Steve Jobs (2015)
Originally posted by Hoffa powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all landsOriginally posted by m1sT3rLOh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.
I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.Comment
Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
Seeing this tomorrow night. Opened a week early in Toronto.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
I'm guessing that you're not impressed with Seth Rogen playing Wozniak? If not, who are you not digging?
While Michael Fassbender doesn't really look the part of Jobs, he's one of the more exciting up and coming actors right now. He's got a pretty strong body of work (even if Prometheus wasn't what I was hoping it would be - he was still the best thing about that movie). I really, really, REALLY want to see what he brings to the new screen adaptation of MacBeth that is touring festival circuits right now.
And Kate Winslet could bring something to this that none of the other movies about Jobs has done - a female perspective.
I'm optimistic about this. I'm hoping it lives up to the critical praise it's got so far.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
Seth Rogan is not a good actor and has a distracting voice - he writes funny movies but never liked him as an actor. MF is solid, but he looks nothing like SJ as you pointed out, that's kind of odd to me. Plus it's such an American story, I guess I get irritated by a foreign actor playing an iconic American figure, as they say in Shark tank, for those reasons I'm out.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
Fassbender has a hard act to follow in the sense of looking like Steve Jobs, as he's following Ashton Kutcher's dead ringer appearance (and in appearance only - he was pretty grating whenever he opened his mouth) in the other Jobs movie. But I think that they just said, screw it, and tried to go more for the insight of who he was with this, rather than go for an impersonation of Steve Jobs. Oliver Stone and Anthony Hopkins were similarly minded with Nixon (even with all the makeup, I never bought that he looked like Nixon), and I never really thought that Will Smith resembled Muhammad Ali all that much in Michael Mann's Ali.
But I can kind of understand what you're saying about a non-American actor playing an American business icon. I had similar misgivings about the idea having an Australian (ie. Eric Bana) playing James Bond when they were looking for Brosnan's replacement. At least pick someone in the same hemisphere.
I'm not sure about Rogen being selected, but I'll report back later tonight after the screening.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
Ps - would love to work with Any of these cast members one day of course.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
Saw it last night - lots to digest.
The movie is three acts - all of which are on the precipice of him launching a new product which co-incide with what seems to be a crossroad in his life and career. The first act takes place in 1984 around the unveiling of the first Macintosh, the second act takes place in 1988, just before the launch of NeXT and the last act takes place in 1998 right before the launch of the iMac. Each period of his life is filmed in a different filmstock - so the picture quality and vividness of the drama that's unfolding changes with each period in his life.
While Aaron Sorkin did write this and The Social Network, they might be distant cousins, but the movie is more based on Jobs' autobiography, framed and compressed into the three act format. There's little romanticizing of the man that Jobs was - he's a complete bastard to his daughter, whom he denies paternity of, and while in complete control of everything, he's still keeping everyone away at arm's length. The movie fully embraces Jobs' legendary reputation of being an incredibly difficult man to like, but how his undeniable genius attracts other incredibly talented people around him. There's only a few flickering moments of compassion and empathy that are shown by Fassbender and Boyle, but when they do emerge, they show a man that is likely still struggling with issues of abandonment and a desire for perfection, even if he himself admits that he himself is "imperfectly made" and manages to show his feelings in a deeply twisted and warped manner.
As I said before I saw this, Kate Winslet offers a female perspective to the man that the two other films made about Jobs (The Pirates of Silicon Valley and Jobs) never offered, and her performance as Joanna Hoffman is something really special and unique - she's practically his conscience and his wrangler when it comes to him interacting with other people. Seth Rogen I thought was really good too as Wozniak - playing him as a man that knows that he deserves more credit than he's getting for helping Jobs with his ascent, but is constantly dominated by Jobs' ambition, ego, passion and drive. They don't hide the sense that Jobs feels a strong sense of resentment towards Wozniak when he asks for his proper credit with the Apple II computer.
This is a really impressive arc of a story to tell in such a confined 3 act structure and manages to pull it off. We see Jobs' relationship develop with his co-workers and family evolve, mutate and sometimes twist into some pretty uncomfortable configurations. But they're logically explained and portrayed with a sincerity that keeps the audience conflicted about how they feel about the man who gave so much to the world with his creations, however little he gave to the people around him who probably helped him get there.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
I read that the narrative is spoon fed to the viewer and basically talks down to the viewer as if they are children, rather than assuming they are intelligent and get it. I meant to add, that also turned me away to this film, but I will see it eventually. Kate Winslet is excellent in everything she does. Loved her in "Carnage." Thanks for the thoughtful review, interesting insight as always.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
Good review, I think the three acts and storytelling is interesting enough that I want to see how it's pulled off. I saw a glimpse of Rogen as Wozniak in the trailer and I can accept that, but Fassbender as Jobs is just too far away visually and I fear it will be distracting. Fassbender will have to be a helluva actor to convince me I'm watching Jobs!
Originally posted by Hoffa powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all landsOriginally posted by m1sT3rLOh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.
I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
I read that the narrative is spoon fed to the viewer and basically talks down to the viewer as if they are children, rather than assuming they are intelligent and get it. I meant to add, that also turned me away to this film, but I will see it eventually. Kate Winslet is excellent in everything she does. Loved her in "Carnage." Thanks for the thoughtful review, interesting insight as always.
I didn't get that sense at all - if anything Jobs is portrayed as a condescending royal dick. The direction is more consisting of a lot of tracking shots down hallways, and, as I mentioned, the clever touch of switching filmstock to mark each era (I think they used really shitty 16mm print for the early days, switching to standard 35mm for the middle and going full on HD for the last act). I never got the sense that the narrative was talking down as you described, just that Fassbender's portrayal was faithful to what the autobiography laid out about him.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
Re: Steve Jobs (2015)
From the previews whenever MF speaks he sounds like he's covering up a foreign accent pretty clearly - that plus his round eyes being so different from a man who only died a handful of yrs ago, I just can't. The preview came on multiple times today on my Roku.
It was fun while it lasted...Comment
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