Book me because I am (visually) HOT

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  • skahound
    Someone MARRY ME!! LOL
    • Jun 2004
    • 11411

    ^ Well said.

    **Edit: Don't you hate it when you try to point to the post above you and that happens to be the time it starts a new page?
    A good shower head and my right hand - the two best lovers that I ever had.


    • FM
      • Jun 2004
      • 5361

      If you remember back around 95, Traci Lords had a "techno" album
      oh shit I remember that album...think it's still in the stacks

      (note to self: go throw out that album)

      "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

      What record did you loose your virginity to?
      "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

      Download/Listen To My Mixes
      A Journey Into Sound On MCast

      Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


      • Ariel Cybana
        Addiction started
        • Jul 2004
        • 366

        Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

        One of my old friends had that Traci Lords album and I did listen to it. I remember only liking the first song (Control) and the rest of the album sucked. I doubt anyone can sell it to a record store.. might have to pay someone to take it, hehe.


        • palmer
          Retired or Simply Important
          • Jun 2004
          • 5383

          Originally posted by FM
          she's got a little taste in music at least..:? but the rest needs working on

          RIC PRYDZ - WoZ Not WoZ
          Aretha Franklin - Think (Remix)

          D-Community Ft. Jennifer Sanchez - Toys

          V8 - Make it Hot
          Spiller - Sola
          Dr. Kucho - Lies to yourself
          Dr. kucho - Cant Stop playing
          Malibu Zanzibar - Jesse Garcia Tribal
          Benjamin Bates - Whole
          Rune - Calabria
          Deep Dish - Flashdance
          Armand van Helden - My My My
          Girls Aloud - Love Machine (remix)
          Eric Prydz - Call on me
          United Nations - Out of touch
          Lasgo - All night long
          Dave McCullen - Bitch
          Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
          Marly - You never know
          JoJo - Leave Get out (remix)
          Christina Milian - Dip it Low (remix)
          Sodaclub - Aint no love
          Madison Avenue - Dont call me Baby 2005 (eigen remix)
          Sander Kleinenberg - the Fruit
          Dallas Superstrars - Fast Driving
          Natashia Beddingfield - These Words (eigen remix)
          Attic - Destiny (Eric P rmx)
          Kelis - Trick me (eigen remix)
          Fatman scoop - Be Faithfull
          Jennifer Lopez - Get it Right
          Speedy - Sientelo
          Lorna - Papi Chulo
          Beenieman - Dancehall Queen
          Kevin Little - Turn me On
          Destiny's Child - Lose my Breathe
          Black eyed Peas - Lets get it started
          Dj Jean - Every Single day
          Grooveyard - Mary Go Wild
          Dj Tiesto - Adagio for Strings
          Dj Tiesto - Traffic
          BBE - Seven days at one week
          DJ Boozywoozy - Dancefloor
          DJ Boozywoozy - Life is Music
          Jules and Raoul - Sound of Light
          Manyou - Drifting away
          John Marks - Tracking
          John Marks - Don't Stop
          Buse - Love 2 Nite
          Saxo - Les Bruits de la Foret
          Michael Woods - Solex
          Khia - My Neck, My Back (Remix)
          Ultrabeat - Better than life (B rmx)
          Jordan en Baker - Explode
          Riffs & Rays - Sweet Dreams
          G-Spott - No Comment
          Dj Jose - Hecitate
          Klubbers Revenge - Mental Atmosphere
          Marcel Woord - the Bom
          Showtek - Save the Day

          what a fucking mess.
          the bitch is broke. super dark photos... blah... not a fan.
          i'd see wasted ass sandra before I would czech out one of these bs gimmicks.
          art direction | design | animation


          • FM
            • Jun 2004
            • 5361

            Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

            Originally posted by Ariel Cybana
            One of my old friends had that Traci Lords album and I did listen to it. I remember only liking the first song (Control) and the rest of the album sucked. I doubt anyone can sell it to a record store.. might have to pay someone to take it, hehe.
            first dollar gets it...:ROFLMAO:

            "Nowadays everyone is a fucking DJ." - Jack Dangers

            What record did you loose your virginity to?
            "I don't like having sex with music on- I find it distracting. And if it's a mix cd- forget it. I'm stopping to check the beat mixing in between tracks." - Tom Stephan

            Download/Listen To My Mixes
            A Journey Into Sound On MCast

            Satisfaction guaranteed, or double your music back.


            • sammwalk
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 769

              Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

              Originally posted by Weizy
              ...the dance music industry is in a serious depression and worthless trashy people who exploit the industry like this are not helping the actually talented musicians and DJs who deserve to get booked and get their records out.

