bit more of a punch. The "truths uncovered" were hardly earth shattering (you mean the president has connections to Saudi Oil Money?! Horrors!), Moore's verbal commentary was sophomoric at best, and his use of the footage of the mother crying over her dead son seemed almost trite given the context (i.e. OMG NO BLOOD FOR OIL! *yawn*). Of course the mother's going to be upset. Her son?s dead. And I love how she claims she's now achieved mental clarity when she's crying in front of the White House. She didn't "know" before, but now that she's in an obvious heightened emotional state (read: really thinking analytically), she somehow "sees" the truth. 
The badgering of the congressmen to get their children to enlist didn't exactly resound with me, either. Kudos goes to them for barely even acknowledging Moore's presence on the street.
However, the entire viewing process was not without enjoyment. The Bonanza-esque intro to the war in Afghanistan was quality entertainment. And I do give Moore credit for obviously spending some time gathering facts and following up on leads.
But I hardly see Moore as a true patriot or an American hero (which too many reviews seem to be making him out as). At best he's a guy who stands to make decent bank off a controversial film (which will undoubtedly persuade many people "on the fence"), and permanently capture on celluloid his hatred for Bush & Cheney. I'm just glad I didn't pluck down $5 to actually see it in the theater. Even the Dragnet footage was only worth $2.

The badgering of the congressmen to get their children to enlist didn't exactly resound with me, either. Kudos goes to them for barely even acknowledging Moore's presence on the street.
However, the entire viewing process was not without enjoyment. The Bonanza-esque intro to the war in Afghanistan was quality entertainment. And I do give Moore credit for obviously spending some time gathering facts and following up on leads.
But I hardly see Moore as a true patriot or an American hero (which too many reviews seem to be making him out as). At best he's a guy who stands to make decent bank off a controversial film (which will undoubtedly persuade many people "on the fence"), and permanently capture on celluloid his hatred for Bush & Cheney. I'm just glad I didn't pluck down $5 to actually see it in the theater. Even the Dragnet footage was only worth $2.
