Re: This isn't even remotely funny...
Im sure Bill O'Rielly would be proud!
The link to Blue Cross really isnt the best source for explaining why they charge so much. However, since you went there, did you notice that their largest expenditure was advertising? In fact the average pharmacutical company spends 70% of its annual budget on marketing and advertising.
Your analysis of the market is equally astute, so I wont bother to debate that point.
Oil prices are actually fairly simple to figure out. The price of gas has doubled in the last 4 years. What else has happened in the last 4 years? Hmm. Uh...That's right, we invaded the middle east, and have begun threatening President Chavez.
But wait, werent Bush, Cheney, Rice, And Rumsfeld all in the oil business before 2000? That is some coincidence! I wonder how the profit margins are in the oil business?
Again, your analysis of our school systems decline being the fault of parents, rather than underfunding, poor curriculum, etc., is, well...
No sense in debating an unarmed man. The rest of us in the reality based community wish you well.
Originally posted by thesightless
The link to Blue Cross really isnt the best source for explaining why they charge so much. However, since you went there, did you notice that their largest expenditure was advertising? In fact the average pharmacutical company spends 70% of its annual budget on marketing and advertising.
Your analysis of the market is equally astute, so I wont bother to debate that point.
Oil prices are actually fairly simple to figure out. The price of gas has doubled in the last 4 years. What else has happened in the last 4 years? Hmm. Uh...That's right, we invaded the middle east, and have begun threatening President Chavez.
But wait, werent Bush, Cheney, Rice, And Rumsfeld all in the oil business before 2000? That is some coincidence! I wonder how the profit margins are in the oil business?
Again, your analysis of our school systems decline being the fault of parents, rather than underfunding, poor curriculum, etc., is, well...
No sense in debating an unarmed man. The rest of us in the reality based community wish you well.