              Case in point:

              last week in minneapolis the Vote for Pedro tour came to our local nightclub. Pedro and Kip from Napoleon Dynamite were there and Pedro played two hours of terrible hard house music all while backspinning and trainwrecking every FUCKING record

              this type of gimmicky shit is killing dance music the same way that those strippers who think they are DJs are. don't get me wrong i have seen plenty of female DJs who actually were talented and i have the utmost respect for them. but, when i start getting passed over for gigs because some trashy topless DJ is rolling though town then i just can't show any respect for that at all. there are too many talented male and female DJs who actually deserve to get booked to give these gimmicky artists any of my time, attention, or money.

              don't support these gimmicks, if you want to see breasts then have sex with your girlfriend, go to a strip club, or rent a porn
              A couple of gimmick bimbos aren't killing the dance music scene; it's just getting played out. It's not new anymore. I also don't think that truly talented females get passed over for some topless chicks- I'd say the topless chicks would be taking business away from male hard house/trance DJs from Jersey.

              Obviously, if people are being hired based on their talent because that what draws the crowd, being topless is only going to apply to places where the people want to see that, not with a music crowd. Plus, most clubs seem to be wanting to attract as many women as possible, because then in turn they will attract men. Having a topless bimbo DJing is not going to help.

              I wouldn't worry about it, folks.


              • Weizy
                MCast Resident DJ
                • Jun 2004
                • 3225

                Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

                Originally posted by Ariel Cybana
                The way I look at it is yes it does irk me to see topless girls playing all over the planet but at the same time I can look at myself and know that I got to where I'm at by myself and I did it w/o resorting to gimmicks OR kissing ass.

                i totally agree Ariel, i like the way you think


                • Morgan
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2234

                  I don't think that the Dance scene will suffer as a result of topless DJ's. As has been stated it is a meatmarket gimmick, i'm sure the promoting of these people will be as topless DJ's rather than DJ's who happen to be topless, if you see what i mean. I don;t think any clubber who knows EDM would even bother going to these events, i'm suspect they will be held in the local meat markets rather than the clubs with a serious music policy (if any club other than fabric really has a music policy).

                  IMO good for this lady, if she is prepeared to lose her self respect and can live with herself for basically prosituting herself to earn a quick buck, then so be it.

                  To my mind getting your tits out for a living is fine, we all know sex sells, just look at all the glamour models plastered all over magazines, TV shows and the tabloid press. I have no problems with it, but i have no respect for people who sell an image with no real substance behind it. An example would be that i've never been to a strip club, why the fook would I want to pay good money to see lush women and not be able to touch them? Defeats the objective before you have even started IMO.

                  A bit of rant at modern times, sorry. Image is everything to some ppl, IMO that is complete bollocks, substance is the key.

                  End rant. :wink:
                  "Pain is only weakness leaving the body."


                  • nbpgt
                    Platinum Poster
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 1044

                    Originally posted by picklemonkey
                    IMO the topless thing is a sad gimmick that shows she's attention starved. I'm sure she sucks, and I'd go listen to her spin only if it were a free show and if she lost the panties too

                    yeah, if i wanted to see cans & crappy music, id go to a titty bar.


                    • MJDub
                      Are you Kidding me??
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 2765

                      if i wanted to see cans & crappy music, id go to a titty bar.
                      Or you can watch any type of TV.

                      You can't have manslaughter without laughter.

                      "Son," he said without preamble, "never trust a man who doesn't drink because he's probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world. They're the judges, the meddlers. And, son, never trust a man who drinks but refuses to get drunk. They're usually afraid of something deep down inside, either that they're a coward or a fool or mean and violent. You can't trust a man who's afraid of himself. But sometimes, son, you can trust a man who occasionally kneels before a toilet. The chances are that he is learning something about humility and his natural human foolishness, about how to survive himself. It's damned hard for a man to take himself too seriously when he's heaving his guts into a dirty toilet bowl."


                      • Jibgolly
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 20773

                        dont judge the book by its cover.


                        • shosh
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 4668

                          ^^^ or tits


                          • turban
                            Getting Somewhere
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 127

                            Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

                            I'd personally love to crimp off a massive shit on her mixer, then walk off.


                            • honeyL
                              Getting Somewhere
                              • Aug 2003
                              • 131

                              Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

                              Originally posted by Weizy
                              miss linzey

                              what a stupid bitch, why the fuck can't she just go work at a strip club where she belongs
                              Are there stripclubs that offer topless female DJs performing live?By the looks of that tracklist I think the topless gimmick is a good fit for her. My ears hurt just reading that outloud.
                              Doesn't mean I am weird and it doesn't mean I need to be in therapy.


                              • clintlove
                                Hey girl, ya Hungry?
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 3264

                                Re: Book me because I am (visually) HOT

                                If I started djing with my penis, do you think people would come see me play?

                                I can't really mix at all, I play alot of tracks by Jennifer Lopez and Destiny's Child (what can I say, I'm various), and if you look closely, one of my testicles is pointed in a weird direction and is slightly larger than the other. But hey, I'll just start up a website, do a few penis spinning gigs, and hopefully no one will notice. Right?


                                Music is the answer, to your problems. Keep on movin', till you solve them.


