"I'd rather chill in this thread": why nonsense don't go away

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  • KinKyJ
    Platinum Poser
    • Jun 2004
    • 13438

    Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

    can't see shit captain


    • KinKyJ
      Platinum Poser
      • Jun 2004
      • 13438

      Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

      doggy style


      • KinKyJ
        Platinum Poser
        • Jun 2004
        • 13438

        Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

        temper temper


        • KinKyJ
          Platinum Poser
          • Jun 2004
          • 13438

          Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

          natural shorthand talent


          • KinKyJ
            Platinum Poser
            • Jun 2004
            • 13438

            Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

            sean posting in the politics forum


            • KinKyJ
              Platinum Poser
              • Jun 2004
              • 13438

              Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

              redneck gummy bears


              • KinKyJ
                Platinum Poser
                • Jun 2004
                • 13438

                Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                Walk when the light is green


                • KinKyJ
                  Platinum Poser
                  • Jun 2004
                  • 13438

                  Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                  for the hooooooorde


                  • KinKyJ
                    Platinum Poser
                    • Jun 2004
                    • 13438

                    Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                    The Day After Tomorrow when some Mexican came to fix the airco


                    • KinKyJ
                      Platinum Poser
                      • Jun 2004
                      • 13438

                      Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                      got vaseline?


                      • KinKyJ
                        Platinum Poser
                        • Jun 2004
                        • 13438

                        Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                        pussy licking can seriously damage your health


                        • KinKyJ
                          Platinum Poser
                          • Jun 2004
                          • 13438

                          Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                          must... prevent... last... brain cell... from... evaporating...


                          • KinKyJ
                            Platinum Poser
                            • Jun 2004
                            • 13438

                            Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                            Where am I gonna fill in that 5?


                            • Kat
                              A pretty fn good milkshake
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 4695

                              Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                              ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

                              Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.


                              • Kat
                                A pretty fn good milkshake
                                • Mar 2006
                                • 4695

                                Re: proof that kinkyj thinks the internet is cool thread

                                ♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪• אין סוף •♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•♫♪♪♫•♫♪•♪♫•

                                Music is essential for the expression of non material ideals and energies. Music colors our surroundings with emanations from the highest vibrational fields. It allows us to escape all limitations in our thinking and very existence.

