Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
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Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Sorry dude but this is NOT STREAM RIPComment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Oh really? You didn't know DjLellone abuses Mercury Server's "no frisky Radio sets" rule, with blatant disregard for Faisal Sultan's wishes, systematically each and every week through the guise of "Mass Uploads and Podcasts" thread?
You could at least not delete my posts sbando and restore some integrity to this community...
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
You need balls to moderate a forum or a website something seriously lacking here.Comment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Yeah I'm in total concurrence with you there. The dude asked MS not to post frisky sets. You can get them all from your other favourite sites. 99 % of MS users can adhere to this rule I just don't get why the other 1% can't. 10 bucks a month thats all I have to say.Comment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
In effect i pay 10 bucks per month for my subscription to Frisky Radio.Comment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Thanks! Or, no thanks! (depending on your view of things)It's never too late to become the person you always thought you would be.Comment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
yeah really, this has been going on for years now, and really quite under the radar in this ignored forum and we got these peeps that now have decided to go off.
this is a wonderful set btw. thanks again DjLellone! and to the others who have all of a sudden decided to come out of the woodwork, relax and chill the F*ck out. its all about the music, ok, leave us alone and appreciate the soundsComment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Hey psybangas, its not wirth all that fuss... Geez.Comment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
yeah really, this has been going on for years now, and really quite under the radar in this ignored forum and we got these peeps that now have decided to go off.
this is a wonderful set btw. thanks again DjLellone! and to the others who have all of a sudden decided to come out of the woodwork, relax and chill the F*ck out. its all about the music, ok, leave us alone and appreciate the soundsComment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
I love that you are back Gatz, but just kind of disappointing that you have to make a big fuss over this.
We all know the rule but it was kind of left alone since Cabin Pressure was posted under the mass uploads section (which is pretty much ignored and under the radar) Not sure why you have to ruin it for us Garcia FanaticsComment
Re: Cabin Pressure - 23 April 2015 - Martin Garcia
Right, maybe your taking this too personal ( when it's not ) this is NOT about Martin Garcia, It's about respect for other and rules on [MS]. The Owner of Frisky Radio asked the owner of mercuryserver not to post frisky sets on his site and the owner of mercuryserver agreed. Point final - that's it, the bottom line.
You know what's upsetting chuck? It's the fact the djlellone can't come up with a better way of cheating like (puting a link to his site where you can get the set) which is allowed. Or the fact that a grown man like you can't google the set name and find it on 50 different sites, Or the fact that you defend breaking rules. You know what chuck have it your way but when Kamal talks about closing [ms] I guest you will have to find other ways of finding cabin pressure.Comment
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