Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

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  • polar
    Fresh Peossy
    • Jun 2005
    • 11

    Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

    i agree with what some are saying here....but when i read comments that go beyond ignorance of the truth of what is going in gitmo, abu graib, and other places (like so many do...) but actually agree with blatant mistreatment and abuse of prisoners ....i get sick to my stomach.
    the geneva conventions were held to set rules for war after the chemical weapons used in wwI and the atrocities of wwII.....they were an effort to prevent actions like them from happening again.
    but now hypocrites out there are saying it's ok to do what we are so clearly doing to our prisoners.....and it is people like you that are the biggest reason the rest of the world is distancing itself more and more from the choices we make.


    • HoneyBearKelly
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 334

      Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments


      Durbin asked an obvious question: If you?d read that report, would you ever have thought that it was describing American conduct? Or would you have thought what Durbin said?that it must describe an evil regime, the type we have long denounced? The answer to that is perfectly obvious?and so is the state of our fallen culture, the culture being trampled under by the Russerts, the McCains and the Wallaces.

      But we?ve now reached a miraculous point in the crumbling of our discourse. We?ve reached the point where citizens are mocked by major scribes for wondering if we were lied into war?and where United States senators are told to apologize for denouncing the conduct described in that report. But then, lunacy has spread throughout our discourse over the course of the past dozen years. And your fiery ?career liberals? have known to be silent. They looked away again and again. Now we see what that has bought us.

      Remember: If you?re troubled to think that we may have been lied into war, that makes you a ?wing nut? to today?s ?mainstream? press corps. And if you think that FBI report sounds un-American, you need to apologize to the Senate! McCain, Russert, Kristol, Hume, Wallace? They?ve turned their backs on sanity itself. Everyone has to fight this spreading press culture?and you have to ask more from those who kept quiet while this culture of insanity was born.
      Cat formerly known as Cheshire
      *cue imperial death march"


      • superdave
        Platinum Poster
        • Jun 2004
        • 1366

        Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

        Glad to see that Durbin has apologized for his remarks.
        Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


        • superdave
          Platinum Poster
          • Jun 2004
          • 1366

          Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

          Forgot to add this - here's a theory about Saddam and the Gitmo treatment of prisoners:

          Do you think that letting the world know that Saddam was treated well by him eating Doritos, Cheetos, and Raisin brand crunch was the militiary trying to restore their image in light of their criticism at Gitmo?
          Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


          • BSully828
            Platinum Poster
            • Jun 2004
            • 1221

            Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

            Originally posted by HoneyBearKelly

            Remember: If you?re troubled to think that we may have been lied into war, that makes you a ?wing nut? to today?s ?mainstream? press corps. And if you think that FBI report sounds un-American, you need to apologize to the Senate! McCain, Russert, Kristol, Hume, Wallace? They?ve turned their backs on sanity itself. Everyone has to fight this spreading press culture?and you have to ask more from those who kept quiet while this culture of insanity was born.
            Remember: If you agree with even some of what Bush has done, that makes you a ignorant redneck who doesn't pay attention to current events. And if you think some of the most radical left wing politicians are doing more harm than good by denouncing every action of the administration you need to apologize to the "blue staters" who are obviously more educated than you are! Kennedy, Durbin, Franken, Matthews, Moore? They've turned their backs on sanity itself. Everyone has to fight this unwavering hatred of all things Bush/Republican - and you have to at least consider the idea that some of what is being done at home and abroad might, just might, make the world a safer, more prosperous and more unified place for our children and our children's children.
            Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;
            a sense of humor to console him for what he is.


            • robprunzit
              Are you Kidding me??
              • Jun 2004
              • 4805

              Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

              What Durbin did has made the whole effort less safe. Troops will be scrutinized differently by nationals, who don't understand American politics, who want get to hear the 'so called apology'.

