Deep Dish split

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  • Garrick
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 6764

    Re: Deep Dish split

    if you don't like deep dish, thats your own personal choice, i can respect that. to say they don't have talent or are overrated is ignorant. they've accomplished more than most edm artists can admit to.

    i've seen ali play twice now. he's always been top notch.
    Should I fuck you at that not until the ass, inject then tremendously hard bumschen and to the termination in the eyes yes?


    • skahound
      Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
      • Jun 2004
      • 11411

      ^ Well said.
      A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


      • chuckc
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • Jun 2004
        • 5459

        Re: Deep Dish split

        Originally posted by asdf_admin
        I went to the main floor several times and couldnt take more than 10 was really awful. there just to commerical for me.
        umm. HC = Perfecto = Oakenfold. try that on for size ... chucky.
        I must say Hernan seems to have gotten a bit boring since ms has hosted his show...not sure what is going on.....i


        • remoh
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 2466

          he knows we are listening ..
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          • YO75
            Gold Gabber
            • Jul 2004
            • 642

            Re: Deep Dish split

            Originally posted by ecpolonyc
            But I have to say, I like that there both different. For me, it adds another element to their music. Heres a quote from Ali about his differences with Sharam,

            But while Deep Dish are perceived as a unit, their personalities are distinct. "We couldn't be more different than one another," Ali insists. "When we first met, we were just complete opposites - and that's been one of the main reasons why we've been so successful. I mean, if he had my personality and my musical taste and my way of doing things, and vice versa, it just would not have worked out. It's that tension that has always existed between our music, and sometimes that tension has been volatile and sometimes it's been mild, but I think it's that tension and that attitude that made us who we are today.

            "Sharam has a very unorthodox approach to not only appreciating music but also to making music and I come from a more musical background where I played in bands and I play instruments and things like that, so he has a way of looking at things from a different perspective - and that's always healthy. So I think it's a combination of all those things that's really been instrumental in us achieving this kind of success and acclaim."

            Heres the link to the complete article

            And as for hardly playing together anymore, thats not the case. Most of the time, they usually play together. Here is their upcoming schedule:

            10 Jun 2005 Canberra, Australia The Academy
            11 Jun 2005 Brisbane, Australia The Family
            12 Jun 2005 Sydney, Australia Hordern Pavillion
            12 Jun 2005 Adelaide, Australia Heaven Nightclub
            23 Jun 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            24 Jun 2005 Siofok, Balton, Hungary Club Palace
            25 Jun 2005 Tiszakecske, Hungary Club New Night
            01 Jul 2005 Chicago, USA Sound-Bar
            02 Jul 2005 Washington, DC, USA FUR
            03 Jul 2005 Miami, USA Space Featuring Dubfire. Along with Behrouz.
            03 Jul 2005 Los Angeles, USA Avalon Featuring Sharam.
            07 Jul 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            10 Jul 2005 Dublin, Ireland Oxegen Festival Along with Nic Fanciulli, LCD Soundsystem, Jacques Le Cont, Death in Vegas, Silicone Soul and more.
            21 Jul 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            22 Jul 2005 Mykonos, Greece Cavo Paradiso
            29 Jul 2005 Birmingham, UK Godskitchen
            30 Jul 2005 Portrush, Ireland Lush Featuring Sharam.
            04 Aug 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            05 Aug 2005 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dance Valley
            06 Aug 2005 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dance Valley
            13 Aug 2005 Andalucia, Spain Creamfields
            18 Aug 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            01 Sep 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            15 Sep 2005 Ibiza, Spain Yoshitoshi @ Pacha Along with Behrouz.
            29 Oct 2005 Los Angeles, USA Monster Massive Along with Roger Sanchez, John Digweed, Behrouz, Nic Fanciulli, Judge Jules and more.

