"The crew had the pleasure of taking over the coveted Rhonda party in Los Angeles in May. For those not familiar, Rhonda parties have a reputation for being a truly free space where lines of any kind get blurred, a meeting ground and pressure valve for the LGBT community, a place to experiment, one united under a mirror encrusted set of legs, which replaces the standard disco ball.
This podcast, which re-awakens the Wolf + Lamb podcast, is my DJ set from that evening at Rhonda in late May.
Special thanks to Gregory and Loren who throw Rhonda and the colorful cast that shows up and makes Rhonda the space it is." - Nick Monaco

Podcast home: http://www.wolflambmusic.com
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This podcast, which re-awakens the Wolf + Lamb podcast, is my DJ set from that evening at Rhonda in late May.
Special thanks to Gregory and Loren who throw Rhonda and the colorful cast that shows up and makes Rhonda the space it is." - Nick Monaco
Podcast home: http://www.wolflambmusic.com
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