              Short article to read:

              His apology by the way, was as laim as the original statements. He only apologized for hurting some peoples feelings. He did not say that his statements or his comparisons were wrong, and apologize for those terrible misleading statements. The Washington Post, Durbin said,

              "Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line," said the Illinois Democrat, at times holding back tears. "To them I extend my heartfelt apologies."

              It would be different if he had said something like: 'I am sorry for what I said, it was wrong and it hurt many of you, it has put troops in harms way, and many around the globe have misunderstood my remarks, and for that I am most sorry'. And of course more could be said too.

              In the middle east, common people don't understand what politics are like in America. How the left thrashes out at the right. How liberals slander and lie, and then back off, after the damage is done. Al Jazira (sp) will only print what helps the efforts of the terrrorist. Durbin has become an aide to the terrorist, just as Jane Fonda was in the Vietnam War.

              Another point. If he really apologized, why doesn't he step down, like Senator Trent Lott (republican Dec. 2002) did after his misguided racist comments at the birthday party. Not even on the Senate floor, about Americans during a time of war. Lott's comments were minor in comparison, and he resigned. He was pushed out of office because of his words.

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              Then the liberals don't even accept his apology.

              Where is the backlash over Durbins comments from the Left or Liberals. They like many of you, liberals believe what he said to be true, and don't care what damage it has done. True damage for America in the middle east, more than GITMO or AbuGrab ever has done.

              His comments were so far exaggerated that the words cannot even be taken back from where they have gone. More insurgents will join up and suit up with explosives because of his comments. And all he can do is say 'I'm sorry if my words have hurt some of you'



              • robprunzit
                Are you Kidding me??
                • Jun 2004
                • 4805

                Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                A new Rasmussen poll shows that 70% of Americans believe the Gitmo Bay terrorists have been treated ?better than they deserve? (36%) or ?about right? (34%).

                The survey also found that just 14% agree with people who say that prisoner treatment at Guantanamo Bay is similar to Nazi tactics. Sixty-nine percent disagree with that comparison. This helps explain why Illinois Senator Dick Durbin apologized for making such a comparison.



                • superdave
                  Platinum Poster
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 1366

                  Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                  I think his apology was more for the Anti-Defamation League demanding an apology for trivializing the Holocaust.
                  Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake - Napoleon Bonaparte


                  • robprunzit
                    Are you Kidding me??
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 4805

                    Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                    Yeah Superdave, he opened up a whole new can of worms.

                    Ok, check this out. This article first paragraph states:

                    ''On June 3, Pentagon Spokesman Mr. Lawrence DiRita announced the amazing results: "In 31,000 documents covering 28,000 interrogations and countless thousands of interactions with detainees, having issued 1,600 Korans, Southcom found 5 incidents of apparent mishandling by guards or interrogators and 15 incidents of mishandling and outright desecration by detainees." Did you hear that? The suspected terrorists mishandling the Koran more often than U.S. personnel.''

                    It would not surprise me if detainees are trying to frame the guards, by doing these things and blaming the guards. Crafty bunch!



                    • pacific493
                      Getting warmed up
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 99

                      Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                      Originally posted by robprunzit
                      Make it worse for American POWs. What makes it worse are the comments Durbin made a last week. WAKE UP!

                      This is a War!.
                      Hmmm...what would be worse, a senator making comments regarding an FBI report on the abuse suffered by prisoners or the fact that prisoners are being chained in the fetal position and left to shit all over themselves. Well if you choose the former and completely discount the later, I would say you lack a great deal of credibility on the issue.

                      Sure it's a war, but it is a war about ideals. Do you support freedom and democracy and human rights or do you support brutality and a win at any means attitude. Sorry but abusing and torturing prisoners is something the enemy would do...torture is not an American ideal.

                      By the way, the GITMO POW'S are eating probably better than you. They are served daily the best dishes, lemon chicken, etc. .
                      Good for them...but fortunately I don't get chained up to sleep in freezing or boiling temperatures. I'll skip the lemon chicken if it means I don't have to sleep in my own shit.

