During some procrastination from work, I happened by Real Clear Politics' web site, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/polls.html which has a snapshot of current opinion polls for political issues around the country.
Bush's numbers are about the same they've been for the last new months -- hovering around equal numbers approving and disapproving, with the current average spread favoring disapproval by 1.7%.
Here's the interesting thing -- the average poll numbers for Congress' job approval favors disapproval by 26%. Moreover, 60% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, compared to 35.3% who think it is on the right track -- a spread of 24.7%.
What the hell does this mean? People think things are fucked up, but they blame Congress more than Bush? And people called Clinton, "Slick Willie" -- Bush is like friggin' Teflon. Crazy...
Bush's numbers are about the same they've been for the last new months -- hovering around equal numbers approving and disapproving, with the current average spread favoring disapproval by 1.7%.
Here's the interesting thing -- the average poll numbers for Congress' job approval favors disapproval by 26%. Moreover, 60% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, compared to 35.3% who think it is on the right track -- a spread of 24.7%.
What the hell does this mean? People think things are fucked up, but they blame Congress more than Bush? And people called Clinton, "Slick Willie" -- Bush is like friggin' Teflon. Crazy...