Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
I see your sleeper cells have excelled themselves recently, band one. After years of scheming and planning, the orders came down, "jihadies this is my master plan, save up your unemployment benefit , purchase some sophisticated weapons (kitchen knifes), purchase some sort of armoured car (rented van) and go and do your worst." WOW the king pin of sleeper cells really does excel in master plans. Almost like it isn't real! LOLComment
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
you know for a guy that was responsible for the death of 2000 americans on their home soil and also responsible for the destruction of 3 huge buildings he did a pretty good job of covering it up by completely destroying al qaeda from the grassroots, must of just done that to cover his own ass, wish i had your insight chris, fucking genius m8...really clever guy you are mate
same thing over and over and over and over...
i wonder if there is going to be a fire in a tent at glasto ? maybe you can bump another 9/11 thread to say that someone burned a tent and it didn't collapse after being attacked by a maniac with a zippo....bush done it.... must of been an inside job that 9/11Comment
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
9/11 was an inside job most of what came after was fly shit. Bush didn't do a good job of covering it up. He did a good job of getting away with it.
destroying al qaeda from the grassrootsComment
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
And I can quite confidently state that we will not see another high rise building collapse into it's foot print due to fires. Al La Building 7. So every time we have a high rise fire, I will put odds on it not collapsing and make you look a cunt.
The London building still hasn't collapsed. I'm off down the bookies. LOLComment
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
only a complete bell end would use the death of 30+ people to try to prove his point about a 16 year old argument
any other threads you wanna bump while you're at it ?Comment
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
Thanks for acknowledging that my point was proven. There will be more buildings alight in the future. None will fall into their footprint, unless it's a Silverstein building. LOLComment
Re: Guy Disproves A 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 2 Minutes
you couldn't prove your point in 16 years of trying chris, nothing has changed except every time you open your mouth more on the subject you look more and more like a monumental bell end trying, it's self destruct and quite sad
but do carry onComment