Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

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  • thebanned1
    DUDERZ get a life!!!
    • May 2009
    • 5032

    Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

    Originally posted by Zover
    Still waiting on the sleeper cells. Training, scheming etc

    still waiting for you to come up with an insult you haven't rinsed since about 2009.
    How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


    • Zover
      • Mar 2014
      • 965

      Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

      Originally posted by thebanned1
      still waiting for you to come up with an insult you haven't rinsed since about 2009.
      How is pointing out a statement you made an insult? But you are right, 6 years, no 9/11, no dirty bomb, no nothing! Sleeper cells everywhere.


      • thebanned1
        DUDERZ get a life!!!
        • May 2009
        • 5032

        Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

        Originally posted by Zover
        How is pointing out a statement you made an insult? But you are right, 6 years, no 9/11, no dirty bomb, no nothing! Sleeper cells everywhere.

        i,ve already answered this question you keep bringing up to you many times but you keep over looking. the so called illegal wars ( in your eyes) have taken care of training camps, international money transfers are now monitored and the war on terror has got most of the high up terrorists and funders. so what's happening now ? people are travelling to places like syria in the chance they can take their radicalisation to the next level by joining Islamic state and for those that are not doing that are becoming lone/group one off terrorist attacks... surely even a blind man such as yourself can see that ( oh sorry i completely forgot to overlook your apparent complete lack of sight )

        one thing that still makes me chuckle about people like you ( conspiracy theorists ) is your main argument about not believing everything the media tells you but at the same time you're being influenced by websites and youtube video's made by 50 year old men making a living out of youtube views while living in their parents basement. rather you than me. sucker!!
        How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


        • Zover
          • Mar 2014
          • 965

          Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

          Originally posted by thebanned1

          one thing that still makes me chuckle about people like you ( conspiracy theorists ) is your main argument about not believing everything the media tells you but at the same time you're being influenced by websites and youtube video's made by 50 year old men making a living out of youtube views while living in their parents basement. rather you than me. sucker!!
          And you base this on what? Point me in the direction that I have indicated that I am influenced in this way.

          A family of five leave the Country to join Isis, big fucking deal. When they start purchasing Bell Huey Cobra's give me a fucking call.

          What a cunt.


          • thebanned1
            DUDERZ get a life!!!
            • May 2009
            • 5032

            Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

            Originally posted by Zover
            And you base this on what? Point me in the direction that I have indicated that I am influenced in this way.

            A family of five leave the Country to join Isis, big fucking deal. When they start purchasing Bell Huey Cobra's give me a fucking call.
            i base that on your replies to me in previous posts ( i don't have to dig them out do i ? )

            there has been more than a "family of five" leave to join Islamic state, doesn't the fact that so many have been stopped at the first hurdle tell you how on top the world is starting to become in dealing with the terror threat.

            What a cunt.
            awwww don't be like that darling.... give me a big hug xXxXx
            How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


            • Zover
              • Mar 2014
              • 965

              Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

              Originally posted by thebanned1
              international money transfers are now monitored and the war on terror has got most of the high up terrorists and funders. so what's happening now ?
              Like the international money transfers on 9/11 that you ignore?


              • Zover
                • Mar 2014
                • 965

                Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                Originally posted by thebanned1
                i base that on your replies to me in previous posts ( i don't have to dig them out do I
                Yes you do. Please.


                • thebanned1
                  DUDERZ get a life!!!
                  • May 2009
                  • 5032

                  Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                  Originally posted by Zover
                  Yes you do. Please.

                  personally i have better things to do with my life rather than prove/find some of the shit you've thrown as evidence over the past years in these "theory" threads involving many different members
                  How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                  • floridaorange
                    I'm merely a humble butler
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 29116

                    Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                    Rezo was a cool member that you bashed so many times he decided to just stop coming here, lets see who else, oh right Steve Graham, another good dude that you insulted routinely until he stopped coming on MS. Both members were nice, contributing members I enjoyed conversing with. But you have this napoleon complex that just. won't. quit.

                    p.s. Banana Split Frappuccino's are the jam. And so is Chloe Harris's mixes before Raica imo. Why is it not ok for people to have their own opinions? Starbucks Banana Split Frappuccino | Starbucks Secret Menu

                    You're better off just being chill and listen, dry humor is great, but too much sarcasm and it comes across cunty online. People don't get it unless they really know you well.

                    It was fun while it lasted...


                    • thebanned1
                      DUDERZ get a life!!!
                      • May 2009
                      • 5032

                      Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                      Originally posted by Zover
                      Like the international money transfers on 9/11 that you ignore?
                      Originally posted by thebanned1
                      international money transfers are NOW monitored
                      can't you read?
                      How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                      • KiwiTollway
                        Platinum Poster
                        • Jan 2014
                        • 1474

                        Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                        Originally posted by floridaorange
                        the potential future applications of this technology are crazy

                        Scientists control mouse brain by remote control
                        Imagine the implications for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, etc. could be amazing as well as for anxiety & depression sufferers. For administration of medicine and modifying diseased brain cells, ok... but for modifying behavior, whoa!! The implications for abuse are scary.

                        I really believe any type of optic therapy should be researched extensively... optic light therapy has helped me a lot & is a natural gateway without chemicals or side effects. Really glad scientists are finally learning so much more about brains.

                        too bad this was


                        • Zover
                          • Mar 2014
                          • 965

                          Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                          Originally posted by thebanned1
                          can't you read?
                          International money transfers have been monitored a lot long before 9/11.


                          • thebanned1
                            DUDERZ get a life!!!
                            • May 2009
                            • 5032

                            Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                            Originally posted by Zover
                            International money transfers have been monitored a lot long before 9/11.

                            not to the degree they are today.. the whole 9/11 event shows there were cracks in the security system, this whole whistle blower thing ( the likes of edward snowden etc ) has shown just how much they've stepped up their game. doesn't mean its now foolproof though, it never has been.
                            How to Check the True Bitrate of Your Audio Files - Make Tech Easier


                            • feather
                              Shanghai ooompa loompa
                              • Jul 2004
                              • 20903

                              Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                              The future of forum kick bans! You will walk away from your keyboard in 3, 2, 1 gone!


                              Originally posted by Hoff
                              a powerful and insane mothership that occasionally comes commanded by the real ones .. then suck us and makes us appear in the most magical of all lands
                              Originally posted by m1sT3rL
                              Oh. My. God. James absolutely obliterated the island tonight. The last time there was so much destruction, Obi Wan Kenobi had to take a seat on the Falcon after the Death Star said "hi and bye" to Leia's homeworld.

                              I got pics and video. But I will upload them in the morning. I need to smoke this nice phat joint and just close my eyes and replay the amazingness in my head.


                              • KiwiTollway
                                Platinum Poster
                                • Jan 2014
                                • 1474

                                Re: Scientists control mouse brain by remote control

                                Originally posted by thebanned1
                                not to the degree they are today.. the whole 9/11 event shows there were cracks in the security system, this whole whistle blower thing ( the likes of edward snowden etc ) has shown just how much they've stepped up their game. doesn't mean its now foolproof though, it never has been.
                                seriously, can you guys please go over to Politics.... and have it? or get a room?

