by watching the trailer i had expected it to be a lousy disaster movie and it is a lousy disaster movie ... i enjoyed watching the old mini-series more than this .. at least that has more plot
War Of The Worlds
Re: War Of The Worlds
i saw it the other day, i think is very original, who the fuck think that the aliens in someway were in the earth like 1 million years ago.....and that shit that they did with humans, something like drinking and dropout..damn that was scary......and the final is the original, who the fuck thinks that the.........haha just jooking, i will recommend this movie.....
also the aliens are like the ones on the independece day or something like that....i mean the head, the body i think they grab it from matrix.... :P">
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.Comment
Re: War Of The Worlds
Last 10 minutes were a bit of a cop out.Score so far: Owned ZoverTard 8 times - twice in one week! Twice more in same weekend.
More than six months later - he's still pissed LOL - check the last visitor - guess who the last visitor is on my profile page.
His newest incarnation this week:♫♫♫♫♫♫Comment
i honestly thought this movie explained absolutely nothing to me.... it had no meaning and was really unbelievable in terms of REASONING... why the end happened the way it did and how it got to that point was never explained and the characters were pretty bad...
for a Spielberg movie i was greatly disappointed, overall the movie was o.k., not even close to the mainstream hype it was given during the NBA playoffs... some cool ideas and special effects in the movie, but it lacked a good substance....
rent it, not worth the ticket price...
Re: War Of The Worlds
well i understand that, human had millions of years on earth so we with time create some mechanism of defense for the virus of the planet......we and the planet are constantly changing or body for better resistence, the machines were here millions years ago before humans, but aliens no, so when they came, their body couldnt defense of the virus on our planet, EVOLUTION, i think....of im wrong explain me better :S">
All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.Comment
Re: War Of The Worlds
this movie had be so tense the entire time, I thought it was very creative and also kinda scary.Comment
Re: War Of The Worlds
is it just me or they totally reused the alien props from independence day? also what is up with aliens and tripods that look like the head of a penis??Comment
Re: War Of The Worlds
The first 45 minutes were enthralling...the rest of it was okay...the ending was a big disappointment...I know it's a remake but Spielberg should have changed the ending...hey, I know, they could've gotten Jeff Goldblum to upload a virus into the mother ship's mainframe with an Apple laptop computer...oh wait, I think it's been done....on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 7...Glenn Okada (
"...without struggle, there is no progress."
Re: War Of The Worlds
Saw this last night and for the most part enjoyed it. Was pretty intense and kind of scary at times which I enjoyed. Was disappointed by ending being so abrupt but all in all it was an entertaining film. At first I thought I had walked into the wrong theatre as the opening scene with the water droplet and the Morgan Freeman Voice Over was pretty similar to the IMAX film COSMIC VOYAGE. Didn't he narrate that too?Doesn't mean I am weird and it doesn't mean I need to be in therapy. www.aaronmossey.comComment
Re: War Of The Worlds
i have about the same opinion as most on the board here, liked the beginning, middle wasn't bad at all, but disliked the ending, too sudden ending and
possible spoiler:
why and how did his sun survive: that was lame.. i actually would of loved it if every human died, or only some survived and got inslaved or something.Comment
Re: War Of The Worlds
i was waiting for along time to see this film and when i saw was disapointed about the story.Comment
Re: War Of The Worlds
The worst movie I ever seen. And I can tell you that I saw a lot of movies. Can?t believe it?s a Spielberg movie. E.T. is far better than this.
Why did aliens came 1 millon years ago? for what reason. Why didn?t they took the earth at that time?. Why to wait?. I can?t believe that Aliens are so stupid to invade a planet without considering the fact of the virus? It?s like we travel to Mars without O2. I spected another kind of story...must be that.
Re: War Of The Worlds
special effects were pretty good.
everything else was mega gay. I'll give one example... the alien sensory technology was all visual!? So if they stayed out of sight they were safe (Ex. the snake thingy in the basement) So lame...
more to follow.. I have yet to fill my beer quota for the night.We are the ones we've been waiting for.Comment
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