NYT: Bush approval rating sinks to lowest level ever

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  • mylexicon
    Addiction started
    • Jun 2004
    • 339

    Originally posted by brakada
    I am almost positive that if Clinton stayed in office, the 9/11 would have probably never occured.
    Man everytime i read your stuff i just have to keep repeating in my head
    "He can't vote. He can't vote". If I didn't i'd go crazy.

    President Clinton let September 11th part 1 happen in '93; he allowed two
    of our embassies to be blown up in '98 and he allowed a navy frigate to be
    destroyed in '00.

    His record speaks for itself. Clinton even said himself that people needed to
    get of Bush's ass for the war on terror and Iraq. Clinton knew how big of a
    slap ass he was on national security, especially border containment. He knew
    that America sat around watching cash registers ring during the late 90's
    and we did nothing to protect ourselves. The shit we are in now is a direct
    result of our indifference to national security, and our carefree attitude towards
    how the U.N. handled Iraq.

    Two towers fell and our airline industry nearly collapsed because we stopped
    giving a shit. We ate, drank, and got fat for an entire decade after the Berlin
    wall came down, and after 9/11 we remembered that life isn't a vacation and
    that ignorance isn't bliss. Politicians on both sides had been saying for a long
    time......it's going to take something serious to make America open it's eyes. Too bad 3000 people, many of whom were foreigners, had to die for
    us to come to our senses.
    Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


    • devon
      Addiction started
      • Jun 2004
      • 362

      Remember George Bush's war on terror was a reaction. He did nothing prior to Septmeber 11th to fight against terrorism and ignored repeated warnings from his administration. And yes he did have the funding.

      Clinton first recognized the threat and began to set the policies needed to fund and fight terrorism. Granted I don't think it would of stopped 9/11 but Bush's ignorance allowed it to happen even easier.

      Also the Clinton admin stopped the millenium attack against LAX and another embassy bombing in Europe (I think it was in Europe)

      Saying Clinton allowed terror attacks happen is typical republican spin.
      i really wish the floor would stop moving!


      • cosmo
        Gold Gabber
        • Jun 2004
        • 583

        Remember George Bush's war on terror was a reaction. He did nothing prior to Septmeber 11th to fight against terrorism and ignored repeated warnings from his administration. And yes he did have the funding.
        Condi Rice repeatedly stated that terror was a high priority the first few months of their tenure. Even Richard Clarke mentioned this as well in pre-9/11 briefings.

        Clinton first recognized the threat and began to set the policies needed to fund and fight terrorism. Granted I don't think it would of stopped 9/11 but Bush's ignorance allowed it to happen even easier.
        Did you listen to any of the 9/11 hearings? Jamie Gorelick, appointed by Clinton, set up the 'wall' that was the supposed reason that the intelligence agencies could not work together. FBI and CIA officials both testified that this was indeed the major problem because the CIA didn't know what the FBI knew, and vice versa. For example, the CIA couldn't interrogate Moussoui because the indictment was sealed by the FBI.

        Also the Clinton admin stopped the millenium attack against LAX and another embassy bombing in Europe (I think it was in Europe)
        Up, I have to stop you right there. Clinton did nothing to stop the LAX bombing. Being that it was the Millenium there was already a high probablity among security personnel that something was probably going to happen. There were no details of this capture throughout the CIA or FBI. It was a random search, and the man that searched was just doing his job, so he says.

        Saying Clinton allowed terror attacks happen is typical republican spin.
        You can't avoid history. He treated terrorism not as a war, but fought it through the courts. Indicting them rather than taking the war to them.


        • devon
          Addiction started
          • Jun 2004
          • 362

          Originally posted by cosmo
          Remember George Bush's war on terror was a reaction. He did nothing prior to Septmeber 11th to fight against terrorism and ignored repeated warnings from his administration. And yes he did have the funding.
          Condi Rice repeatedly stated that terror was a high priority the first few months of their tenure. Even Richard Clarke mentioned this as well in pre-9/11 briefings.

