FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

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  • Twist-R
    Fresh Peossy
    • Apr 2005
    • 26

    FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

    I'm probably going to slagged and slammed for this but i feel it has to be brought up as i feel there is some relevance in this matter.

    I've been discussing this topic with some people before i wrote this up just so i'm sure its worth bringing to the attention of this board.

    I dont want to be overly negative as theres nothing worse than someone ranting on about something but this is whats up.

    I feel that theres generally a lack of concern for this station and each others shows in general and that we're too busy just doing our own thing and not really working together to help make this place grow. Not only this but we're also only interested in our own shows and not supporting the shows of others.

    With this said i know that every single DJ/Host out there works damn hard to make their show a success but i also feel that due to what i mentioned above, the station as a whole isn't growing, rather just remaining stagnant.

    Being a community i think its time we work together as one and take MN/EB to another level.

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  • Weizy
    MCast Resident DJ
    • Jun 2004
    • 3208

    Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

    alright, so if what you say is true then what do you propose we do to help the station grow?


    • Jibgolly
      • Jun 2004
      • 20773

      Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

      weve only been a station for a little under two months.
      give it growing time.


      • Weizy
        MCast Resident DJ
        • Jun 2004
        • 3208

        Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

        right on Jib,

        we truly are at the infancy stage of our radio stream and with patience and hard work all will fall into place

        btw the way there is a thread about promoting the stream here:

        remoh makes some killer points in this thread and some other folks put some solid thought into it as well


        • Yao
          DUDERZ get a life!!!
          • Jun 2004
          • 8167

          Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

          But...I do like to see someone really caring about this guys. Thanks a lot for that anyway Twist-R!

          Bring on the ideas, I'm personally working on something in collaboration with a few other dj's, but it'll take some time tho. And we need to get the steady number of listeners a bit up...they are getting spoiled with good music around here!
          Blowkick visual & graphic design - No Civilization. Now With Broadband.

          There are but three true sports -- bullfighting, mountain climbing, and motor-racing. The rest are merely games. -Hemingway


          • palmer
            Retired or Simply Important
            • Jun 2004
            • 5383

            Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

            I got some water bitch just give me a little bit more time.
            art direction | design | animation


            • Bluelove
              Getting Somewhere
              • Jun 2004
              • 243

              Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

              no offence, but there are some many shows, you don't expect every host of a show to post a reply in each and every other show's topic?

              U4EA radio show, Wednesday 7PM EST or 1AM CET through www.mercurynation.com


              • Jibgolly
                • Jun 2004
                • 20773

                Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

                speaking of support. ive been tuned in to Weizy for a couple hours today.
                nice and funked up set.


                • Kamal
                  • May 2002
                  • 28835

                  Re: FAO: EB/MN Radio Show Hosts/Listeners & Admin

                  Twist-R you make a valid point, the issue here is not that we're too busy doing our own thing, you have to realize that for the team, we're not just running a radio show, we're running an entire website mate....

                  but we have a lot of things to prioritize before we can start full blown promotions..... if we need to promote, we need to put a place behind the promotions.... typing in mercurysessions.com in your web browser and ending up at mercurynation is not only confusing, its not addressing any of the key items on the radio station i.e. the DJ's, tracklists, etc.

                  While I shouldn't be mentioning this, we are in the process of setting up a wicked website for the radio show and the forum from here will be cross linked. Then peeps coming to the radio site will have some sort of "face" to recognize the site and keep coming back for more...

                  meanwhile, as jib mentioned, we're 2 months old. MercuryServer (now mercurysessions) wasnt born with 5000 members and nearly 180,000 posts, it takes time and we got here. Given more time we will continue to grow as we make improvements and changes to all the sites.....

                  so while we urge DJ's to continue doing what they are doing at their best, rest assured, the team members are slogging their asses out in the background trying to do things to put things into perspective....

                  hope you can bear with our time deficiencies in doing so....


                  - Kamal

                  Jib says:
                  he isnt worth the water that splashes up into your asshole while you're shitting
                  Originally posted by ace_dl
                  Guys and Gals, I have to hurry/leaving for short-term vacations.
                  I won't be back until next Tuesday, so if Get Carter is the correct answer, I would appreciate of someone else posts a new cap for me

