Sunday, May 3rd, 2015, 4pm-11pm
Join us for this special event at Club 20/20 in the Bronx
Kaleidoscope with special guest DJ RUBEN TORO (Temple)
+ residents Missy B & Vince K
Only $5 b4 5pm / $10 after
2 4 1 drink specials until 7pm

1332 Blondell Avenue
RSVP for the event here:
Join theREDness Events Party Page:
Follow theREDness on twitter:
Check out the NEW REDness Parties & Events website:
https://<span style="color:#000080">.../a></u></span>
Join us for this special event at Club 20/20 in the Bronx
Kaleidoscope with special guest DJ RUBEN TORO (Temple)
+ residents Missy B & Vince K
Only $5 b4 5pm / $10 after
2 4 1 drink specials until 7pm

1332 Blondell Avenue
RSVP for the event here:
Join theREDness Events Party Page:
Follow theREDness on twitter:
Check out the NEW REDness Parties & Events website:
https://<span style="color:#000080">.../a></u></span>