          Clinton first recognized the threat and began to set the policies needed to fund and fight terrorism. Granted I don't think it would of stopped 9/11 but Bush's ignorance allowed it to happen even easier.
          Did you listen to any of the 9/11 hearings? Jamie Gorelick, appointed by Clinton, set up the 'wall' that was the supposed reason that the intelligence agencies could not work together. FBI and CIA officials both testified that this was indeed the major problem because the CIA didn't know what the FBI knew, and vice versa. For example, the CIA couldn't interrogate Moussoui because the indictment was sealed by the FBI.

          Also the Clinton admin stopped the millenium attack against LAX and another embassy bombing in Europe (I think it was in Europe)
          Up, I have to stop you right there. Clinton did nothing to stop the LAX bombing. Being that it was the Millenium there was already a high probablity among security personnel that something was probably going to happen. There were no details of this capture throughout the CIA or FBI. It was a random search, and the man that searched was just doing his job, so he says.

          Saying Clinton allowed terror attacks happen is typical republican spin.
          You can't avoid history. He treated terrorism not as a war, but fought it through the courts. Indicting them rather than taking the war to them.
          cosmo i missed you.

          clinton was trying to knock down the red tape that kept the FBI and CIA from interfacing. The FBI has been reluctant to change ever since the mob. It took 9/11 for them to change even though clinton and clarke urged reform.

          you guys really need to read Against All Enemies by Clarke. I know he comes out against your holy leader bush, but there is a lot of eye witness accounts that may contridict what you guys believe. he is pretty fair, he's worked for every president since carter so he has seen it both ways.
          i really wish the floor would stop moving!


          • Trancelucent One
            Addiction started
            • Jun 2004
            • 295

            Originally posted by devon
            Clinton first recognized the threat and began to set the policies needed to fund and fight terrorism. Granted I don't think it would of stopped 9/11 but Bush's ignorance allowed it to happen even easier.

            Also the Clinton admin stopped the millenium attack against LAX and another embassy bombing in Europe (I think it was in Europe)

            Saying Clinton allowed terror attacks happen is typical republican spin.
            You people are crazy if you think that Clinton would have stopped the attacks. Do you not remember the WTC being bombed while Clinton was in office? At that time they wanted them to fall and it didn't happen. Not because Clinton stopped it but because the terrorists didn't orchestrate it properly. Because Clinton didn't go after these terrorist cells, they were allowed into this country..and that's why the WTC was attacked again. If you think that George W could have started going after these terrorist cells within the first 9 months of his presidency then you are crazy. Don't you realize it takes longer than that to start up these new organizations and to set new protocals into action? There's no way that it was George W's fault. I don't necessarily blame the attack in Clinton, but I do blame the fact that he left us vulnerable to future attacks. Since George W has been in office, there has been plenty of attacks/proposed attacks that the office of Homeland Security has found out about and prevented/stopped. I'm also very happy that other countries are aiding and working with the FBI to find terrorists elsewhere. This is definately a good thing for all countries involved!

            I like it dark and dirty!!!


            • cosmo
              Gold Gabber
              • Jun 2004
              • 583

              I personally do not trust Clarke. Mainly because he's been contradicted from what he said early on within the Bush administration compared to what he says now on 60 minutes a few months ago and in his book. I believe that he's a disgruntled employee, and was upset that he was demoted at the CIA.

              He released information on the CIA budget under the Bush administration claiming that Bush was prepping up each department of the CIA, and that Bush saw terrorism as a grave threat.

              On 60 minutes, he says that Bush and the rest of the administration, including Condi had no idea who al-qaeda were.

              Go figure...


              • mylexicon
                Addiction started
                • Jun 2004
                • 339

                Originally posted by devon
                Saying Clinton allowed terror attacks happen is typical republican spin.

                Originally posted by mylexicon
                Clinton knew how big of a
                slap ass he was on national security, especially border containment.
                Border containment was the pre-911 plan for national security. Then we all
                woke up and realized our borders are too big to patrol, and our visa issuance
                policy was too vast to effectively carry out background checks.

