What Really Happened on that Bus.
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Re: What Really Happened on that Bus.
I have to say that after having been in the classroom, there are definitely situations where you have to remind yourself that they are children and if you lay a hand on them it almost guarantees you jailtime. Some of the little degenerates that I had to deal with on a daily basis would push me to the brink of insanity. I've told several people who have no idea what it's like, that I can definitely empathize with the teachers/school officials in some instances where they've put a kid in a closet or put duct tape over there mouths, etc. I'm not saying it's right, but it's certainly understandable at times. If there was a way to do it, I would make it so that every adult had to teach in elementary, middle, and high school for at least a month each to get a feel for what actually goes on. My fiance is a teacher and I give her an extra hug at the end of each day.A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.Comment
Re: What Really Happened on that Bus.
yeah kids are fucking insane sometime.
i don't teach myself but i look after them in summerschool.
the kids there don't want to be there they just have to because there parents have to work, most of the kids there are from low class parents ie without a job, alot of the parents are fisherman or own a caf?.so no time to take care of them, so they basicly have to look after themself, are on the streets til 1-2 am at the age of 8-9.
I've got kids to look after who are 10 and still don't know how to eat with a knife and fork. :?
the things they say i, i couldn't possibly repeat.Comment
Re: What Really Happened on that Bus.
Sheesh yea man...same here: at my old job I got to do b-day parties with those little kids; I've had really cool kiddo's with me (the kind you want your future kids to become) but also the kind you'd like to hold in a barrel of water upside-down till they stop kickin'.
Even had a kid just literally kick his father arseI was WFT? waiting for the guy to really give that little fecker a sound beating, but nothing....
I even got kicked right on the knee by a leprechaun, they had to stop me from strangling that little piece 'o shit with 3 peepz, hehehhe....Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.
There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -HemingwayComment
Re: What Really Happened on that Bus.
I've dealt with snotty, punk ass kids before, I know how they can drive you to the brink. But still you've gotta realize what is going to happen if you grab a kid and throw him around like that. That guy outweighs that kid by what, 100 lbs?? Imagine how scared those other little kids are, seeing this older person whose care they are in grabbing one of them and tossing him around the bus?? They probably thought they were next. Either way, you've gota keep yourself under control, that deputy would have been there in a couple minutes, go outside and chill 'till he gets there.Comment
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