A letter written to the Denver Post by a friend of mine. One thing I'd like to point out is that Adrian is not a conservative. He is independent, and may even lean more toward the liberal side of things.
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian R.
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:01 AM
To: 'openforum@denverpost.com'
Subject: Addicted to Refuse
How long will we be addicted to yellow journalism? How long will we enthrone and stuff the pockets of people whose only talent lies in making other people look bad in public? That Michael Moore's muckraking travesty is soaring to the top of the charts says very bad things about our future. What's worse is that many people actually believe that his causes are just and based on righteous tenets. There have been other people who were vocal in their denouncement of capitalism and their favor toward communism, but never before have we allowed such a person to attain such heights of influence and wealth (a wealthy communist?). If any of his predictions regarding the collapse of our country come true, his efforts will have had a large part in bringing them about.
Don't get me wrong...I don't support Bush any more than I support Moore. I just detest people (like Moore) who are the social/political equivalent of the ambulance-chaser. They come running in on the heels of tragedy, publicly hurling blame with little or no proof and often with generous amounts of outright deception, and because people are so shocked and eager to blame someone, they follow like sheep. It's what he did with Columbine, and he's doing it again with 9/11. To me, Michael Moore is the human (is he???) equivalent of Napoleon the pig, as depicted in Animal Farm - the silver-tongued devil, convincing and coercing his fellow livestock to march blindly to their doom, all in the name of freedom and justice.
Adrian R.
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian R.
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 10:01 AM
To: 'openforum@denverpost.com'
Subject: Addicted to Refuse
How long will we be addicted to yellow journalism? How long will we enthrone and stuff the pockets of people whose only talent lies in making other people look bad in public? That Michael Moore's muckraking travesty is soaring to the top of the charts says very bad things about our future. What's worse is that many people actually believe that his causes are just and based on righteous tenets. There have been other people who were vocal in their denouncement of capitalism and their favor toward communism, but never before have we allowed such a person to attain such heights of influence and wealth (a wealthy communist?). If any of his predictions regarding the collapse of our country come true, his efforts will have had a large part in bringing them about.
Don't get me wrong...I don't support Bush any more than I support Moore. I just detest people (like Moore) who are the social/political equivalent of the ambulance-chaser. They come running in on the heels of tragedy, publicly hurling blame with little or no proof and often with generous amounts of outright deception, and because people are so shocked and eager to blame someone, they follow like sheep. It's what he did with Columbine, and he's doing it again with 9/11. To me, Michael Moore is the human (is he???) equivalent of Napoleon the pig, as depicted in Animal Farm - the silver-tongued devil, convincing and coercing his fellow livestock to march blindly to their doom, all in the name of freedom and justice.
Adrian R.
