anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

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  • day_for_night
    Are you Kidding me??
    • Jun 2004
    • 4127

    anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

    i know there are a few financial-types on the board, just curious to see if anyone else is writing tommorow, or has writen in the past?

    i'm writing level I, and i've never been so fucking stressed out for something in my life. the amount of material on this thing is REDICULOUS.
  • skahound
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jun 2004
    • 11411

    Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

    Not me just yet. I was a bit too late to register for this one. I'm looking to get sponsored by a professor at school so that I don't have to pay for it (not to mention I get study guides for free as well). Good luck d-f-n.
    A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


    • thesightless
      Someone will marry me. Hell Yeah!
      • Jun 2004
      • 13567

      Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

      i have a big test coming up for effciency management and auditing cert.

      now i can be like some of our own gestapo and tell you all what your doing wrong and how to do it better.

      good luck. its a toughie i have heard (my friend works for S&P as an analyst)
      your life is an occasion, rise to it.

      Join My Chant. new mix. april 09. dirty fuck house.
      download that. deep shit listed there

      my dick is its own superhero.


      • supaz
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1493

        Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

        Good Luck Man! Be prepared to get your balls busted like you never had before. Seriously. Keep your cool because this test is going to neuter you.

        1. Keep your chin up while everyone is losing their shit.

        2. Keep an eye on the time. 3 hours goes by quick...and the second half even quicker.

        3. I fukn hate quants.

        4. Watch out for the ethics section.

        5. Make sure you batteries are new on BOTH calculators your bringing in.

        6. Your going to see A LOT of stuff that you never seen before in your study guides. ~ be prepared to say to yourself WTF many times.

        You'll do fine. All the work you put into this will pay off. If anything, it's more of a mind fuk than anything else. You'll see people F this test up bc they panic.


        • supaz
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1493

          Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

          Also, (I know this is hard) but try not to look at your books tonight or before the test.

          Save your mental energy/focus...


          • day_for_night
            Are you Kidding me??
            • Jun 2004
            • 4127

            Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

            haha ya i just put them down

            realized that if i dont know it by know...i aint gonna.

            not really worried about stressing out DURING the exam, once i start writing just gonna keep my head down and go like in every other exam i've ever writen; but before...thats a different story.

            ohh, and the ethics and quant sections i've got down pat (minoring in stats has finally paid off). its the bloody accounting thats gonna bend me over. stupid capital leases and deferred taxes.


            • supaz
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 1493

              Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?


              It seems like the stuff they stress big time: CFO, CFI, CFF, Convexity, Duration, not on the test.

              It's all the misc nonsense they rake your nutz on.

              You'll be fine...


              • day_for_night
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 4127

                Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

                ahh its over. thank fuckin god. the most mentally draining thing i've ever done. the last 10 questions took me half an hour to do.

                i wrote with 3900 other lucky candidates...i've never seen a more stressed out group of people. the look on some people's faces before the morning section started could only be described as deer in the headlights.

                and you were right about them asking *obscure* shit, a couple of the questions had me guessing 100%.

                i cant believe i have to wait till near the end of JULY to get my mark!! how bloody long can it take to mark multiple choice exams??


                • supaz
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1493

                  Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

                  The wait is going to suck...some days you'll feel that you did well...then other days you feel like moving to Tora Bora.

                  What did they hit hard on?

                  I'm sure your mind is feeling numb right now...

                  big time ballbuster huh?


                  • picklemonkey
                    Double hoodie beer monster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 15373



                    • Pataky P
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 1966

                      Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

                      No,i don't.. :cry:


                      • supaz
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 1493

                        Originally posted by picklemonkey
                        Abbreviations for Cash Flow shite...

                        Cash Flow for Operations, Investing, and Finance. The CFA is a designation for a Chartered Financial Analyst. Takes 3 years to get and is on the of the hardest designations out there.

                        Big big time bull mind fuk


                        • day_for_night
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 4127

                          Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

                          Originally posted by supaz

                          What did they hit hard on?

                          I'm sure your mind is feeling numb right now...

                          big time ballbuster huh?
                          the hardest stuff was probably the asset valuation, as well as a bunch of really tricky ratio questions where you'd have to say how a change in accounting would affect multiple ratios. quant was a joke, econ wasnt too bad either, they did some cross rate q's and arbitrage. alot of people i talked to said they got raped by the ethics, but i didnt find them too bad. and ya, i can already tell the wait is gonna suck.


                          • skahound
                            Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 11411

                            Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

                            Originally posted by day_for_night
                            they did some cross rate q's and arbitrage
                            mmmmmm arbitrage! I absolutely love arbitrage - it's definitely what I'm aiming for when I finally graduate.
                            A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                            • day_for_night
                              Are you Kidding me??
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 4127

                              Re: anyone else writing the CFA tommorow?

                              Originally posted by skahound
                              Originally posted by day_for_night
                              they did some cross rate q's and arbitrage
                              mmmmmm arbitrage! I absolutely love arbitrage - it's definitely what I'm aiming for when I finally graduate.
                              extremely high stress & hard to get into. be the absolute best in your class if you want that as a career. and expect to be out of it by the time you're 30 (especially if you're doing currency arbitrage).

