Impeachment of George W. Bush

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  • Yao
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • Jun 2004
    • 8167

    Re: Impeachment of George W. Bush

    lol, but we like it Evangelion!

    btw...i'm reading a book full with interviews from Noam Chomsky right now. [start bashing]

    He does have a boatload of valid critiques, though while reading I constantly try to bring in arguments from the other side. As for people calling him an America-hater: I wouldn't go so far as to call him that, but he does put the finger on some very painful spots. He's actually more about revealing the hypocrisy in politics and it's relation with civil society, and he doesn't hesitate to mention similar things that have been done by other countries: the former European Imperial powers are getting their asses kicked just as hard, but does does draw the equation between them and present day US.

    The thing that struck me most and is very very true IMO though is that he mentions that America is easily scared, and can therefore rather easily be influenced through propaganda. When looking at European attitudes towards politics and American, I gotta say he's probably very right: people here are much less prone to scare tactics here (I'm not saying not at all!!!), which might explain the difference in stance on the war in Iraq as well.

    When talking about Iraq, my own question is: how is it possible that Afghanistan was abandonded so quickly as prime objective, and that Americans seriously believed at some point (around 50% actually) that it was Iraq that was behind the 9/11 attacks? Seriously...whatever bad thing you can say, it is still Bin Laden who is responsible, but somehow your administration managed to link Iraq to 9/11....I gotta say that that is a job well done for the propaganda machine.
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