                Myth my ass. 911 was supposed to be carried out under the Clinton administration
                but thanx to those blundering idiots they finally managed to get it together
                on Bush's watch. If 911 were actually carried out during the Clinton admin....
                we would all have a very different and accurate perspective on the Clinton
                admin. Instead of this stupid, "I was rich, you were rich, poor people never
                suffered, we were happy and safe" mantra that we hear everyday. Clinton
                wasn't a bad president, but had he been judged by the standards we have
                placed on Bush, he would have been publicly executed for getting his dick sucked
                while terrorists were still running around.
                Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..


                • cosmo
                  Gold Gabber
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 583

                  I will tell you that the American Communist Liberty Union attacked the airline companies several years ago because they would profile certain people coming from certain countries every once in a while.

                  So what happens? The airline companies can't profile certain people for fear of being sued. The Dept of Transportation limits the number of young Arab males who can be pulled aside for questioning.

                  All in the name of fairness.


                  • brakada
                    Gold Gabber
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 622

                    Originally posted by mylexicon
                    Clinton knew how big of a
                    slap ass he was on national security, especially border containment.

                    Border containment was the pre-911 plan for national security. Then we all
                    woke up and realized our borders are too big to patrol, and our visa issuance
                    policy was too vast to effectively carry out background checks.

                    Myth my ass. 911 was supposed to be carried out under the Clinton administration
                    but thanx to those blundering idiots they finally managed to get it together
                    on Bush's watch. If 911 were actually carried out during the Clinton admin....
                    we would all have a very different and accurate perspective on the Clinton
                    It's not the 9/11 that I blame Bush for 9/11 directly, but it's his international politics that strengthened the hatred towards Americans. And it's not that anyone can be blamed for it (except intelligence services maybe), but it's the Bush's reaction that I don't like. Clinton cuold have probably invaded Afganistan too, but I'm quite sure he wouldn't invade Iraq...
                    We shall boldly dance, where no man has danced before..."


                    • mylexicon
                      Addiction started
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 339

                      Originally posted by brakada
                      It's not the 9/11 that I blame Bush for 9/11 directly, but it's his international politics that strengthened the hatred towards Americans. And it's not that anyone can be blamed for it (except intelligence services maybe), but it's the Bush's reaction that I don't like. Clinton cuold have probably invaded Afganistan too, but I'm quite sure he wouldn't invade Iraq...
                      I don't get it....you guys have ignored that part of the world for a long time,
                      and over last 20 years it has gone completely down hill. Increased oil
                      demand has caused the biggest gap on earth in upper class - lower class income.
                      These countries have no middle class and they have no way of deciding who
                      is going to lead them. We show up to take out the trash and all of a sudden
                      everyone is like "America go home". Even other countries that have no business
                      in the region are telling us to take a hike.

                      We've got our hemisphere on lock, or buddies to the north and south are
                      better behaved than we are in many instances. You don't see in South Americans
                      blowing up shit in Europe, even though there are plenty of European companies
                      and there is a history of military conflict with Europe. But your side of the atlantic
                      is just fucking whack. Here is the message of Iraq: If you don't get your shit
                      on lock....we will do it for you whether you like it or not.

                      Yeah it's a shitty insensitive message but we're not going to get blown up on
                      our own soil cuz your security zone doesn't respect you. Put yourself in our
                      shoes. The purpose of NATO was for both sides of the Atlantic to get
                      their situation under control and provide for each other's mutual security.
                      And while Europe is running around trying to create Utopia and completely
                      forsaking their military responsibility, people are plotting to blow us up. Then
                      when it happens Europe is like: it was probably their fault anyway.

                      If you want us to downsize our military then you had better get your turf
                      under control, because as long as we are getting attacked the more we have
                      to spend on military and intelligence. It hurts the global economy.....and
                      impoverishes our poor even more.
                      We wouldn't be in Iraq if you guys would take a more pro-active role
                      instead of sitting on your asses trying not to get your hands dirty. But i guess
                      it's like they say.....if you want something done you gotta do it yourself. :?
                      Be a vegan......eat freedom fries..

