Re: the chinaman is not the issue here (nws)
and another:
and another:
I work in a diner. I hate it. My boss is a major asshole. He screamed at me once for leaving the kitchen to go to the bathroom. "Not on MY time" is what the fuck actually said. I was working in the back part with the big mixing machine. I had to take a mean shit. I was thginking about how I would get yelled at if I went to the bathroom. I don't know why I did it but I took the big stainless bowl from the machine, droped my chef pants and took a huge shit into it. It was a solid cable like 8 inches long. I then quickly mixed up a batch of pancake batter. For the whole morning, I made pancakes from that shit mix. I never did it again and I feel bad I took my anger out on the wrong people. Funny thing is, a regular customer actually told the waitress to compliment me for the new recipie.