            I'm a Deep Dish fanatic, what can I say.
            well said again....

            and though I prefer Ali and Sharam does have his ups and downs, still totally respect both!

            another fanatic...............
            " I knew I was going to kick it - I've been kicking them all week "


            • remoh
              Platinum Poster
              • Jun 2004
              • 2466

              everytime i've seen them, they have been amazing...last time they were in vegas i walked out on sharam because he played absolute garbage... but my understanding is that he redeemed himself this memorial day weekend ..they palyed for 5.5 hours and only dropped 2 remixes ... of course i missed it :cry: .... but DD has always been top 10 for me... ali has been stealing the spotlight from sharam as of late though
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              • Funky Dredd
                Are you Kidding me??
                • May 2005
                • 3701

                Re: Deep Dish split

                I saw them not too long ago at the house od blues in orlando. I thought the whole night was good! There were a few songs I could have done without, but the set as a whole was good. As for them being sell outs, I don't think that is the case at all, but I don't really keep up with them on a weekly basis either.
                Mutations presents Change The Music

                Mutations (original show)

                Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


                • evangelion
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1999

                  Originally posted by Garrick
                  if you don't like deep dish, thats your own personal choice, i can respect that. to say they don't have talent or are overrated is ignorant. they've accomplished more than most edm artists can admit to.

                  i've seen ali play twice now. he's always been top notch.
                  Originally posted by skahound
                  ^ Well said.
                  Yep. Just cause you don't like what they are spinning as of late does not mean they are all of a sudden devoid of the talent that made you like them in the first place. I don't like the direction Sharam has gone, but that doesn't mean see "sucks." It means I don't like his style...big difference.


                  • skahound
                    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 11411

                    Re: Deep Dish split

                    Originally posted by Funky Dredd
                    I saw them not too long ago at the house od blues in orlando. I thought the whole night was good! There were a few songs I could have done without, but the set as a whole was good. As for them being sell outs, I don't think that is the case at all, but I don't really keep up with them on a weekly basis either.
                    I was there with Danton. Thought it was a fantastic time. Ali was especially dark that night.
                    A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


                    • asdf_admin
                      i use to be important
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 12798

                      Re: Deep Dish split

                      I must say Hernan seems to have gotten a bit boring since ms has hosted his show...not sure what is going on
                      rofl. i was just giving you a hard time pal.
                      dead, yet alive.


                      • chemicalbeavis
                        Are you Kidding me??
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 3607

                        Re: Deep Dish split

                        Deep Dish are fucking incredible, always rocked the house when i've seen them and their contribution to dance music in general is hard to match, top drawer imo.


                        • Funky Dredd
                          Are you Kidding me??
                          • May 2005
                          • 3701

                          Re: Deep Dish split

                          Originally posted by skahound
                          Originally posted by Funky Dredd
                          I saw them not too long ago at the house od blues in orlando. I thought the whole night was good! There were a few songs I could have done without, but the set as a whole was good. As for them being sell outs, I don't think that is the case at all, but I don't really keep up with them on a weekly basis either.
                          I was there with Danton. Thought it was a fantastic time. Ali was especially dark that night.
                          Very! I wasn't to fond of the way they closed it out. But hey I guess that is why they are up there and I was watching!
                          Mutations presents Change The Music

                          Mutations (original show)

                          Mutations presents Change The Music airs 4th Friday of the month on SaturoSounds


                          • tejpatel
                            Getting Somewhere
                            • Jun 2005
                            • 106

                            Re: Deep Dish split

                            29 Oct 2005 Los Angeles, USA Monster Massive Along with Roger Sanchez, John Digweed, Behrouz, Nic Fanciulli, Judge Jules and more.

                            there playin at a rave wow


                            • stoneskid
                              Fresh Peossy
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 43

                              Re: Deep Dish split

                              They had a few good sets/tracks but for the most part they just blew


                              • GregWhelan
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 2994

                                Re: Deep Dish split

                                Ohh dear are DD the latest act to get a backlash!!!!Why is it that people always have something to moan at.It was Seaman a while back, now its DD!

                                They are legends IMO.Cant think of any(if any) artists that have contributed as much as they have to the house/progressive scene.Their mix of De Lacy-Hideaway is an all-time classic.

                                Their CD's are consistently good also.I loved Gu25 despite everyone moaning about it.Moscow was average but still better than the boring stuff so-called 'up and coming dj's 'are churning out.

