Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

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  • sakio pod
    • Jun 2004
    • 6034

    Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

    come on if you don't see this in black and white just like how the media made it out to be....your Fing BLIND

    you can go here to see that there was a drill scheduled for charleston on june 15-19 2015!

    this was updated 2/26/15 so nothing new has changed!!!

    Error 403 - ForbiddenHello! You don't have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    you can scroll down to see for yourself...NOW WHAT DO YOU GOTTA SAY?

    oh and the crisis actors have come out
  • floridaorange
    I'm merely a humble butler
    • Dec 2005
    • 29119

    Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

    This is disrespectful to the victims and their families. You need help man.

    It was fun while it lasted...


    • sakio pod
      • Jun 2004
      • 6034

      Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

      crisis actor at his worst...ITS FUCKING SCRIPTED

      bro you mad cause you can't see the shits FAKE


      • Jenks
        I'm kind of a big deal.
        • Jun 2004
        • 10250

        Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

        We need to delete this section of Mercuryserver.


        • Zover
          • Mar 2014
          • 965

          Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

          Originally posted by floridaorange
          This is disrespectful to the victims and their families. You need help man.
          I don't think any of them post here. You have bored them all to death.


          • KiwiTollway
            Platinum Poster
            • Jan 2014
            • 1474

            Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

            Originally posted by Jenks
            We need to delete this section of Mercuryserver.
            ^^^THIS!! pleeeaseee

            Sakio, you're linking together annual scheduled training/drills of police officers in an area to the occurrence of a horrendous crime in the same area with the only reasoning being that's it's the same area and the subject is crime. That's an absurd leap in judgement that is completely illogical. Clinging to 'conspiracy theories' in every aspect regarding anything that happens, while it might be fun to you & capture your interest, it's actually the intrusion of illogical thought processes that serve no one but yourself. If you want to help people, develop some compassion because you're passing judgement on very young people who are in shock and dealing with grief, they repeat words taught to them by the elders in their families & then you're calling them "crisis actors" which is also absurd if you know (or take the time) to learn anything about psychology & the way people process grief.

            My soon-to-be son-in-law is in law enforcement and I can tell you there are heaps & heaps of real evidence that never gets shown in the media or to the public in cases like this, and training sessions are just that, training sessions, not some staged crime scene sold or given to the media for hype. Daily, hundreds of police officers are dedicating their lives/careers to handling violent criminal activity and it's no joke and is real.

            Your mind is very accustomed to movies and staged scenes that show frame-by-frame incidents intended to look real because they were planned and filmed to be visually accurate, but not actually accurate/real life. So, of course, you believe everything is LIKE the movies. In real life, cameras, cell phones, etc. can't capture everything that occurs within seconds without notice because in real life there's no director slowing the process down long enough for a camera to capture it. For example, a plane flying 600+ mph. That doesn't mean it isn't there or didn't happen. Cameras are just a way to perceive something, to try to capture what can't be paused... not actual proof, and neither are these youtubes.

            And besides, since this is a music forum, please play a different tune. Your playing the same song so repetitively, it's boring & annoying, and because you have no proof whatsoever other than some youtubers who are of similar mindset as you, you're coming across as a loud, resounding CLANG being played over & over that no one wants to hear.

            ..... don't bait me. can't argue with crazy and your theory really is.


            • sakio pod
              SALAD TOSSER
              • Jun 2004
              • 6034

              Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

              It happens every time there is a staged shooting that's how they make it look real! Hello fake people fake video a lot of cops, ambulances and fire trucks with their lights on must be real,

              No one u believe everything on TV? You people are being played sorry you can't see it.

              not everything is staged! The media is in on it!!


              • KiwiTollway
                Platinum Poster
                • Jan 2014
                • 1474

                Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL


                The fact is she was interviewing teenagers who have just (within 24 hours) experienced what's probably one of the most profound losses a young person can face. Fact is that the first stage of grief is SHOCK/DENIAL... notice how he still talks about his mother in present tense (as if she's still here). It hasn't hit any of them what's actually happened, she's gone.

                The fact is that teenage brains are wired this way, to process things very slowly and for survival. They also have a strong desire to please people older than themselves, make an impression, and appear notably strong and stable and suddenly have a large, probably media-size camera shoved in their faces asking them to process something intensely emotional. These kids live through this by clinging to their core values, how they were raised; they were raised in a church believing above all else that death has no sting and they are to honor their parents, so they are honoring their mother by being poised and talking about love. That's what she would want them to do, that's how she raised them. Plus, they are receiving very specific focused attention, and that is very soothing to a teenager, almost to the point they will do anything to receive that. That's how they "feel the love" they are receiving loving attention and nothing has hit them as real yet. But it will. This is one of the aspects of teenagers that makes them so vulnerable, they can't weigh in on very dire circumstances in a very emotionally-raw way, and yet, maybe that's how they survive?

