This isn't even remotely funny...

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  • eye-p
    Getting Somewhere
    • May 2005
    • 101

    Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

    Originally posted by thesightless
    maybe i am not wrong, maybe you dont realize some things.
    yeah, he fucked up the oil prices, but you should see europe. way higher.the entire world is suffereing from oil prices. we need to raise the price of food that we import to the middle east and starve them into producing more, and if you realized that oil is sold on an open market you wouldnt blame bush/clinton/any gov't, they arent buying it. the refineries are.
    here is primer on their work.

    the market is in better shape than it was in 1999, you need to know something about accounting and finance to relaize that. In 1999, it was pretty much based on ficticious accounting reports and statements. companies were overreporting thier earning and driving up the market beyond what it should have been. rememebr when everyone realized that the (( .com)) companies didnt really haev any source of income outside of thier IPO's?? comparable situation. there was no concrete base to where the economy was, they were just telling us it was great and we accepted it, really wasnt that good. any true investor should be happy, the ones who arent happy are the boiler room types who based thier extreme fees and research on bullshit and damn well know it. think of building a house out of balsa wood. looks good once it painted, but once you get the furniture upstairs, count on the floor falling out.

    the US healthcare situation cant be solved, not as long as they have to pay out millions in lawsuits that are plain stupid. he took a step to change the lawsuits regarding the class action suits. but until they can lower thier costs, thier fees will remain astronomical. example. go here.
    read the financial reports that are linked halfway down. in the 20's they start to explain the liabilities. (PDF link, so have adobe.)

    school teachers say thier number one enemy is the parent. solve that ,and maybe the kids will learn more. it isnt the quality of education being presented, its the effort that they put into it. and that falls solely on the parents. if your kid is failing, dont blame the prof, sit your kid down, make him study, take away playstation, ground them. i blame the parents. my sister is a teacher and she had a mother come to her class and scream at her for the kid failing, the kid didnt do a single homework and cut a test.

    dont spit facts until you know what backs them.
    Im sure Bill O'Rielly would be proud!

    The link to Blue Cross really isnt the best source for explaining why they charge so much. However, since you went there, did you notice that their largest expenditure was advertising? In fact the average pharmacutical company spends 70% of its annual budget on marketing and advertising.

    Your analysis of the market is equally astute, so I wont bother to debate that point.

    Oil prices are actually fairly simple to figure out. The price of gas has doubled in the last 4 years. What else has happened in the last 4 years? Hmm. Uh...That's right, we invaded the middle east, and have begun threatening President Chavez.

    But wait, werent Bush, Cheney, Rice, And Rumsfeld all in the oil business before 2000? That is some coincidence! I wonder how the profit margins are in the oil business?

    Again, your analysis of our school systems decline being the fault of parents, rather than underfunding, poor curriculum, etc., is, well...

    No sense in debating an unarmed man. The rest of us in the reality based community wish you well.

    Peak Oil


    • face
      Getting Somewhere
      • Jun 2004
      • 179

      Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

      Originally posted by eye-p
      I have a feeling that when all the facts finally come out, Bush will be seen as a war criminal, much like Henry Kissinger.
      lol kissinger is the chancellor of my alma mater, the college of william and mary. when he spoke at our charter day ceremony--just before keynote speaker kofi annan--he was booed extensively. hehe.

      ironic that a guy who escaped the holocaust of nazi germany and found refuge in the united states would wind up being responsible for the deaths of thousands of lives in vietnam and elsewhere.

      either way, i think this country is at an all-time low--in terms of everything, really. i know a lot of teachers and they all agree that the "no child left behind" has only worsened the public school system. i'm not an economist by any means, but i tend to agree with gingrich's corrollary regarding gas prices and the failure of an administration. in terms of prestige, morality, ethics, and image, our reckless foreign policies and warmongering have been detrimental. meanwhile, we are wasting valuable time in which we could be doing stem cell research to cure diseases. instead, we debate about matters of personal choice, like abortion, gay marriage, and religion.


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      • thesightless
        Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
        • Jun 2004
        • 13567

        Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

        ok eye, if you points are the end all be all and the ONLY reasons, then fix the fucking problems. its know it all people like you that never look at the whole picture, but look to blame your enemies.

        and i hate bill o reilly. no one looks at all the facts. just the ones you want to use. you are nothing more than michael moore reincarnate.

        not everyone has to be far left/ far right. use your skull and look at it all. somewhere in the middle lies the truth.
        your life is an occasion, rise to it.

        Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
        download that. deep shit listed there

        my dick is its own superhero.


        • superdave
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1366

          Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

          We don't need another Bush or Clinton in office anytime soon. Let's get some fresh candidates and families in power.

          It would be nice to have a Presidential choice that all Americans and other countries wouldn't mind having. The closest thing to that at this point may be John McCain or pick the lesser of two evils on election day.
          Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


          • eye-p
            Getting Somewhere
            • May 2005
            • 101

            Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

            How about General Wes Clark?
            Peak Oil


            • superdave
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1366

              Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

              Originally posted by eye-p
              How about General Wes Clark?
              Maybe, but I don't really know enough about General Wesley Clark.