                      Also, a few months back about 200 detainees were released. Already 12 of those guys have been picked up again..
                      So. Never said that they didn't belong there.

                      Why cant you people see the Big Picture? War isn't pretty, it isn't fun, it's not nice. But it is war, and those detainees are not having their fingernails pulled off, or their tongues cut out.
                      And what people is that? People who believe in American ideals? I know that war isn't pretty, but abuse and torture is not what this country is about. They're not having their testicles ripped off with pliers either, but that doesn't mean that the abuse they are suffering is not real and should not be condemned.


                      • pacific493
                        Getting warmed up
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 99

                        Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                        Originally posted by robprunzit
                        What Durbin did has made the whole effort less safe. Troops will be scrutinized differently by nationals, who don't understand American politics, who want get to hear the 'so called apology'.
                        So was everything just honky-dorry until Durbin came along? That seems to be what you're saying.

                        It would be different if he had said something like: 'I am sorry for what I said, it was wrong and it hurt many of you, it has put troops in harms way, and many around the globe have misunderstood my remarks, and for that I am most sorry'. And of course more could be said too.
                        That's rich. So Durbin puts the troops in harm's way for something he said on the senate floor...just curious did anyone else have any role in putting them in harm's way?

                        In the middle east, common people don't understand what politics are like in America. How the left thrashes out at the right. How liberals slander and lie, and then back off, after the damage is done. Al Jazira (sp) will only print what helps the efforts of the terrrorist. Durbin has become an aide to the terrorist, just as Jane Fonda was in the Vietnam War.
                        Just curious, what's your connection to the middle east? I hear so much pontificating about how things are taken in the middle east and I'm always curious to know how much people actually know about what they're talking about.

                        Another point. If he really apologized, why doesn't he step down, like Senator Trent Lott (republican Dec. 2002) did after his misguided racist comments at the birthday party. Maybe because he doesn't have the president's advisor pushing to have him ousted.
                        Because he's not as stupid as Trent Lott. He should have never stepped was a dumb move that left us with Bill Frist.

                        His comments were so far exaggerated that the words cannot even be taken back from where they have gone. More insurgents will join up and suit up with explosives because of his comments. And all he can do is say 'I'm sorry if my words have hurt some of you'
                        Dude, you need to listen to a little less Savage Nation.


                        • pacific493
                          Getting warmed up
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 99

                          Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                          Originally posted by robprunzit
                          A new Rasmussen poll shows that 70% of Americans believe the Gitmo Bay terrorists have been treated ?better than they deserve? (36%) or ?about right? (34%).
                          I would agree that they have been treated better than they deserve. But the reason they have been treated better than they deserve is because we, as a nation, are better than those who would treat them as they deserve to be treated. That's what separates us from them. We don't cornhole our captives like the Mujahadeen (sp?) did in Afghanistan, we don't beat prisoners with sticks until they bleed, we don't hang people upside down and dunk their heads in water until they cannot breath...we are better than that. If you have lost sight of what we are and what we stand for, then the terrorists have already won and you don't even realize it.

                          You're walking down a dangerous road of moral relativism that leads to the worst types of abuses committed in the name of the highest ideals.


                          • toasty
                            Sir Toastiness
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 6585

                            Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                            Originally posted by pacific493
                            We don't cornhole our captives like the Mujahadeen (sp?) did in Afghanistan, we don't beat prisoners with sticks until they bleed, we don't hang people upside down and dunk their heads in water until they cannot breath.
                            Uh, evidently we do, and lots of Americans are fine with it.

                            That's troubling...


                            • toasty
                              Sir Toastiness
                              • Jun 2004
                              • 6585

                              Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                              Originally posted by pacific493
                              Originally posted by robprunzit
                              Make it worse for American POWs. What makes it worse are the comments Durbin made a last week. WAKE UP!