                Any two minute interview can't show what any person is actually going through inside at any given moment, but especially teenagers or anyone under age 25. They handle shock quite well... that's a fact.


                • KiwiTollway
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jan 2014
                  • 1474

                  Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                  Originally posted by sakio pod
                  It happens every time there is a staged shooting that's how they make it look real! Hello fake people fake video a lot of cops, ambulances and fire trucks with their lights on must be real,

                  No one u believe everything on TV? You people are being played sorry you can't see it.

                  not everything is staged! The media is in on it!!
                  Have you ever suddenly lost a parent or a child? Do you know anyone who is a police officer, EMT, or fireman? I've known several. Your theory holds no weight whatsoever. Did you read anything I wrote? Are you willing at all to actually LEARN about people? Please sing a different tune.

                  Try studying GRIEF and then revisit all your theories, you'll see these youtube interviews are as ludicrous as your arguments.


                  • sakio pod
                    SALAD TOSSER
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 6034

                    Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                    Exactly people don't act like they lost anyone even remotely close to a family member, and everyone forgives the shooter....they have nothing but love for him. COME ON people don't act like that that have a soul!

                    dont give me this crap their brain is wired differently!

                    Have u lost anyone or anything got people who lose their dogs so more emotions than these crappy crisis actors


                    • KiwiTollway
                      Platinum Poster
                      • Jan 2014
                      • 1474

                      Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                      Originally posted by Jenks
                      We need to delete this section of Mercuryserver.


                      • KiwiTollway
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jan 2014
                        • 1474

                        Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                        Originally posted by sakio pod
                        Exactly people don't act like they lost anyone even remotely close to a family member, and everyone forgives the shooter....they have nothing but love for him. COME ON people don't act like that that have a soul!

                        dont give me this crap their brain is wired differently!

                        Have u lost anyone or anything got people who lose their dogs so more emotions than these crappy crisis actors

                        It is a scientific fact that brains are not fully developed until age 25.
                        It is a fact that grief is processed through denial/shock first & focused attention is like a [love] drug to a teenager.

                        Have you ever been a member of a church? Ever raised in a church? Ever raised a teenager Sakio? NO, NO, NOPE. Then how can you pass judgement on these kids who were? You cannot fathom what they have been taught, what they believe to be true, or how they are processing their loss. How dare you judge them as fake. Note, you have not answered a single one of my questions.

                        Fact is, it might be a week, month or even year before those kids can actually process what's happened, feel their emotions around it, and begin to grieve their loss. They are numb. Ever seen something so awful you've shut down? I have. Ever had something so awful happen you couldn't process it for decades because it happened when you were a teenager? I have. Your arguments hold no water.

                        That kid talked about his mother in present tense, thus, proof he has not processed that she is really gone. He is living a nightmare he can't fathom to be true. It's right there in your video and YOU refuse to see it.


                        • KiwiTollway
                          Platinum Poster
                          • Jan 2014
                          • 1474

                          Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                          Originally posted by sakio pod
                          Have u lost anyone or anything? got people who lose their dogs so more emotions than these crappy crisis actors
                          If this question is for me, I'll gladly answer. Yes, I lost my live/healthy first baby right out of my arms when I was a teenager and I could not process it. Yes, I lost my dad, watched him die while I was holding his hand and it took years to process it. I've been a member of a church for 20 years & I know what they teach kids. I have a family member who's a cop and his father is a retired fireman. Yes, I also have associate's and bachelor's degrees in Child Psychology and I'm intimately aware and educated about GRIEF.

                          Any other questions?


                          • sakio pod
                            SALAD TOSSER
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6034

                            Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                            It's the same song and dance every time this happens.

                            im sorry for your losses but NO ONE DIED here!


                            • KiwiTollway
                              Platinum Poster
                              • Jan 2014
                              • 1474

                              Re: Charleston shooting STAGED DRILL

                              Originally posted by sakio pod
                              It's the same song and dance every time this happens.
                              ^^ that's you you're talking about.

                              You offer no objective, educated evidence. The police have all kinds of evidence, guaranteed.
                              Have some compassion!!!