              I remember after the Gulf War when Colin Powell had really high popularity numbers and so many people wanted him to run for President.
              Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


              • eye-p
                Getting Somewhere
                • May 2005
                • 101

                Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                Wes is a true democrat, who was allied commander of UN forces in Kosovo. He is the real deal. Also, since he hasnt spent his life in politics, he has less baggage for Fox News to attack.

                This is his blog:
                Peak Oil


                • face
                  Getting Somewhere
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 179

                  Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                  he'd be great except for his middle east foreign policy.

                  as for being half jewish, i think that's enough for some americans to not vote for him...

                  DJ Mixes | Music Reviews | Podcast | iTunes Podcast | RSS Feed | SoundCloud


                  • toasty
                    Sir Toastiness
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6585

                    Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                    Originally posted by eye-p
                    How about General Wes Clark?
                    Biggest problem with Clark is that he hasn't really shown a lot of political savvy -- he had a lot of support and momentum in the pre-primary season last election cycle and he didn't do shit with it. By the time things were in full swing (i.e., Iowa, New Hampshire), he was already out of it.

                    I want two things in a presidential candidate:
                    1. A policy mindset I can agree with.
                    2. The ability to beat any neocon the "Republicans" decide to put up next time around, assuming that happens.

                    For me, number 2 is actually more important than number 1, because I view the prospect of yet another 4 years of this lunacy as worse than pretty much anything else that could happen with someone else in office. Frankly, if Clark is going to get the nomination and then lose steam like Kerry did, I'd prefer he not run...


                    • thesightless
                      Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13567

                      Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                      the one thing that i dont like is that people want a pres who the world likes, IMO, the pres is called the pres of the USA for a reason. he shouldnt have to answer to anyone outside of the US unless we are at war like the current situation. if we are at peace, then the pres owes nothing to anyone, especially to countries we are giving aid to.

                      sounds bad, but this country needs the help firstly.
                      your life is an occasion, rise to it.

                      Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
                      download that. deep shit listed there

                      my dick is its own superhero.


                      • superdave
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1366

                        Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                        Originally posted by thesightless
                        the one thing that i dont like is that people want a pres who the world likes, IMO, the pres is called the pres of the USA for a reason. he shouldnt have to answer to anyone outside of the US unless we are at war like the current situation. if we are at peace, then the pres owes nothing to anyone, especially to countries we are giving aid to.

                        sounds bad, but this country needs the help firstly.

                        I like the idea of having a President that Americans and the rest of the world likes. I agree that a President is the leader of America first, but we are only a small percentage of the world's population and arguably the only superpower, so our international reputation is important.
                        Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                        • eye-p
                          Getting Somewhere
                          • May 2005
                          • 101

                          Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                          alright Superdave, enough with your liberal "logic"... :wink:

                          In general, a president that the "rest of the world likes" will also be good for us. Our current president is hated by 57% of this country along with the entire rest of the world, and he has destroyed the USA. Maybe its time to try something else?
                          Peak Oil


                          • superdave
                            Platinum Poster
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 1366

                            Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                            Originally posted by eye-p
                            alright Superdave, enough with your liberal "logic"... :wink:

                            In general, a president that the "rest of the world likes" will also be good for us. Our current president is hated by 57% of this country along with the entire rest of the world, and he has destroyed the USA. Maybe its time to try something else?
                            Not sure I understand the point you're trying to make.
                            Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                            • FM
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 5361

                              Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                              school teachers say thier number one enemy is the parent. solve that ,and maybe the kids will learn more. it isnt the quality of education being presented, its the effort that they put into it. and that falls solely on the parents. if your kid is failing, dont blame the prof, sit your kid down, make him study, take away playstation, ground them. i blame the parents. my sister is a teacher and she had a mother come to her class and scream at her for the kid failing, the kid didnt do a single homework and cut a test.
                              That is the part that infuriates me...parents do half the time absolute jack shit to "help" out their kids, and as SOON as the kid is failing, well gee BLAME THE TEACHER.

                              I won't even get into things now because it's too late, but I've seen Moms just absolutely fuck up parenting with their kids as toddlers...finding any way to shut them up. I'm certain that carries over into pre-school and elementary school.

                              "Not my kid." Shut the fuck up and actually LOOK at what your kid is doing and you'd be shocked.

                              "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                              What record did you loose your virginity to?
                              "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

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                              • FM
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 5361

                                Re: This isn't even remotely funny...

                                In any event I'll say this:

                                If our country has to choose between Hillary Clinton & Jeb Bush as candidates for president, we are truly fucked.

                                "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

                                What record did you loose your virginity to?
                                "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

                                Download/Listen To My Mixes
                                A Journey Into Sound On MCast

                                Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.