                              This is a War!.
                              Hmmm...what would be worse, a senator making comments regarding an FBI report on the abuse suffered by prisoners or the fact that prisoners are being chained in the fetal position and left to shit all over themselves.
                              Well put. It blows me away that people are making such a huge deal over these comments while glossing over the conduct that prompted the comments in the first place. If I were Durbin, I would have said, "Tell you what -- I'll apologize for my comments when the Bush adminstration apologizes for letting this happen on its watch."

                              Why were people not so up in arms when Santorum made comments referencing Hitler about a month ago?


                              • robprunzit
                                Are you Kidding me??
                                • Jun 2004
                                • 4805

                                Re: Sentaor Dick Durbin comments

                                Originally posted by pacific493
                                Originally posted by robprunzit
                                What Durbin did has made the whole effort less safe. Troops will be scrutinized differently by nationals, who don't understand American politics, who want get to hear the 'so called apology'.
                                So was everything just honky-dorry until Durbin came along? That seems to be what you're saying..
                                Not quite, cant see how you would read anything like that into what I have mentioned. War couldn't ever be 'honky-dorry', its messy, thats really what it is.

                                Originally posted by pacific493
                                Originally posted by robprunzit
                                It would be different if he had said something like: 'I am sorry for what I said, it was wrong and it hurt many of you, it has put troops in harms way, and many around the globe have misunderstood my remarks, and for that I am most sorry'. And of course more could be said too.
                                That's rich. So Durbin puts the troops in harm's way for something he said on the senate floor...just curious did anyone else have any role in putting them in harm's way?.
                                Not close to the damage Durbin has caused. Our troops are working close to nationals, training them, and working with them in the most difficult situations. Cultures are very different, and much can be a division point in what they are doing side by side with Iraqis, both military and civilian. Trust is a key in what they are doing.

                                Originally posted by pacific493
                                Originally posted by robprunzit
                                In the middle east, common people don't understand what politics are like in America. How the left thrashes out at the right. How liberals slander and lie, and then back off, after the damage is done. Al Jazira (sp) will only print what helps the efforts of the terrrorist. Durbin has become an aide to the terrorist, just as Jane Fonda was in the Vietnam War.
                                Just curious, what's your connection to the middle east? I hear so much pontificating about how things are taken in the middle east and I'm always curious to know how much people actually know about what they're talking about..
                                1. I have studied and read up on Islam. I have questioned the leading Muslim cleric and Imam in Atlanta about Islam.
                                2. I dated an Iranian girl for a while, and hung with many of them.
                                3. Next to my office is a good friend, a Libyan muslim man much older than me. He and I talk about this stuff, and he explains much of the Arab and muslim culture to me.
                                4. Talk radio, about 6 different shows a day. I listen off and on as I have time, not continually. Many things are discussed, and much of it is politics, where many viewpoints are brought up and debated.

                                Originally posted by pacific493
                                Originally posted by robprunzit
                                Another point. If he really apologized, why doesn't he step down, like Senator Trent Lott (republican Dec. 2002) did after his misguided racist comments at the birthday party. Maybe because he doesn't have the president's advisor pushing to have him ousted.
                                Because he's not as stupid as Trent Lott. He should have never stepped was a dumb move that left us with Bill Frist..
                                Not dumb. I happen to respect him for taking responsibility for his mistake, though I miss him, and also his mistake was tiny in comparison to what Durbin has done.

                                Originally posted by pacific493
                                Originally posted by robprunzit
                                His comments were so far exaggerated that the words cannot even be taken back from where they have gone. More insurgents will join up and suit up with explosives because of his comments. And all he can do is say 'I'm sorry if my words have hurt some of you'
                                Dude, you need to listen to a little less Savage Nation.
                                Actually, I only listen a little to M. Savage, and he really doesnt like Bush btw. There are many others who do a better job than he. And I make my mind up about what I believe, it only helps to hear more of the entire story with the help of talk radio. You cannot get a full view any other way, whether you agree with them or not. Fox is helpful, and much more balanced than locals or CNN.
                                AT THE FORK, TAKE THE RIGHT DIRECTION


